
Formerly The Eclectical Recepticale

Wallace's Poetry

Human Angels

Posted by Wallace on 25 November 12

"Life is difficult!"
I cry in deep despair tonight,
So an angel from heaven
Is sent to be by my side.

He swoops down on mighty wings
In tumultuous skies.
Black forces, pent up and waiting,
Strike him down as he flies.

In my dream, I see him.
I open up my eyes.
An angel stands there bleeding,
Injured and dying.

"Yes, life is difficult,"
The angel lets me know.
"You are stronger than me:
You have a human soul."

"You can repair my wounds;
You can restore my life;
You can keep me safe
Until I'm well and right."

The only way to keep an angel safe
Is to close your eyes and dream,
So I lay back to sleep
While he lays right next to me.

In my dream, I watch over him
Rather than him watching over me.
I touch his hand and feel his pain.
I see visions of him as a man.

"You are in love with this man.
He's a reflection of my light.
Someday, you'll be together,
But not in this lifetime."

As I heal the angel,
I wake up too soon.
I'm afraid of losing myself,
So I watch my angel disappear.

This life is difficult:
Everyone you love will die.
We all have human angels.
Please keep them safe and well.

To Be Loved

Posted by Wallace on 31 January 11

I wish that I could be loved
To hold the hand of God
That stars shining above
Could ignite a lightning rod

Many years and days alone
I walked and prayed with you
I no longer know my home
I have searched to find your truth

I sat by you on this shore
Upon rocks in the sand
Waiting to be adored
Yet, refusing to take your hand

I hear these waves crash and die
Short lifespans savage, then gone
I feel so still inside
Always a bit withdrawn

I wish that I could be loved
To believe, to be with you
To touch and to be touched
As each night and day renew

Final Credits

Posted by Wallace on 20 May 08

mixed and tumbled
yet inherent
lacking spirit

fake smiles
phony happiness
self destructing

not here
never found
inside out
gagged and bound
gone forever

tasteless but tasting
wasting, wasting, wasting
sick and sad
pitiful, with no pity
to be found

sinful without sinning
hiding all
by telling nothing
that's important

picture frames
empty, absent
gathering dust
boxes filled with stuff
unused, rusted

why continue?
dull, droning, dull
drawing on and on
just waiting for
the final song
while the credits roll

Little Yellow Ducky

Posted by Wallace on 20 May 08

Little yellow duck strutting along
Quacking your song as you trot
Not a thought in your mind
Beside finding a bug
A tasty slug
To eat

Silly duck, you are without worry
No sorrow, no cares of tomorrow
Just a bit hungry, but that's it
What if you get sick?
You are far from home, alone
It's cold

Cute, tiny ducky, so very lucky
To have made it this far on the road
You don't even know the danger
Should a stranger notice you
Someone who isn't too keen
With you being happy

Little yellow duck plodding along
Still singing a ditty as you spot
A grub in a sidewalk crack
A tasty snack to munch on
Snap, you grab it up
To fill your belly

Smelly, slimy grub slithering by
You were just out for the day
When a big yellow thing appeared
Snatched you into the air
Now, you've disappeared
Like you were never
Even here


Posted by Wallace on 15 May 08

Here here here
I lie on the ground
Rooted down, scared to move
Not sure what to do
I'm frightened, trembling
I lie on the ground
Not making a sound
Pray it will go away

Fear fear fear
Heart beating, pumping
So incredibly loud
Panic and pain, shame
I'm too young to die
On this foreign land
Barely old enough
To even be a man

Where where where
Did my dreams vanish
To vanquish, overcome
Carry my country
Bring freedom, light, right
Fighting every day
Until I'm old and grey

Spear spear spear
In my heel piercing
Now I will never see
My future children
My wife beside me
Only the cold ground
A burial shroud
Covered, hidden, unclean

Cheer cheer cheer
This valiant tale
You speak of my battle
Make me immortal
Pass my story through
Each generation
Even though I failed
Every war needs a hero

shuffle, without repeat

Posted by Wallace on 6 May 08

The wind, the breeze cuts through, blows through, whips through me
Hits my face and slits my veins as I try to walk away
without thinking
As I try to stop the tears from falling down my cheeks
without blinking
without bringing up every memory of a happier day

