Technologies for Development

July–September 2012


Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD) is an emerging field that focuses on the design, implementation, deployment, and evaluation of innovative technologies for social and economic development. The ICTD research agenda is driven by a desire to bridge the digital divide and make computing useful to the significant fraction of the world's population that lives in underdeveloped areas with limited resources. The articles in this special issue address a number of ICTD themes. Read full article »

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IEEE Pervasive Computing explores the many facets of pervasive and ubiquitous computing with research articles, case studies, product reviews, conference reports, departments covering wearable and mobile technologies, and more.

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Articles from IEEE Pervasive Computing


Digitally Enhanced Food

This article distinguishes three food types based on how pervasive computing has contributed to the design process, production, and final appearance: digitally produced food (DPF), digitally enhanced food (DEF), and computer-assisted food design (CAFD). Read full article »


From Smart to Cognitive Phones

As smartphones interpret and analyze more information, various sensing systems have been built that could enable them to evolve into cognitive phones. Read full article »


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Video: Roy Want, Editor in Chief Emeritus of IEEE Pervasive Computing