
Finding the Real Client

When the client isn’t the client When you work on large projects, it’s hard to know exactly who the client is. But I can assure you one thing – especially… [Read it]

Chris Lema spacer

Success Creation

Starting a business in open source requires passion for solving a specific problem. Hopefully the center of that passion project can be focused on elements that will not be wholly… [Read it]

Frederick Townes spacer

Thinking Behind the Business of Sustainable Open Source Software

Open source realizes countless benefits for those who participate in it. The (GPL) licensing model offers a pay it forward promise that demands responsibility and integrity. As users, customers, industry… [Read it]

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Social Tools for all Business Owners

In this fast-paced, ever-changing technology driven world, it can be challenging for small business owners to branch out of the “day-to-day” activities that are required to run a business and… [Read it]

James Hicks spacer

Trying new things, Learn on the fly.

Trying new things is pretty paramount to the success of any business. From the humble cake shop to the biggest international conglomerate. If you don’t innovate you die. At Pagely… [Read it]

Joshua Strebel spacer

Be Inconsistently Consistent.

As I look back at what we’ve built with our business and community within MOJO, I see our successes come from just putting our heads down and staying focused on… [Read it]

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When to say no.

Running a WordPress shop and building awesome things is well…awesome.  I really am privledged to do this for a living.  But if you have worked at this for a while… [Read it]

codyl spacer

What Matters more, Product Features or Support?

The Relationship Between Your WordPress Product’s Features or Support, and the Likelihood for a Customer to Recommend Your Product Have you ever wondered what makes your customers more satisfied: Is… [Read it]

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Don’t underestimate the importance of face time

People call it ‘networking’ … I call it simply making friends.  Meeting new people, or building relationships.  Whatever you call it, as a small business owner, you may look at… [Read it]

lisasabin spacer

Why this, why now?

In my day job as founder of, I think a lot about the business of WordPress. I enjoy reading the thoughts of others as well. I also think the targeted… [Read it]

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