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Voted "Best Hosted Forum Service" on the entire Internet!

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ProBoards is the largest host of free forums on the Internet. We provide the best forums and customer service to help your online community thrive.

Free • Remotely Hosted • Reliable • Simple • Customizable
What is a forum/message board?
An internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion website where you and your visitors can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. These messages can then be viewed at any future time, even if you were not online when they were posted. Forums are a great way to foster interaction, discussion, and improve customer loyalty.
Why choose ProBoards?
While other free message board hosts may claim to be the biggest, they aren't. ProBoards is home to over 22 million registered users with over 3 million forums created. Easy to create, simple to use, reliable free forum hosting is what we're best at. In fact we were voted Best Hosted Forum 2011!
How do I create a forum?
Creating a free forum on ProBoards is quick and easy. Just head over to our Create a Free Forum page to begin - it literally takes less than 30 seconds to have your forum up and running! Remember, once your new forum is created, your login username is "admin".
Do I need a forum?
Of course you do! Whether you're a sports fan, hobby enthusiast, music buff, computer geek, animal lover, gardening fanatic or business owner, there's no better venue to exchange ideas and stimulate the free flow of collaborative discussion between like-minded individuals than an online forum. Besides, it's FREE! Make a forum today!
Why should I remotely host?
There are many advantages to using ProBoards' free forum hosting service. There's never any software to buy, license, download, install, integrate, update or debug. We're on the job 24/7 maintaining a completely reliable and secure environment for your forum. You'll enjoy a robust and powerful feature set to manage your community. There are no limits to how many members, topics, or posts your forum has. Last, but not least, we provide you continuous free upgrades to our forum software.
Move my existing forum to ProBoards
Moving your existing forum to ProBoards is as quick and easy as creating a new, free forum account. We even offer some great incentives for you to switch your existing forum to ProBoards!
How much does a forum cost?
Here's the great news: ProBoards forums are completely free! It's free to create a forum, invite your friends or colleagues to join, and even free to create as many topics and discussions as you want. ProBoards is the leading host of free forums!
Can I use my own domain name?
Yes you can! For just $14/year, ProBoards will link your existing domain name directly to your ProBoards free forum. Please note, domain registrars do charge a separate yearly fee for ownership of the domain name.
How much bandwidth do I get?
With ProBoards' free forum hosting service, there are no limits on bandwidth, the size of your membership, number of discussion threads, or forum activity levels. You are welcome to build a community of monumental proportions. Our forums are built to scale for large communities!
What features does ProBoards offer?
ProBoards provides its members the richest feature set of any free forum host including state-of-the-art customization tools, enhanced privacy controls and, powerful moderation tools to name a few. Please see the ProBoards features page for a complete listing of what we have to offer.
Question not listed here?
If you haven't found the answer to your question here, there are many more resources available. You can read through our Getting Started Guide, Forum Help Guide, or contact us on our Support Forum for additional assistance.

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  • Internet Censorship: SOPA and PIPA spacer " />
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