Summer is almost here, yet the cold resounds, re-echoes my fear
Will winter ever pass? Will the chill, the frigid white snow melt
Letting daffodils fill the space, the place I continue to stay
without you
every day without you
every hour without you
The tears continue to burn my skin, drying, dripping onto my chin

I love you, yet not once did I ever voice those words since childhood
I love you, I cannot say it enough now
without sobbing
my heart throbbing
the pain robbing me from taking any action besides self-pity
Where I spend each day colorless, lifeless, hideously a zombie
Eating my own brain so the sadness will leave
Feasting on this grief

I claim I no longer care, in apathy, with despair
Afraid to lose you again by loving someone else
Replacing these images of you with his
ceasing to be able to limn your eyes
To describe how you were kind
forgetting every moment
blotting it from my mind

Now, this wind, this breeze ceases to shear my body
We walk along in tandem, companions, as I turn up my iPod to hear a song
with shuffle on
without repeat
Wiping, rubbing the tears from my cheek, I close my eyelids and begin to sing

White Rabbit

Posted by Wallace on 3 May 08

I spied a white rabbit, pure as the snow
Running through the field
Running through the grass
Stopping a moment to lift his head into the air
Sniffing the breeze

I spied a white rabbit and loved him at once
His fur looked so soft and fluffy
He was beautiful, lovely
I wanted to pick him up
To take him home to hug

I spied a white rabbit and snuck up on him
Quietly tiptoeing without a sound
Slowly going one step at a time
So I could grab him and make him mine
Before he scooted off, terrified

I spied a white rabbit, but he didn't see me
He didn't know I even exist
He didn't suspect I was waiting nearby
To scoop him into my arms
Leaving his world far behind

I spied a white rabbit and oh how I tried
To make him my pet
To take the wild creature and tame it
When I touched his fur, though, he bit
His sharp teeth aren't nearly so cute
I guess (now he's dead), I'll be having rabbit soup


Posted by Wallace on 3 May 08

No-one exists for me
No-one will ever be
Neither here nor there
Nor anywhere
For eternity

No friend holds out a hand
No woman, no man
No-one cares I'm sad
My family can't be found
They're never around

Yes, this anger is eating me alive,
Tearing me up inside
It builds, it fills my brain
I can't pass a single day
Without feeling hurt,

My sanity has decayed
Until my very flesh is flayed
I'm cutting into the vein
To release the pain;
So I can let go of hate,
To finally think

Verily, I must admit:
I wish I had died
That last time I tried
I wish I felt more
Than unhappy and sore

I wish I weren't so bored
Tired of endless strife
Of my entire life
Really, what should I expect?
Life to be fair? The world to be perfect?

Am I even real?
Oftentimes, I can't feel a thing
You haven't ever felt the same
Yet you try to push the blame,
Ridicule and bully
Push me down

At this point, I've had enough
Enough of you, enough of me
Enough of being, yet never being free
Enough of people pretending
They understand who I really am
People who won't help,
Who say I shouldn't be sad

But I am sad
What choice do I have?

These scissors are rough
Not as sharp as a razor blade
Now, I just want to collect
Enough blood in this sink
To drain the evils
To flee--a small reprieve
From being me

Rather than to scream or shout
Or gouge my eyes wildly out
I want another route
I'd happily follow any other path,
I'd select any place but here
I'd pick any feelings
Anything but anger and fear

I just can't connect
While I keep feeling sick
Why do I bother to explain
You don't care or feel my pain,
So I'm giving up caring as well
About myself

No-one is here for me
No-one shall ever be
Anywhere at all
I am alone
For eternity

The Riddle

Posted by Wallace on 21 April 08

I am the day and the night
The dark and the light
The virgin queen
Perverse and obscene
Real but a dream

I am the pale moon shining down
Into your soul as you drown
With secrets you can never know
Whispered, inaudible
Quick, merciful and cold

I am the shade under the tree
As you rest your head to sleep
Moving with the breeze to hide
Cowardly leaving you behind
To be burnt and fried

I am empty yet I have all
Beautiful, divine, terrible
A vision incomplete
I cannot be seen
Unless you truly believe

I am gold and dust
Pure, worthless, unloved
Without your love

I won't ask for anything
Other than everything
Until you have nothing

I hold your birth and life
I pick when you will die
I stand outside of time

Who am I?


