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At the end of the day,
how do you want to feel?

Many of us get through the day reaching only a minimum of the satisfaction that we desire. Amidst our doubts and stream of ‘could-ofs, should-ofs and if-onlys’, and often physical and emotional pain, we try to summon the energy and the courage to lose weight, become more active, and take charge of our health.

We wrestle to find that crucial balance — between the inner and outer self, mind and body, rest and activity.


Life’s experiences escalate and weigh on us, concealing our inner beauty and leading us to dissatisfaction. Perhaps we gain weight, stop moving or paying attention to our body. We begin to feel inactive and “less than,” and poor eating habits only further drag us down. We are uncomfortable in our own skin. Our body image suffers. We feel unfulfilled at the deepest essence of our being.

I believe that inside of you, there is a Light — and that when you seek, find and acknowledge this Light, you also rediscover the love and serenity that dwells within.

What gets in the way when our intentions are so good?

We get in our own way.

The good news is that we can also learn to get out of our own way.

Namaste Nutrition offers you a way to banish the negative self-talk, harness your physical power, heal pain, and embrace a radiance that lays untapped deep within you. Through both proper body alignment and mindful eating techniques, this program can lead you to a peaceful place where every day you feel centered in yourself–clear, thoughtful and aware, fulfilled and accepting of who you are at the very core of your being. Through your choice of yoga sessions or nutrition consultations, you can live fully and unconditionally, nourishing your body in a healthy way that nourishes your spirit.

Are you ready to Align / Nourish / Reconnect? Continue your journey below…

Anusara-inspired Yoga info »
Yoga For Mindful Eating info »

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    Anusra-inspired Yoga

    Yoga is a transformative process — one that touches us at every level of our being.

    As an Anusara-inspired yoga teacher™, I infuse our classes with transformation, celebration and growth by supporting you in aligning with Grace.

    The structure of my classes is based on the Universal Principles of Alignment™ of Anusara Yoga®.

    Anusara-inspired yoga »

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    Yoga For Mindful Eating

    A 7-week series aimed at clearing out old habits and behaviors in your relationship with food. Each week, we'll explore:

    • A mindfulness-based approach to eating
    • Using restorative yoga to bring healing to the body and the mind
    • Discovering our true sense of worth
    • Reconnecting to wellbeing in our body
    • Basking in delight in our relationship with food

    Yoga For Mindful Eating »

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    Nutrition Counseling

    Your physical body is fueled by the fruit of the earth. Making appropriate food choices every day establishes and deepens your commitment to your overall health and well-being (as well as your yoga practice) and develops energetic action and balance.

    Yet making changes can be challenging — many of us have a love/hate relationship with food.

    Nutrition Counseling »

The Latest from the Yoga & Nutrition Blog

Where the magic happens

May 12, 2012

Facebook rocks. Because most of my Friends are yoga teachers or spiritual students, it’s a wellspring of theme ideas. And I freely borrow from them. This idea of how fear traps us in our comfort zone while outside us the magic happens is an absurd way we live in the world. It’s been on my mind 2 weeks now. We remain trapped in the status quo – afraid of just what would happen if we succeed? Or fail? Or remain unnoticed? Shri is the beauty of life and at it’s essence, when lived from the magical place in the heart

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