Infographic: improvements in search for more Intelligent self-service

by Stephanie Zou

Recent studies tell us that more and more customers prefer self-service over contacting a support agent; and as the below infographic illustrates, a whopping 91% say they would use a knowledge base if it met their needs. This is great news for businesses; self-service is the fastest and most cost-effective way to customer support.

Zendesk offers many ways to help meet the needs of your self-service customers, including access to knowledge bases and community forums on the web and even on their mobile devices. But we’re always thinking about how we can continue to help you build your self-service community.

Today, we’re introducing search improvements that make finding the information your users are looking for faster and easier by predicting what they intend to search for.

Here are just some of the improvements in search you and your customers will be seeing:

  • Find only the best matches: narrow in on the best results for each search query even if the user’s search keywords are not exact. (We have a patent application pending on this advanced stemming technology!)
  • Promote your forum content: emphasize user- or agent-generated content by boosting the type of content you want to showcase at the top of search results.
  • Rank hot topics higher: move articles that answer frequently asked questions and searches higher up in search results. (This is an exclusive feature for our Enterprise plan customers.)

To read more about the search improvements in detail, check out our forum post or user’s guide.


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<img title="intelligent search infographic" src="/img/spacer.gif"> <pre><em>Image originally posted on <a class="">Zengage, The Zendesk Blog</a></em>[/html]

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