Posted by Wallace on 21 April 08

Someday, someday
In muted yellow and grey
I will lay down to die
Bound by the earth
Bound by the sky

One day, one day
My body will be free from pain
I shall leave it behind
Out from the ground
Out I will fly

Today, today
The time passes as I wait
Torn, sodden, and half-blind
I long to go
Yet, I want to be alive

cold embrace

Posted by Wallace on 18 April 08

I embrace these sweet patterns
arise from cold cold embers
to inhale swift pains in Hell

his designs
burnt into my eyes
silent orbs

blush flushed and forced
piercing through the flesh
words barely read instead
in eulogy a voice low and hoarse
prior to my burial march

hearing the cries echo
searing into dull aches
when all is empty and without taste
"Such a waste" repeated
until it has no meaning
only shame

draped in black within a hearse
the line steady
irreversible without rehearsal
my parents trailing
plodding ahead
old age outliving youth

in my coffin
somehow lips and cheeks still vigorous red
amidst the blue blue skin
lids forced open

jasmine and incense
impart traces of stranger scents
from a mortician's embalming fluids
set beside the pallor of death

the last scoop of earth
shoved onto this berth
the final resting place
but not my end

here I live
but not in peace

here I lie
yet I did not die

here I smile
with a smile that doesn't reach my eyes
painted onto curled ruby lips
muted and terrible

my Demon

Posted by Wallace on 18 April 08

a demon lives in me
silently bleeding
unfeeling, unseen
broodingly dark
never free
never leaving

there is a demon
who fills my heart
takes all my energy
tears me apart
until I'm stark
yet unclean

this demon picks my bones
gnawing me down, empty
never alone from the cries
yet alone all the time
frighted and blighted

Damn you, Demon, be gone!
What did I do so wrong?
To have you by my side
To listen to you
In my mind
Whispering words unkind

Demon, you are blind
You need my body to thrive
You need me but I
Do not need you
Once I'm dead,
What will you do?

Let me turn out the light
Snuff the candle wick
Flick off the switch
On all that's sick
No, it's not another trick
So go back to Hell,
You Bitch


Posted by Wallace on 28 March 08

shooting, shrieking stars of suffering
anguish amidst our angst
we angry apparitions who dance
moving in misery
mercurial motions of the zombie mob
present yet history
rotting and robbed

cohesive absent cognizant thought
crazed easily by carnal delights
fleshy flights of fancy
enthralled, entranced, endless
such frenzied fantasies glut our corrupt minds
while trace memories attract us
with the artifacts of life

plummeting into a bottomless pit
bound by ethereal, eternal night
smiling still as we slide and swirl
hungering for our humanity
incomplete, needing, greeding
never full

Letting Go of My Heart

Posted by Wallace on 21 March 08


Bright, filling up the night
No clouds obstructing the light
No colors taking away
By the blueness of the day

Slowly charting across the sky
The moon rises to an apex
In glimmering, majestic height
Offering the only way

These shadows that surround
Which once I feared to walk through,
Or to leave their midst
Rather to drown, comforted in death

Even a bit of light fills my emptiness
Wiping away the dark
Just as a fire started by a single spark
Drives off the cold


So, I must leave my soul to seek you
Push my thoughts aside
As I embrace the divine
I become complete

When I abandon all belief
When I allow compassion to be my guide
The golden rule will shine
And my enemy is my own reflection

Yet, I am not wise enough to leave
My vision is not strong enough
I cannot see to follow
But if we join together
When we walk together, we both become better

