ALM 2.0 API Changes

More information about the PLoS ALM API, including example responses, is available at

Request parameters
  ALM 1.0 ALM 2.0 Comments
General Options
[json|xml|csv] unchanged Response format
callback=x unchanged Will return JSONP
api_key=API_KEY unchanged API key required for all requests
Information about a collection of articles
Query /articles.[json|xml]?query=STRING&api_key=API_KEY unchanged STRING is substring of DOI, useful to search for all articles in a particular journal. Example: “
Options order=[doi|published_on] unchanged Order of results, options are order=doi (default) and order=published_on
cited=[0|1] unchanged Only include articles that have at least one citation (cited=1) or no citations (cited=0)
Information about a single article
Query /articles/DOI.[json|xml|csv]?api_key=API_KEY unchanged Example: “”
Options source=SOURCE unchanged Only return results for SOURCE. Ignored unless citations=1 and/or history=1
citations=1 renamed Renamed to events=1
history=1 unchanged
Response attributes
  ALM 1.0 ALM 2.0 Comments
title unchanged
doi unchanged
pub_med unchanged PubMed ID (PMID)
pub_med_central unchanged PubMed Central ID (PMCID)
published unchanged Publication date in datetime format. Example: ”2009-07-08T00:00:00-07:00″
updated_at removed In ALM 2.0 sources are updated in different intervals, use updated_at parameter of individual sources.
citations_count renamed and changed Renamed to events_count. The number is the sum of the count attribute of all individual sources. The count attribute of individual sources is calculated differently in ALM 2.0 (see below).
Source attributes for requests about a single article (for events=1 and/or history=1)
source unchanged SOURCE name
count changed In ALM 1.0 this is the number of citation elements, for sources that don’t collect individual citations (see below) this number is therefore 1 or 2. In ALM 2.0 it is the total sum of all the values we get from the sources, and therefore very different from ALM 1.0 for sources that don’t collect individual events (counter, biod, pmc, facebook, mendeley).
public_url unchanged
search_url removed
updated_at format changed Changed from timestamp (e.g. 1341158683) to datetime (e.g. “2012-07-02T20:28:35Z”) format
events=1 citations renamed Renamed to events. A collection of citations/events.
citation (for source counter, biod, pmc, facebook, or mendeley) renamed and changed In ALM 1.0 sources that don’t collect individual citations have 1 or 2 citations. Each citation can contain views (counter, biod, pmc) or other attributes (Facebook, Mendeley). In ALM 2.0 sources that don’t collect individual events have an event for every time information was collected (e.g. daily or weekly).
citation (for source citeulike, crossref, scopus, or twitter) renamed and changed In ALM 1.0 sources that collect individual citations have citation attributes depending on the source, the data structure is changed. In ALM 2.0 sources that collect individual events have an event and event_url. The event attributes depend on the source, the data structure is unchanged.
history=1 histories changed In ALM 1.0 counts are rolled up every month. In ALM 2.0 counts are reported for every data point (e.g. daily or weekly), and therefore are not directly comparable to ALM 1.0 historic data.