Zeitgeist.css Chrome Extension

I’ve put together a small Google Chrome extension which automatically adds Zeitgeist.css to any page which is unstyled. Install the extension here, or read on for more info. and source.

About Zeitgeist.css

Zeitgeist.css is a fun project started by Ryan Freebern which aims to create a default styling for web pages that reflects the aesthetics of the day, whenever that day may be. In Ryan’s word’s:

zeitgeist.css is a crowdsourced, extendable basic CSS file that imparts a design based on current design aesthetics to any simple HTML file, such as those produced by compiling markdown.

Think of it this way: If you make a web page and add no styles, it looks dated. Zeitgeist.css aims to bring those pages up to date easily. As easy as Ryan makes it, however, it isn’t automatic. That’s where this extension comes in. It checks every page using JavaScript’s querySelectorAll method to determine whether styles have been applied via a link element or a style element. If not, Zeitgeist.css is automatically applied.

  • Install the Zeitgeist.css Chrome extension
  • Download the zipped source
Posted on by Scott Nellé in General