Gumtree Support

Please note Gumtree do not send users text messages - if you have received a competition winner text this isn't from Gumtree it is a Scam attempt.

Need Help ?

Gumtree basics

Getting started, how to post ad, account setting, how to edit your ad...

Something not working?

Can’t log in, email confirmation, can’t post an ad, can’t reset password...

Report abuse or violations

Have you seen something dodgy? We can help you with reporting ads...


How do I post an ad, Why is my ad still processing?, I can't find my ad...

Business accounts

Job accounts, Housing accounts, Motors accounts, Display advertising, Sponsored links...

Safety advice

Safety advice, Reporting a safety issue, Safety@Gumtree

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Top 10 FAQs

  1. I can't find my ad. What's happened?
  2. How do I post an ad
  3. Why is my ad still processing?
  4. Why has my ad been removed or deleted?
  5. I haven’t had a reply when I responded to an ad
  6. I've been the victim of a scam. What should I do?
  7. Can I post an ad on all Gumtree cities?
  8. How do I report spoof Gumtree emails or spoof Gumtree websites?
  9. Why aren't I getting many replies to my ad?
  10. What do the statuses in 'Manage your ad' mean?