CFHE12 Analysis: Summary of Twitter activity

Published on November 26, 2012 at 2:22 pm in Analytics and MOOC. 2 Comments By Martin Hawksey Tags: #cfhe12.
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You may have noticed I missed an analysis of week 5 of CFHE12, but hopefully I’ll capture what I wanted to say and more in this post. In this post I want to pull together a couple of ideas around some of the measurable user activity generated as part of CFHE12. This will mainly focus around Twitter and blogs and will ignore other channels like the course discussion forum, webinar chat or other spaces participants might have discovered or created. I conclude that there are some simple opportunities to incorporate data from twitter into  other channels, such as, summary of questions and retweets.

Twitter Activity Overview

The headline figures for tweets matching the search ‘#CFHE12 OR OR OR’  for 8th October to 18th November 2012 (GMT):

  • 1,914 Tweets from 489 different Twitter accounts
  • 1,066 links shared
  • 10% (n=206) of the tweets were in @reply to another Twitter account
  • Contributions from accounts in 45 countries (top 5  United States of America – 166; Canada – 50; United Kingdom – 43; Australia – 28; Germany – 12) [1]


Looking at week-by-week distribution of contributors and contributions it can be seen that after the initial first 2 weeks the number of tweets posted each week remained consistent around 200. 75% of the Twitter accounts (n=374) contributed tweets to 1 week of CFHE12.

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Comparing Twitter activity with blog posts aggregated with gRSSHopper doesn’t reveal any correlation but it’s interesting to note that whilst the volume of tweets remain relatively consistent for weeks 3 to 6 there is a significant drop in blog posts between week 4 and 5.


Looking at distribution of tweets over day and time shows a lull on Thursdays, but a peak around 1900hrs GMT which would appear to coincide with the usual time slot used for tweetchats.

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Getting more technical having collected the friend follower relationships for Twitter accounts using #CFHE12 for each of the weeks it possible to analyse new connections between community members. At the end of week 1 the top 52 contributors were joined by 286 follow relationships. By the end of the course 45 new follow relationships were created increasing the graph density [0.103774 –> 0.120101597] and reducing geodesic distance [2.008136 –> 1.925296]

The graph below highlights the new relationships (bold line). Nodes are sized by the number of new connections (as part of the archive the friend/follower count is captured with each tweet so it may be possible to do further analysis). Its interesting to note that BarnetteAndrew is an isolated node in G7.


Refining the signals from the Twitter feed

Adam Cooper (CETIS) has recently posted some tips from a presentation John Campbell on development of Signals at Purdue, which includes using a spreadsheet as a starting point as a way to find out what you need. I’ve already got some basic tools to overview a Twitter archive but used the CFHE12 data to experiment with some more.

By week

Adding to the existing Twitter Activity sparklines it’s been possible to extract a summary of week-by-week activity (a basic traffic light). Whilst this is in a way a duplication of the data rendered in the sparkline it has been useful to filter the participants based on queries like ‘who has contributed in week 1’ and ‘who as contributed in all the weeks’. If you were wanting to take this to the next level you’d combine it with the community friendship graph and pay extra attention to the activity of your sub community bridges (for more info on this see Visualizing Threaded Conversation Networks: Mining Message Boards and Email Lists for Actionable Insights).


Conversation matrix

Graphing the conversations (@reply, @mentions and retweets) using TAGSExplorer gives this ball of mess.


Trying to find a more structured way of presenting the data I’ve experimented with an adjacency matrix (shown below or interactive version here)[2]. Each cell is colour coded to indicate the number of interactions (replies, mentions and retweets) between users. For example we can see that gsiemens has had the most interactions with barrydahl. Scanning along the rows gives you a sense of whether a person was interacting with a large number or select few other accounts. For example, pgsimoes has interactions mostly with suifaijohnmak. Filtering tweets for pgsimoes (possible from the link in the left column) it looks like it’s an automatic syndication of suifaijohnmak’s blog posts.


Do you have any questions?


At the beginning of CFHE12 I posted Any Questions? Filtering a Twitter hashtag community for questions and responses. This is a crude tool which filters out tweets with ‘?’ which might indicate they are a question. By counting the number of tweets in the archive which reply to a question you get the following breakdown

  • Total questions 309
  • Questions with replies 44

An important point to note is that as only tweets that meet the search criteria are archived there may be more responses ‘off tag’. The danger in a medium like Twitter used in courses like CFHE12 is that questions may go unanswered, misconceptions are not corrected, feedback is never given.

