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Pig's Face
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What to Eat for a Stomach Ache: 7 Foods for Upset Stomachs
Describe the food in one word: Pork.

How did it taste: It tasted like pork—more like pork belly than bacon. I loved it (shockingly). Who doesn't love perfectly cooked pork? I think I would have been more hesitant about it if it really looked like a pig was staring at me!

Would you eat it again: I would definitely eat it again. In fact, if I ever saw it on a menu somewhere else, I would be inclined to order it. That's how good it was!

—Betsy Haley of BetsyLife.com

Pictured: Pork face dish at GirlandtheGoat.com in Chicago, IL, courtesy of Girl and the Goat

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Alligator Gumbo
Describe the food in one word: Chickeny/fishy.

How did it taste: When I tried it in pie form, the taste was a bit overwhelmed by the buttery pastry, but when I tasted it in the gumbo, I really got to see how tender and flavorful alligator could be. Combined with hot peppers, crawfish, and veggies, the alligator made for a mouthwatering gumbo.

Would you eat it again: Absolutely! I love eating strange and unconventional foods, especially when they have a great flavor. It's really the issue of whether or not I'd be able to find 'gator in the Chicago suburbs.

—Kathryn Steed of Omnivore100Project.com

Pictured: Alligator gumbo from West Virginia Roadkill Cook-Off in Marlinton, WV

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Pig's Face
Describe the food in one word: Pork.

How did it taste: It tasted like pork—more like pork belly than bacon. I loved it (shockingly). Who doesn't love perfectly cooked pork? I think I would have been more hesitant about it if it really looked like a pig was staring at me!

Would you eat it again: I would definitely eat it again. In fact, if I ever saw it on a menu somewhere else, I would be inclined to order it. That's how good it was!

—Betsy Haley of BetsyLife.com

Pictured: Pork face dish at GirlandtheGoat.com in Chicago, IL, courtesy of Girl and the Goat

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Describe the food in one word: Protein.

How did it taste: The larvae tasted like wet moss. The scorpions and crickets didn't really have much of a flavor. I hated the larvae because the mouth-feel was crumbly and mushy at the same time, and that musty flavor penetrated my nose so it smelled as musty as it tasted.

Would you eat it again: The crickets I would probably eat again (they were really crispy/crunchy like bacon, minus the great bacon flavor) but the larvae were a once in a lifetime meal.

—Pamela Braun of MyMansBelly.com

Pictured: Crickets from Getty Images

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Durian-Stuffed Pastry
Describe the food in one word: Putrid.

How did it taste: I found it intriguing, in that I'd never tasted anything quite like it. So, it broadened my taste horizons. It was forbidden at my hotel (which I later learned is very common throughout Asia) because the smell is so strong, it truly lingers.

Would you eat it again: I'd rather not eat it again. But if I was going to do so, I'd want the durian to be mixed with other ingredients so