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The Quokka is a marsupial from brushy areas in southwestern Australia. It is a small wallaby, a type of kangaroo. Quokkas can hop with their powerful legs and walk on all four limbs. Their life span is about 5 years in captivity.

Anatomy: Quokkas are about 3 ft (90 cm) long and weigh about 7 pounds (3 kg). Males (called boomers) are larger than females. Females (called fliers) have a pouch in which the young live and drink milk. Babies are called joeys; they stay in the pouch for 5 months.

Diet: These herbivores (plant-eaters) eat grass, leaves, seeds, and roots. They swallow their food without chewing it and later regurgitate a cud and chew it. They need very little water; they can go for months without drinking, and they dig their own water wells.

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