Part of the issue in the case of CFHE12 is participants are allowed to use tools like Twitter as they please. While this suits ‘visitors and residents’ some additional structure may be beneficial. Two simple approaches would be to direct participants to include the course tag in their reply and highlighting current questions by either using the ‘Any Questions’ tool or in the case of courses using gRSSHopper instead of including all the latest course tweets in the daily email alert filter the search for ‘CFHE12 AND ?’


spacer For a while I’ve had a basic function that extracted the tweets with the most retweets, but <sigh> I think it on the list of developments I’ve never got to blog about. The routine is a relatively simple bean counter that goes through a list of tweets, removes any hyperlinks and crudely shortens the text by 90% (to account for any annotations) and counts the number of matches before returning a list of the top 12. Slicing the data for each week I get these tables. There is probably more analysis required of what is being retweeted before making a decision about how this data could be used. My main question for the #cfhe12 twitter community is doing they have a sense of what is being retweeted the most. The other angle is pushing some of this data into other communication channels like the Daily Newsletter or discussion forums.


So hopefully the summary data I extracted and experimentation with new data views has been useful. Something that has been reinforced in my own mind that more value could be easily gained using Twitter by either providing guidance on use and/or incorporating data from Twitter in other channels more effective (rather than dumping everything into a daily email select some key data). Now that I’ve got a template which splits some of the data into weekly slices it should be easier to deploy and pass data into other systems buy changing some of the dates on the summary sheet.

But what do you think? Are there any particular data views you found useful? If you’ve participated in a community that uses Twitter a lot what additional tools would you find useful to keep track of what is going on?

Get the Data

  • CFHE12 main Twitter archive and activity summary
  • CFHE12 RSSHopper blog post extraction


[1] Countries were reconciled by extracting location recorded in twitter account profile and generating geo-coordinates using recipe here. Locations were extracted for 404 accounts. Co-ordinates were uploaded to GeoCommons and analysed with a boundary aggregation to produce this dataset.

[2] the matrix was generated by exporting conversation data from TAGSExplorer by adding the query &output=true to the url e.g. like this, importing into NodeXL then filtering vertices based on a list of top contributors. This was exported as a Matrix Workbook and imported into the Google Spreadsheet. Conditional formatting was used to heatmap the cells.

Mining and OpenRefine(ing) JISCMail: A look at OER-DISCUSS [Listserv]

Published on November 15, 2012 at 3:31 pm in Google Refine and OpenRefine. 1 Comment By Martin Hawksey Tags: #ukoer.
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I started writing this last week so the intro doesn’t make sense. Slides from the presentation I did are here (all pictures so probably also makes very little).

To paraphrase Stephen Heppell (I’ve misquoted this before):

Content is king, but community is sovereign

The UKOER Programme is having it’s final meeting next week and while the final set of projects come to a close a strong community has formed and I’m sure will continue. Something I was interested in doing is looking at how the community has evolved over time. I’ve previously looked at data around the #ukoer hashtag, but not everyone uses Twitter so I thought I look for another data source.  As email is still a strong component in most peoples everyday lives I started poking around OER-DISCUSS JISCMail (Listserv) list:

A public list for discussion about the release, use, remix and discovery of Open Educational Resources (OER). Managed jointly by OU SCORE Project, and the JISC / HE Academy OER Programme.

As far as I could see there are limited options for getting data out of JISCMail (some limited RSS/Atom feeds) so cue the music for a good out fashioned scrape and refine. Whilst I’ll walk you through this for OER-DISCUSS the same recipe can be used for other public lists.

Source survey

Instead of going straight into the recipe I wanted to record some of the initial thought processes in tackling the problem. This usually begins with looking at what you’ve got to work with. Starting with the list homepage I can see some RSS/Atom feeds, that don’t take me far, instead I turn my attention to the list of links for each months archives. Clicking through to one of these and poking around the HTML source (I mainly use Chrome so a right click in the page gives the option to Inspect Element) I can see that the page uses a table template structure to render the results – good. Next I checked if the page would render even when I was logged out of JISCMail, which I can – good. So far so good.


