
  • The Concept
  • Fiber, Not Foam
  • The Void
  • OESH Shoes vs. plantar fasciitis => young company + best inputs = Big Success
  • OESH Shoes vs. metatarsalgia => young company + best inputs = Big Success
  • OESH Shoes vs. knee pain and runner’s knee => young company + best inputs = Big Success
  • OESH Shoes vs. Morton’s neuroma => young company + best inputs = Big Success
  • History of OESH
  • All Purpose Shoe
  • A Floating Floor
  • Zero Drop
  • Leave Impact Alone
  • All Foot Types
  • Aches & Pains

The Void

The source of OESH comfort

The most distinctive feature of OESH is the opening of the inside part of the sole, where normally there is a midsole. There is nothing else in footwear with this architecture, which is the OESH Void.

The Void is an amazing proposition—in a way it’s the absence of anything that allows the core of OESH (the carbon fiber cantilevers) to function. Only carbon fiber is strong enough to support your body when planted on one foot, yet maintain the Void consistently through the life of the shoe. This V-space opening inside each of the cantilevers is the epicenter of OESH, allowing them the freedom to flex in tune with the rise and fall of the peak forces through your body. No matter how you walk…run…shift your weight when standing…land on your heel…land on your forefoot…pronate…supinate…the Void of OESH gives you the freedom to move–naturally.

So yes, OESH does have a midsole. It’s just a far different midsole than anything else that’s ever been.