And People Think I Make This Stuff Up

Posted on by guru


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And People Think I Make This Stuff Up — 12 Comments

  1. spacer JSC on said:

    Saw some stuff on this elsewhere. They avoided a public lewdness charge becuz no one wanted to talk about it? Yikes!

  2. spacer El zopilote on said:

    And there was the lady who potty trained her
    kids in a Utah restaurant.

    As our population increases, there is an increase
    in nutjobs.

  3. spacer kathee on said:

    yup. seen stuff like this before. young woman’s head bobbing up and down in her boyfriend’s lap at bar. almost 30 years ago. some crap never changes. sigh.

  4. spacer Andy on said:

    …And The Bloggies Award for shortest blog ever goes to…

  5. spacer Carroll on said:

    Stay safe in the storm this week, Waiter!!

    (Also, Andy’s comment — guffaw!)

  6. spacer thatgirl on said:

    Hope you and your family are okay, sir.

  7. spacer Sandra on said:

    Hope you survived the storm!

    • spacer guru on said:

      All is well with me. Thank you!

  8. spacer Bob Dobbs on said:

    Good. Stay warm.

  9. spacer Diego on said:

    I’m sooo glad someone else has seen this kind of thing. I saw this stuff happening during a dinner show in California. It was happening under the table, not on top of it, but still …?

  10. spacer Simon Calls on said:

    Oh my goodness! Those poor employees should check out and scroll through the job board!!

  11. spacer Alissa Banks on said:

    I have been involved with catering fort worth tx and I feel people are more extreme in the comfort of their own homes! I have had so many stories!


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