
  • Introduction
  • Automating Unit Testing
  • Asserting Results
  • Synchronous Callbacks
  • Asynchronous Callbacks
  • Testing User Actions
  • Keeping Tests Atomic
  • Grouping Tests
  • Efficient Development
  • More Tutorials


Automated testing of software is an essential tool in development. Unit tests are the basic building blocks for automated tests: each component, the unit, of software is accompanied by a test that can be run by a test runner over and over again without any human interaction. In other words, you can write a test once and run it as often as necessary without any additional cost.

In addition to the benefits of good test coverage, testing can also drive the design of software, known as test-driven design, where a test is written before an implementation. You start writing a very simple test, verify that it fails (because the code to be tested doesn't exist yet), and then write the necessary implementation until the test passes. Once that happens, you extend the test to cover more of the desired functionality and implement again. By repeating those steps, the resulting code looks usually much different from what you'd get by starting with the implementation.

Unit testing in JavaScript isn't much different from in other programming languages. You need a small framework that provides a test runner, as well as some utilities to write the actual tests.

Automating Unit Testing


You want to automate testing your applications and frameworks, maybe even benefit from test-driven design. Writing your own testing framework may be tempting, but it involves a lot of work to cover all the details and special requirements of testing JavaScript code in various browsers.


While there are other unit testing frameworks for JavaScript, you've decided to check out QUnit. QUnit is jQuery's unit test framework and is used by a wide variety of projects.

To use QUnit, you only need to include two QUnit files on your HTML page. QUnit consists of qunit.js, the test runner and testing framework, and qunit.css, which styles the test suite page to display test results:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>QUnit basic example</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" class="/resources/qunit.css">
  <div id="qunit"></div>
  <div id="qunit-fixture"></div>
  <script src="/img/spacer.gif"> script>
    test( "a basic test example", function() {
      var value = "hello";
      equal( value, "hello", "We expect value to be hello" );

Opening this file in a browser gives the result shown below:

The only markup necessary in the <body> element is a <div> with id="qunit-fixture". This is required for all QUnit tests, even when the element itself is empty. This provides the fixture for tests, which will be explained in the section called "Keeping Tests Atomic".

The interesting part is the <script> element following the testrunner.js include. It consists of a call to the test function, with two arguments: the name of the test as a string, which is later used to display the test results, and a function. The function contains the actual testing code, which involves one or more assertions. The example uses two assertions, ok() and equal(), which are explained in detail in the section called "Asserting Results".

Note that there is no document-ready block. The test runner handles that: calling test() just adds the test to a queue, and its execution is deferred and controlled by the test runner.


The header of the test suite displays the page title, a green bar when all tests passed (a red bar when at least one test failed), a bar with a few checkboxes to filter test results and a blue bar with the navigator.userAgent string (handy for screenshots of test results in different browsers).

Of the checkboxes, "Hide passed tests" is useful when a lot of tests ran and only a few failed. Checking the checkbox will hide everything that passed, making it easier to focus on the tests that failed (see also the Efficient Devlopment section below).

Checking "Check for Globals" causes QUnit to make a list of all properties on the window object, before and after each test, then checking for differences. If properties are added or removed, the test will fail, listing the difference. This helps to make sure your test code and code under test doesn't accidentally export any global properties.

The "No try-catch" ckeckbox tells QUnit to run your test outside of a try-catch block. When your test throws an exception, the testrunner will die, unable to continue running, but you'll get a "native" exception, which can help tremdensly debugging old browsers with bad debugging support like Internet Explorer 6 (JavaScript sucks at rethrowing exceptions).

Below the header is a summary, showing the total time it took to run all tests as well as the overall number of total and failed assertions. While tests are still running, it will show which test is currently being executed.

The actual contents of the page are the test results. Each entry in the numbered list starts with the name of the test followed by, in parentheses, the number of failed, passed, and total assertions. Clicking the entry will show the results of each assertion, usually with details about expected and actual results. The "Rerun" link at the end will run that test on its own.

Asserting Results


Essential elements of any unit test are assertions. The author of the test needs to express the results expected and have the unit testing framework compare them to the actual values that an implementation produces.


QUnit provides three assertions.

ok( truthy [, message ] )

The most basic one is ok(), which requires just one argument. If the argument evaluates to true, the assertion passes; otherwise, it fails. In addition, it accepts a string to display as a message in the test results:

test( "ok test", function() {
  ok( true, "true succeeds" );
  ok( "non-empty", "non-empty string succeeds" );
  ok( false, "false fails" );
  ok( 0, "0 fails" );
  ok( NaN, "NaN fails" );
  ok( "", "empty string fails" );
  ok( null, "null fails" );
  ok( undefined, "undefined fails" );

equal( actual, expected [, message ] )

The equal assertion uses the simple comparison operator (==) to compare the actual and expected arguments. When they are equal, the assertion passes; otherwise, it fails. When it fails, both actual and expected values are displayed in the test result, in addition to a given message:

test( "equal test", function() {
  equal( 0, 0, "Zero; equal succeeds" );
  equal( "", 0, "Empty, Zero; equal succeeds" );
  equal( "", "", "Empty, Empty; equal succeeds" );
  equal( 0, 0, "Zero, Zero; equal succeeds" );
  equal( "three", 3, "Three, 3; equal fails" );
  equal( null, false, "null, false; equal fails" );

Compared to ok(), equal() makes it much easier to debug tests that failed, because it's obvious which value caused the test to fail.

