What is CERP?

This center is designed to inform the computing community about patterns of entry, experience, and progress through academic programs and research careers, and to evaluate the effectiveness our intervention and support programs for women and under represented minorities are at attracting them and helping them persist in research careers.

CERP is collecting, analyzing, and reporting institutional and individual survey data from a representative sample of “data buddy” computer science and computer engineering departments. It is supported by the National Science Foundation as part of a Broadening Participation in Computing grant to an alliance of the Computing Research Association Committee on the Status of Women (CRA-W) and the Coalition to Diversify Computing (CDC).

The purpose of CERP is to examine outcomes for undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty from a broad range of computing programs. Its primary goal is to provide comparison data for evaluation of several Broadening Participation in Computing programs for underrepresented students. We also expect it to provide valuable insight and benchmarking information beyond that initial use.

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