So if I fall or you stumble
Our hands would hold fast
In good times, in bad
Not clutching the past
Until the last


For my entire life, I was outside
Yet still stuck inside my mind
Ego, cynical, a black hole
Waiting to be filled with earth
In the grave since birth

Always using clever words to hurt
One with the dark
Hiding from the blinding sun
Closing my eyes

Silver moon, your rays are softer
Less harsh than those of day
Your gentle shafts shimmer
To brush away these shades
Opening up my sight

You have shown me your beauty and your light
Wherein the sharp sadness was stealing
Whilst revealing I existed as just a specter
A spectator who floated about
Without the touch of your purest love

My heart is no longer broken
I let it go and you healed
Thank you, God, for giving me a chance
Real at last, I am no longer a ghost
Finally, I can feel

Partner Soul

Posted by Wallace on 15 March 08

Form One

I wonder why I should bother to care
I look inside me and nothing is there
I want to die but hope remains
I want to live without these invisible chains
that restrain

I used to believe I would find my love
A man to accept me, the only one
So perfect, true, idealized
Finally, I grew up and then I realized
the lie

I am meant to be alone for all time
Fantasizing a touch which is not mine
Stroking his hair, while parted lips
Breathlessly slip into his soft, gentle kiss
with bliss

Oh, heavenly glow when two parts become whole
When hearts combine to find a partner soul
When colors burst into a rainbow of heat
Two heart rhythms sharing a single beat

A vision seductive, maddeningly so
Pushing and pulling my thoughts to and fro
Adrift in a sea of painful needs and wants
Where the man of my dreams beckons and taunts

So, why won't I accept just anyone?
Why am I picky, expecting too much?
I simply want to find this man
My love, my one true companion
my equal

Form Two

I wonder why I should bother to care
I look inside me and nothing is there
I want to die but hope remains
I want to live without restraint

I used to believe I would find my love
Someone to accept me, the only one
So perfect, true, idealized
Until I realized the lie

I will be alone for the rest of time
Fantasizing a touch which is not mine
Stroking soft hair, while parted lips
Breathlessly slip into a kiss

Oh, heavenly glow when two parts become whole
When hearts combine to find a partner soul
When colors burst into a rainbow of heat
Two heart rhythms sharing a single beat

A vision seductive, maddeningly so
Pushing and pulling my thoughts to and fro
Adrift in a sea of painful needs and wants
Where this image from my dreams beckons and taunts

So, why won't I accept just anyone?
Why am I picky, expecting so much?
I simply want to find the one
My love, my true companion, my equal


Posted by Wallace on 9 March 08

I've destroyed your joy, your happiness
Cut you into pieces with bits of glass
I never realized the power I had
To tear you up and make you feel sad
Every tear that falls as you cry, as you bawl
It's all my fault

I've destroyed your entire life, your pride
When I made you my embittered wife
Took away every shred of decency
Snatched away your morals and beliefs
Left you tossed about in a sea of doubts
Threw you out to sink

I've brought you to the brink gasping for air
Without anyone who even cared
Without a friend to hold your hand
No-one to bring you safely back to land
Then when you did come back to earth
I let you die of thirst
In a thankless desert

I wonder why I've been so mean
Why haven't I seen what you've seen?
I can't visualize this monster you describe
The reflection of me in your beautiful eyes
The man who you blame for each and every thing
Even the cheapness of your blessed wedding ring

I wish I had known I was such scum
Now, I do, so really--thank you
For letting me know I'm an unfeeling asshole
Oh yes, I'll leave you alone
Continue to rant; scream all you can
Keep up your childish act

I hope you realize as much as you despise
To accept anything real in your pitiful life
That you won't get what you want anymore
I am throwing you back to that lonely shore,
My hands won't pull you back from the edge
Go ahead, jump off that ledge
To find your happiness, peace

As for me, I'm going to leave

Parting the Cracked Glass

Posted by Wallace on 7 March 08

Mirror mirror on this wall
I can't seem to find my face
Am I lucid? Awake?
Why do I disintegrate
When I touch the silver surface
Slither through, slip into
The other side

