1. Bigcommerce Guide

Importing Products

What We'll Cover

  • Required fields
  • Importing
  • Table of importable fields

Importing your products is the fastest way to create or update them in bulk. Whether you are making new products or updating your existing products, we recommend exporting your products using the Bulk Edit template to streamline the update process.

For information on creating options and option sets with a CSV file, see Importing Product Options.

Required Fields

The following fields are required when creating or updating your product.

  • Product ID — If updating an existing product, this must be included; if creating a new product, it must be blank.
  • Product Name — No two products can have the same name.
  • Category — Must use the format Category1/Subcategory;Category2;
  • Price
  • Weight — Required for physical products.

Example Product Import CSV File

Right-click the following link to save the file to your computer.

  • bulk-edit-product-import.csv

If your product category contains a / character, use \/ instead to avoid creating subcategories. For example, Sweaters/Hoodies should be formatted as Sweaters\/Hoodies.

Importing your products

Products can be imported following the steps listed in Importing Data. If you exported your file or are using the same column names listed below, you can check Bulk Edit Re-import, which selects the recommended settings and automatically configures the Match Import Fields step.


Matching Import Fields

If you do not use the Bulk Edit template column names, you will need to match your CSV's columns to their corresponding fields. Next to Match (field), select your CSV's corresponding column name from the drop-down. You do not need to match every column, but you must match the required columns.


Table of Importable Fields

Below is a table of all fields that are importable via the CSV. The field names are those used in the Bulk Edit Template. Fields in bold are required.