Next a step back. This looks scrapable so has anyone done this before. A look on Scraperwiki turns up nothing on Listserv or JISCMail, so next a general Google search. Looking for terms like ‘listserv data scrape’ are problematic because there are lots of listserv lists about data scraping in general. So we push on. We’ve got a page with links to each months archives and we know each archive uses a table to layout results. Next it’s time to start thinking about how we get data out of the tables. Back in the Chrome Element Inspector we can see that the source contains a lot of additional markup for each table cell and in places cells contain tables within them. At this point I’m think OpenRefine (nee Google Refine).

Scraping list of archive links

A feature of OpenRefine I use a lot is fetching data from a url. To do this we need a list of urls to hit. Back on the list homepage I start looking at how to get the links for each month’s archive. Hover over the links I can see they use a standard sequence with a 2-digit year {yy} and month {mm}


I could easily generate these in a spreadsheet but I’m lazy so just point a Chrome extension I use called Scraper to find the part of the page I want and import to a Google Spreadsheet.  


[another way of doing this is creating a Google Spreadsheet and in this case entering the formula =ImportXml("","//tr[2]/td/ul/li/a/@href")

Fetching and Refining the Data

spacer Finally we can fire up OpenRefine. You could create a project by using the Google Data option, which is used to import data from your Google Docs, instead as it’s not a huge amount of data I use the Clipboard option. At this point the preview will probably separate the data using ‘/’ and use the first row as a column heading so you’ll want to switch to comma or and de-select ‘Parse next’.

  1. Next we want to fetch each month’s archive page by using the Column 1 dropdown to Edit column > Add column by fetching url using the GREL expression ""+value using the column name month_raw
  2. This pulls in each month’s archive page in raw html. Now we want to parse out each row of data in a new column by selecting the dropdown from month_raw and selecting Edit column > Add column based on this column  using the GREL expression forEach(value.parseHtml().select("table.tableframe")[1].select("tr"),v,v).join(";;;") with the column name rows_raw – this selects the second table with class ‘tableframe’ and joins each row with a ‘;;;’
  3. Next from the rows_raw column use Edit cells > Split multi-valued cells using ;;; as the separator
  4. Again from the rows_raw column dropdown select Edit column > Add column based on this column using the GREL expression forEach(value.parseHtml().select("td"),v,v).join(";;;") with the column name rows_parsed – this joins each <td> with a ;;; which will let us spilt the values into new columns in the next step
  5. Now from the rows_parsed column select Edit column > Split into several columns using the separator ;;;


You should now have something similar to above with columns and rows split out, but still messy with html in the cells. We can cleat these up using Edit cells > Transform using variations of value.parseHtml().htmlText()

Here are the steps I used (the complete operation history you can use in Undo/Redo is here – using this apply all the actions starting with the list of monthly urls)

  1. Text transform on cells in column rows_parsed 4 using expression grel:value.parseHtml().htmlText().replace(" lines","").toNumber()
  2. Rename column rows_parsed 4 to lines
  3. Text transform on cells in column rows_parsed 3 using expression grel:value.parseHtml().htmlText().toDate("EEE, dd MMM y H:m:s")
  4. Rename column rows_parsed 3 to date
  5. Text transform on cells in column rows_parsed 2 using expression grel:value.parseHtml().htmlText().replace(" <[log in to unmask]>","")
  6. Rename column rows_parsed 2 to from
  7. Create column snippet at index 4 based on column rows_parsed 1 using expression grel:value.split("showDesc(‘")[1].split("’,'")[0].unescape("html").parseHtml().htmlText()
  8. Create column link at index 4 based on column rows_parsed 1 using expression grel:""+value.parseHtml().select("a")[0].htmlAttr("href")
  9. Text transform on cells in column rows_parsed 1 using expression grel:value.parseHtml().htmlText()
  10. Rename column rows_parsed 1 to subject
  11. Create column subject_normal at index 4 based on column subject using expression grel:trim(value.replace(/^Re:|^Fwd:/i,""))

You’ll probably notice some of the rows don’t contain the data we need. An easy way to remove these is use a timeline facet on the date column selecting non-time, blank and error and then from the All column dropdown menu select Edit rows > Remove all matching rows.

Tony Hirst has a great post on faceting tricks. Something not covered is clustering data using facets. We use this as a way to join rows where authors have multiple logins eg Tony Hirst and Tony.Hirst

To do this add a text facet to the author/from column and click Cluster: is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.