When you need a strict comparison (==), use strictEqual() instead.

deepEqual( actual, expected [, message ] )

The deepEqual() assertion can be used just like equal() and is a better choice in most cases. Instead of the simple comparison operator (==), it uses the more accurate comparison operator (===). That way, undefined doesn't equal null, 0, or the empty string (""). It also compares the content of objects so that {key: value} is equal to {key: value}, even when comparing two objects with distinct identities.

deepEqual() also handles NaN, dates, regular expressions, arrays, and functions, while equal() would just check the object identity:

test( "deepEqual test", function() {
  var obj = { foo: "bar" };
  deepEqual( obj, { foo: "bar" }, "Two objects can be the same in value" );

In case you want to explicitly not compare the content of two values, equal() can still be used. In general, deepEqual() is the better choice.

Synchronous Callbacks


Occasionally, circumstances in your code may prevent callback assertions to never be called, causing the test to fail silently.


QUnit provides a special assertion to define the number of assertions a test contains. When the test completes without the correct number of assertions, it will fail, no matter what result the other assertions, if any, produced.

Usage is plain and simple; just call expect() at the start of a test, with the number of expected assertions as the only argument:

test( "a test", function() {
  expect( 2 );
  function calc( x, operation ) {
    return operation( x );
  var result = calc( 2, function( x ) {
    ok( true, "calc() calls operation function" );
    return x * x;
  equal( result, 4, "2 square equals 4" );

Alternatively, the expectation count can be passed as the second parameter to test():

test( "a test", 2, function() {
  function calc( x, operation ) {
    return operation( x );
  var result = calc( 2, function( x ) {
    ok( true, "calc() calls operation function" );
    return x * x;
  equal( result, 4, "2 square equals 4" );

Practical Example:

test( "a test", 1, function() {
  var $body = $( "body" );
  $body.on( "click", function() {
    ok( true, "body was clicked!" );
  $body.trigger( "click" );


expect() provides the most value when actually testing callbacks. When all code is running in the scope of the test function, expect() provides no additional value—any error preventing assertions to run would cause the test to fail anyway, because the test runner catches the error and fails the unit.

Asynchronous Callbacks


While expect() is useful to test synchronous callbacks (see the section called "Synchronous Callbacks"), it falls short when Asynchronous callbacks. Asynchronous callbacks conflict with the way the test runner queues and executes tests. When code under test starts a timeout or interval or an Ajax request, the test runner will just continue running the rest of the test, as well as other tests following it, instead of waiting for the result of the asynchronous operation.


Instead of wrapping your assertions in a test(), use asyncTest() and call start() when your test block is complete and ready to resume:

asyncTest( "asynchronous test: one second later!", function() {
  expect( 1 );
  setTimeout(function() {
    ok( true, "Passed and ready to resume!" );
  }, 1000);

Practical Example:

asyncTest( "asynchronous test: video ready to play", 1, function() {
  var $video = $( "video" );
  $video.on( "canplaythrough", function() {
    ok( true, "video has loaded and is ready to play" );

Testing User Actions


Code that relies on actions initiated by the user can't be tested by just calling a function. Usually an anonymous function is bound to an element's event, e.g., a click, which has to be simulated.


You can trigger the event using jQuery's trigger() method and test that the expected behavior occurred. If you don't want the native browser events to be triggered, you can use triggerHandler() to just execute the bound event handlers. This is useful when testing a click event on a link, where trigger() would cause the browser to change the location, which is hardly desired behavior in a test.

Let's assume we have a simple key logger that we want to test:

function KeyLogger( target ) {
  if ( !(this instanceof KeyLogger) ) {
    return new KeyLogger( target );
  } = target;
  this.log = [];
  var self = this; "keydown" ).on( "keydown", function( event ) {
    self.log.push( event.keyCode );

We can manually trigger a keypress event to see whether the logger is working:

test( "keylogger api behavior", function() {
  var event,
      $doc = $( document ),
      keys = KeyLogger( $doc );
  // trigger event
  event = $.Event( "keydown" );
  event.keyCode = 9;
  $doc.trigger( event );
  // verify expected behavior
  equal( keys.log.length, 1, "a key was logged" );
  equal( keys.log[ 0 ], 9, "correct key was logged" );


If your event handler doesn't rely on any specific properties of the event, you can just call .trigger(eventType). However, if your event handler does rely on specific properties of the event, you will need to create an event object using $.Event and set the necessary properties, as shown previously.

It's also important to trigger all relevant events for complex behaviors such as dragging, which is comprised of mousedown, at least one mousemove, and a mouseup. Keep in mind that even some events that seem simple are actually compound; e.g., a click is really a mousedown, mouseup, and then click. Whether you actually need to trigger all three of these depends on the code under test. Triggering a click works for most cases.

If thats not enough, you have a few framework options that help simulating user events:

  • syn "is a synthetic event library that pretty much handles typing, clicking, moving, and dragging exactly how a real user would perform those actions". Used by FuncUnit, which is based on QUnit, for functional testing of web applications.
  • JSRobot - "A testing utility for web-apps that can generate real keystrokes rather than simply simulating the JavaScript event firing. This allows the keystroke to trigger the built-in browser behaviour which isn't otherwise possible."
  • DOH Robot "provides an API that enables testers to automate their UI tests using real, cross-platform, system-level input events". This gets you the closest to "real" browser events, but uses Java applets for that.

Keeping Tests Atomic


When tests are lumped together, it's possible to have tests that should pass but fail or tests that should fail but pass. This is a result of a test having invalid results because of side effects of a previous test:

test( "2 asserts", function() {
  var $fixture = $( "#qunit-fixture" );
  $fixture.append( "<div>hello!</div>" );
  equal( $( "div", $fixture ).length, 1, "div added successfully!" );
  $fixture.append( "<span>hello!</span>" ); is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.