So cold within
I know I've died, yet here
Is where I remain
Why don't I disappear?
Not even my despair
Can repair my disgrace
Nothing can start this lifeless heart
Nor replace the lives I must take
The innocent blood I taste
Each day

I trace
My finger along the cracked glass
Thinking back to when
A simple cut, a slash
On my skin would make me cringe
The very sight of blood
I would turn away
Now, the very nourishment
I crave
Without it I go insane

Everything was about me
Never considered another
No true friend nor lover
Any tears I cried were for me
Fixated on my pain

To be or not to be
Without meaning for me
If I must endure
Without living, without seeing
Never believing, always deceiving

Narcissism, sin, self-loathing my skin
A wolf wearing a wolf's clothing
Never pretending to care
While pretending I was someone
But no content fills the hole
The void only empty, bleak
Without dreams, leaving nothing
As I am no-one at all

So mirror mirror on the wall
What is the point of being beautiful
When I can't even see my face
I can't reason
Can't think; can't float away
Only able to slide into you
To take others through
Then when I do, I seal
Their doom

The Box

Posted by Wallace on 7 March 08

Saturate, separate
Ideas and thoughts pieces to the clandestine key
Words that alienate
Not designed to instigate
Not written to please

Is it a crime to be blunt outside?
Ripping, tearing at the cracks
Existing without color inside
Immersed in blacks

Stuff us in this little box
Because we won't sing along
We'll never belong

We look out from a place you can't see
No-one here for company
But the shadows and sadness with us
Waiting to be freed

Are we the light when all is gone
The faith that right can become wrong
An onyx flame engulfing all
As a song trumpets a battle call
Leading to the fall

Are we the ones you want to fear
What makes us something to hate
Open up the box
To quickly peer inside
Releasing those within who hide:
Death, hope and disease

The Salmon

Posted by Wallace on 4 March 08

Born at the beginning of time
After the tree of life formed
Below water dripped and poured
Forming a well where hazel acorns fell
A salmon ate those seeds until he knew
Everything that's good and true
All the evil and vile strife
Forged from the infinity of life

Thus, he awaits in soft sunlight
By the blackened pool of night
In balmy days with sky blue
When storms strike, it is here he stays for you
Wading within the well in water still
Almost like he's pining for
A lover he once adored
Longing to see your face before he died

He knows your name and what you seek
He knows the path is long and bleak
He knows the stars guide you at night
He knows you are good, just and right

He knows that some will block your way
He knows some will force you to slay
He knows you are the one to free
The world from pain, death, and disease

So now you have come, simple one
He would shout out in high joy
But for the saddest of news
You must dine on freshly caught fish tonight
By the flicker and flames of soft firelight
By this blackened pool and well
His trap of infernal hell
You must eat his delicate flesh
To finally receive your wish

The Morning After

Posted by Wallace on 24 February 08

sun streaming through this open window
with the light hurting such tender eyes
weak from pains I can't even describe
I heave myself out of bed and go
to pull the shade

squinting, I jerk the window blind down
when my bared right arm swims into view
stains cover it in assorted hue
some are dark, almost black; others brown
dried; some spots fade

frozen in my tracks, let me think back
where was I last night? I can't recall
damn this dull ache throbbing in my skull
blotting out all faculty to grasp
a simple thought

pivot to return to my soft bed
where I can close these lids, rest some more
likely another stupid dream...sure
makes a great deal more sense to my head
than all of this

the weird scene before my eyes surprise
can't begin to detail what they meet
what they see, shock won't even compete
the floor, walls, sheets...nothing could describe
let me go blind

now, I remember, I realize
what occurred from the previous night
now, one thought pervades and stays this time
swirling, sickening inside my mind:
I wish that I
had died instead

Cut Me Up

Posted by Wallace on 22 February 08

I've given up on you for all time
Your little group--you and your friends
I don't belong; I don't fit in

I've given up on being the one
Who another person could love
I'm never right; I live in night

I've given every thought and each dream
Wasted on hopes I will not see
I can't survive; I can't believe