FieldColumn in Excel (Bulk Edit)DescriptionFormat
Item TypeADefines the item as a Product, SKU, or RuleProduct = product; SKU = SKU, Rule = rule
Product IDBThe system-generated product identifier; cannot be created manuallyRequired for updates; must be blank for creating new products
Product NameCThe name of your product; no two can be the same 
Product TypeDDefines whether the item is physical or digital (downloadable)P = physical; D = downloadable
Product Code/SKUEStock-keeping unit number you use for inventoryAlphanumeric
Bin Picking NumberFIdentifies where in a warehouse the item is located 
Brand NameGThe brand or manufacturer of a product 
Option SetHThe option set if you are using product options 
Option Set AlignIDetermine whether the options are to the right or below the product imageRight = to the right; Below = below
Product DescriptionJA description of your productCan contain text or HTML
PriceKYour product's base priceNumbers only; no units (e.g. 24.99)
Cost PriceLThe cost of the product for you (accounting purposes only)Numbers only; no units
Retail PriceMThe retail price; if entered, it will appear next to your base or sale priceNumbers only; no units
Sale PriceNThe sale price; if entered, it will replace the base priceNumbers only; no units
Fixed Shipping CostOThe price to ship one unit of your product; if entered, this applies internationally overrides any other shipping settingsNumbers only; no units
Free ShippingPIf applied, your product will ship internationally for free; if selected, overrides any other shipping settingsY = free shipping enabled; N = not enabled
Product WarrantyQProduct warranty informationText or HTML
Product WeightRProduct weight (physical only)Numbers only; no units
Product WidthSYour product's width for calculating shippingNumbers only; no units
Product HeightTYour product's height for calculating shippingNumbers only; no units
Product DepthUYour product's depth for calculating shippingNumbers only; no units
Allow Purchases?VCan the product be purchased from your store?Y = the product can be purchased or pre-ordered; N = the product cannot be purchased or pre-ordered
Product Visible?WShould the product be visible in your store?Y = yes; N = no
Product AvailabilityXA brief description of how long it takes your product to shipText or HTML
Track InventoryYShould inventory be tracked? If so, by option or by product?None = do not track; by product = track by product; by option = track by SKU
Current Stock LevelZNumber of units in stock (only applies if tracking inventory)Numbers only
Low Stock LevelAAInventory level at which you are sent a notification to restock (only applies if tracking inventory)Numbers only
CategoryABCategories and subcategories applied to productCategory1; Category2/Subcategory1;Category2/Subcategory2
Product File - 1ACThe file name of your downloadable product (downloadable products only)filename.pdf
Product File Description - 1ADA description of your file 
Product File Max Downloads - 1AEThe maximum number of times a single customer can download their purchaseNumbers only
Product File Expires After - 1AFThe time period after which the download link will not work for your customer# Days, # Weeks, # Months, # Years or Never
Product Image ID - 1AGThe system-generated product image ID 
Product Image File - 1AHImage file name (if stored in WebDAV) or full URLimagename.jpg or fullurl.com/imagename.jpg
Product Image Description - 1AIA description of the image 
Product Image Is Thumbnail - 1AJIf there is more than one image for the product, specify one to be the thumbnailY = is thumbnail (one only); N = not thumbnail
Product Image Sort - 1AKIf there is more than one image for the product, specify which order they should appear in (lower numbers appear earlier)Whole numbers only; can use negatives
Search KeywordsvariableKeywords for your store's searchKeywords separated by commas
Page TitlevariableYour product's page title; will default to the product name if left blank 
Meta KeywordsvariableMeta keywords; if left blank will default to those entered in the Website SettingsKeywords separated by commas
Meta DescriptionvariableMeta description; if left blank will default to what's entered in the Website Settings 
MYOB Asset AcctvariableSettings if using MYOB 
MYOB Income AcctvariableSettings if using MYOB 
MYOB Expense AcctvariableSettings if using MYOB 
Product ConditionvariableProduct condition for Google ShoppingNew; Used; Refurbished
Show Product Condition?variableShow the product condition on your product page?Y = show on product page; N = don't show on product page
Event Date Required?variableIs a date required for purchase?N = no event date; Start Date = limit start date; End Date = limit end date; Date Range = limit start and end dates
Event Date NamevariableName of event date 
Event Date Is Limited?variableLimit the event date? (Limits are inclusive)Y = yes; N = no
Event Date Start DatevariableEarliest date available (inclusive)MON DD, YYYY
Event Date End DatevariableLatest date available (inclusive)MON DD, YYYY
Sort OrdervariableThe order in which a product appears on a category page relative to other products; default is 0Whole numbers only; can use negatives
Product Tax ClassvariableThe tax class applied to a product
Avalara Product Tax CodevariableOnly used if you've linked your Avalara Premium account 
Product UPC/EANvariableProduct's UPC or GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) 
Stop Processing RulesvariableFor Rules, stop processing all rules placed below that ruleY = stop processing rules; N = don't stop processing rules
Product URLvariableThe relative path of your product's URL on your store; if left blank it will default to the product name/new-relative-url/
Redirect Old URL?variableIf you change the product URL, you can select whether or not to create a 301 RedirectY = create a 301; N = don't create a 301
GPS Global Trade Item NumbervariableThe UPC/EAN for the product; required for Google Shopping if not a custom product 
GPS Manufacturer Part NumbervariableThe Manufacturer Part Number; required for Google Shopping if not a custom product 
GPS GendervariableThe intended gender for the product; required for some Google Shopping categories 
GPS Age GroupvariableThe intended age group for the product; required for some Google Shopping categories 
GPS ColorvariableThe color of the product; required for some Google Shopping categories 
GPS SizevariableThe size of the product; required for some Google Shopping categories 
GPS MaterialvariableThe material of the product; required for some Google Shopping categories 
GPS PatternvariableThe pattern of the product; required for some Google Shopping categories 
GPS Item Group IDvariableA system-generated value for Google Shopping; leave blank if creating products 
GPS CategoryvariableThe Bigcommerce category (which is mapped to the Google Shopping category you want to list to)Category1/Subcategory
GPS EnabledvariableShould the product be exported to Google Shopping?Y = enabled; N = not enabled
GPS Custom ItemMust be entered manuallyIs the item custom-made (i.e. no UPC, MPN, or GTIN)?1 = custom item; 0 = non-custom

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