
May 27



Locals and Tourists #2 (GTWA #1): New York (by Eric Fischer)

Mapping photos taken in NYC. Blue = locals. Red = tourists. Yellow = could be either. This = awesome.

Reblogged 2 months ago from arainert

30 notes

May 27

Many note the term “mobile” no longer fits the bill. While current trends started there with the first truly robust smartphones, it insinuates a usage (on the go) and a bandwidth (paltry at best) that often isn’t the case. A good look at the data my phone slurps down every month is all I need to know it’s a broadband life that little electronic sidekick of mine is living.


via Stuntbox - Lightweight Computing

This puts clearly into words a problem I’ve been struggling with, but have had trouble explaining. I’m not so into Lightweight Computing as the term, though.

Posted 2 months ago

4 notes

May 19

Music Taste And Web 2.0” investigated how participants view music recommendation services in relation to other sources of music exposure. A key finding showed that, particularly for committed music fans, the joy of discovering music “lies in the labour of the task”. In fact, the real appeal of using music recommendation services, suggests Stamp, may be precisely because they aren’t perfect and users still have to sift through bad suggestions.


Study Takes Critical Look At Music Recommendation - hypebot (via ubiqwitness)

Fascinating stuff.

(via mikehudack)

Reblogged 2 months ago from mikehudack

14 notes

Apr 16

And a nice and simple value prop

Posted 3 months ago

Apr 16

Value prop: nice and simple

Posted 3 months ago

Apr 11

awesome!!! I have been waiting and hoping for this to be possible. will try tonight on the Mac Mini connected to my livingroom sound system at home…


This little How-To is intended for Snow Leopard and ShairPort 0.03.

All credits to James Laird for his reverse engineering work. My best regards to him and his girlfriend.

Download ShairPort 0.03.

Download and install MacPorts.

Download and install Apple Developers tools (XCode): register to the iOS or Mac development program and grab it for free or purchase it from the Mac App Store.

Open Terminal (you can find it in Utilities subfolder in Applications folder) and write

sudo port install openssl libao nss avahi

then write your account password (this will take a lot of time!)

When the command finishes write

sudo cpan HTTP::Request

and write your account password (write yes two times if it asks for auto configuration and best mirror).

sudo cpan HTTP::Message

sudo cpan Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA

sudo cpan IO::Socket::INET6

Now we need to launch some processes, so in terminal write again

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.freedesktop.dbus-system.plist

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.freedesktop.avahi-daemon.plist

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist

in the ShairPort-0.03 directory (use cd to navigate through folders in terminal) write


Edit the with and set a custom machine name on line 7 (this is what will appear on the iOS app or iTunes speakers list).

Each time you want to start ShairPort you need to open terminal, navigate to the shairport-0.03 folder and run



Surely someone will create a full featured application to easily start and stop ShairPlay, but for now it should be enough to listen you music on your mac(s).

Reblogged 3 months ago from mmacteo

11 notes

Apr 4



(via This is Why People Pirate Movies)

To be fair, you also get the director’s commentary and often some pretty sweet extras. But god, yeah, nothing irks me more than being advertised to on a DVD I PAID for. 

Reblogged 3 months ago from arainert

111 notes

Apr 4



We’re liveblogging this important news … so click thru for more updates …

Bad news.

Reblogged 3 months ago from mikehudack

99 notes

Apr 4


Josh Nimoy, one of ITP’s finest, publishes details of visual effects for Tron Legacy. (via jtnimoy - Tron Legacy (2010))

Go class of 2004

Reblogged 3 months ago from femmebot

1 note

Mar 30

Are Happy People Dumb? - Shawn Achor - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review


In fact, happiness is the single greatest competitive advantage in the modern economy. Only 25% of your job successes are predicted based upon intelligence and technical skills, though we spend most of our education and most companies hire based upon this category. The “silent 75%” of long-term job success is based upon your ability to positively adapt to the world: optimism, social support creation, and viewing stress as a challenge instead of as a threat.

Reblogged 3 months ago from rosiesiman

7 notes

I'm Dan Melinger and this is where I put what I see and think sometimes. I'm probably ~10-15% bionic.


    bionicDan on Twitter is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.