I've given every feeling for bliss
Loving you, needing your kiss
I'll not get it; I long to scream

I've given, given with only pain
Vainly returned just to be hurt
I want to hate; I want to curse

I've given myself to this despair
Go, I really no longer care
I feel nothing; I've gone insane

You've taken and taken, then you leave
Forsaken, you hope I'll disappear
I was miserable with you here

I'm still alive somehow, not dead yet
I won't cry now, you don't deserve it
I won't ever let you see me grieve
I will never let you see me bleed

Below the Cellar

Posted by Wallace on 22 February 08

Rushing water pours into cloth, then slowly trickles
Down it drops--plop, plop into the opening below
Ruddy, dank with foul odors to depths without fathom
Falling, spiraling globular sprinkles, one by one
Finally reach the bottom where they puddle luminous
In this deepest, darkest recess beneath the cellar

A shaft of light appears above, up in the cellar
When a door opens with a heavy clang--sound trickles,
Awakening the creature whose eyes, luminous,
Open in the chilled and forsaken space here below
Small pearls of sound beyond herself from any other one
Welcomed; cries of anguish stifle thoughts she can't fathom

Her delicate visage holds beauty with no fathom
Most would gasp in shock to see her below the cellar
Cowering on the floor, shivering, ravenous one
Denied food for so long, the hunger in waves trickles,
Flitting through her brain pushing everything else below
Transformed from strong to weak, yet still cruel and luminous

Long, red hair spills along her pale body, luminous
Even in dread night, no soul could resist nor fathom
Keeping her here, imprisoned, cageless yet caged below
She feels anger swell within her under this cellar
No thirst for any of these brackish, curdled trickles
This liquid that barely sustains or keeps alive one

Her fingers dig into damp soil, earth, the very one
Where she was buried long ago, so pure, luminous
Before her fall from grace from that wound where blood trickles,
Coagulates and stops the heart, yet springs forth fathoms
Desire to live again; now stuck beneath this cellar,
While this craving won't go--never can she rest below

She howls and writhes, pounds her fists into the ground below
Her hands evince numerous cuts, which heal one by one
She would crawl along these walls up into the cellar:
Drink blood; decapitate her captors, while luminous,
Cold eyes take in mute cries, deeply savor, fathomless;
Watch them slowly die, while on her mouth their blood trickles

Each day she plots revenge
When church organ music
Wafts down into her lair

An Offering

Posted by Wallace on 16 February 08

Can I buy your soul since I don't have my own?
I don't want your flesh or your touch
Not even your love
You won't miss it much until you've grown old
Oh, you won't even care once it's gone

I can bring you luck, success
With such divine happiness
Glorious lights shining down
Bask as golden chimes ring out

I can bring darkness on those you hate
Make their fates worse than death
Punish them all as they cry to be saved
Take away their hopes; leave them blessed
With the blight of my chilled caress

I can leave you until the end
So you don't remember, my friend
Ignorance would truly be bliss
Until that final, fateful kiss
Oh yes, I'm sure that I would not be missed

Make up your mind soon
This offer will close
I don't make it to the old
Only those young enough
Who can give me what I want

Your soul is still so bright
A little bit of light
Left for me to savor
Innocently flavor

Don't wait too long
Your future could be grand
Here before the wave of my hand
For the price of a song

Remember, you own your soul
Nothing wrong, just let it go
No-one but you and I here
No need for dread or fear
Really, no-one else will ever know

Flesh and Blood

Posted by Wallace on 31 January 08

Sublime droplets of rain
Drizzle dewy freshness sink
Into the opened skin, then drain
Within the hollow of my being
My eyes wide, unseeing
Hushed before daylight's bitter decay

These sins are too great
No, never forgiven
These sins are too great
To comprehend this living,
Continue onward anymore:
Heartless, shadow, empty core

Heavy water pours
Through--fill up the soul
From their love, angels sob

A vessel, clay and shallow
Created to hold nourishment
Cracks beyond the surface; leaking out
Discolored, silvery substances
Warp and weaken the body
Sliding it slowly into damp ground

