Building a Shared Web

Joyent is both a customer of GoInstant and GoInstant is a customer of Joyent’s. I’ll avoid all the back patting, but we picked Joyent because we needed rock solid infrastructure and AWS wasn’t cutting it for the sort of compute/serving we do. We’ve been extremely happy there.

So when the folks at Joyent asked if we were interested in contributing a guest post on their blog, we jumped at the chance.

We also took it as an opportunity to start a conversation about the Shared Web.

You can read the entire post over on the Joyent Blog: GoInstant and The Dawn of the Completely Shared Web.

The web is always evolving. As the underlying technology of the web has advanced, we have been able to use the Internet in more creative and interesting ways. We have gone from documents filled with static content to a web of applications, each providing different types of experiences, data and information. We have gone from static shopping cart structures to useful collaborative filtering shopping suggestions to social shopping. We have gone from downloading movies and videos to sharing movies and videos with friends.

In the past year or two, we have entered a new and incredibly exciting phase of the web – The Shared Web.A few years ago, the idea of a 100% shared Internet seemed impossible. The connections were too sluggish and unreliable – in particular on the mobile side. The Web application frameworks did not do very well with situations where extremely low latency was required to keep users happy. But new technology and changes to the core of the Internet are making a lightning fast Shared Web possible.


Posted on by jevon This entry was posted in Enterprise 2.0. Bookmark the permalink.

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