These sins are too harsh
To bear, remember...despair
These sins are too harsh
My heart, trying never to care,
Beating as the blood flows out
Silent screams echo and shout

Dear God, lead me not
Into temptation

Forgive me all
Each, every blasphemy
Forgive this life
Wrapped in cold, watery deceit
Forgive, forget
Take these memories, debts,
Regrets--leave me
Take all my pain away
Tear and rip; strip these clean
Every impure thought, obscene

Day passing away
So beautiful, so vague
Day passing away
Light phasing out between the lines
One second, forms bright, glimmer
Shudder then recover, shine

Now, suddenly blind
Without sight or mind

Falling into night
Magnificent in shadows
Falling into night
No voices crying now, silent
No prayers are forming now
No savior left to avow

My sins into me
My sins are me
My sins out of me
So all can be seen:
No longer hidden inside

Moonlight Kite

Posted by Wallace on 24 January 08

I run with the kite in the field
All the stars shining brightly
The clear, moon-filled sky's expanse stretches wide
String trailing behind me

The kite lifts as I tug and pull
A sharp jerk, I don't let it go
Now, it's soaring high

I let out more cord as it sails
Above the ground, a sky ship
Colorful in day, by night delicate
Muted greys swerve and dip

Yellow tails flutter from the bow
As I slowly release more rope
How far can it fly?

Morning star on the horizon
Near where the sun will be rising
Dawn will soon arrive

I remove small silver scissors
Which glint in the twilight
Setting the spool of coil onto the ground
I look at the kite
Kneeling down on my knees
I snip the rope and release

"Lord, send my prayers to him please"

The kite, now free, rushes away
My letter tied up with it sways
With all of my hopes

Every single word I could say
I lay my head down on cool grass
To find peace at last


Posted by Wallace on 23 January 08

You were my baby
Tiny tabby cat
You were so dainty
Sitting on my lap

You followed me around
Grey inquisitive eyes
Slept gently beside me
In my bed every night

I held you tight
I couldn't let you go
You never got any bigger
Why didn't you grow

The vet said your heart
It wasn't strong enough
I heard it beating
While my own heart was bleeding

You died in that cold office
Only three months old
You were my baby
The sweetest cat I have known

The Starting Tale

Posted by Wallace on 23 January 08

Hear me out

This story starts long, long ago
When men roamed the earth on foot
Crossed seas with boats made of wood
Prayed to their gods for strong crops

A woman, lively and fair,
Combing her hair absently,
Into the courtyard lightly
Stepped without a thought or care

Wanton eyes her beauty spied
Dreadful blight inside this mind
No other maid could he find
Nor a more lush, ethereal bride

Hear my tale

Obsession spurs his action
He delights her with magic
Showing her card tricks, tragic
Plying her simple senses

Naive, sweet--a finer man
She had yet to ever meet
She bows, takes his hand to greet
Unrolls the glove on her hand

Kissing her pale skin, he smiles
Leads her dreamy, dazed, astray
Away from prying eyes, betrays
His guile succeeds;
Her throat bleeds

Hear her die

Bask in Your Light

Posted by Wallace on 22 January 08

Golden hair, golden eyes
The happiest day of my life
The day you were born to me
The brightest flame I've ever seen

Your skin so soft; your breath so sweet
You place kisses onto my cheeks
Cuddle and sleep, hugging me tight
Dream with a smile through the night

Dark is not dark when you are here
Light is the brightest: I have no fear
I can't wait for every day
Watching you as you play

We dance and sing, run free
Picking dandelions with glee
Blowing the seeds out into the air
While pink ribbons float from your hair

I realize someday you will grow
Yes, I'll have to let you go
Until then, I bask in your light
Where all is good and right

Part of Me

Posted by Wallace on 22 January 08

The children are jumping rope here
Each skip on the sidewalk a heartbeat
A small girl drawing lines in chalk
Others play hide and seek

Soon our recess will be over
The bell will ring, we'll go back in
For another lesson to learn
We'll dream at the window
For sum

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