About Science360 News Service

Your Source for Science News

Science360 is brought you by the National Science Foundation (NSF). We gather news from wherever science is happening, including directly from scientists, college and university press offices, popular and peer-reviewed journals, and dozens of National Science Foundation science and engineering centers. Our articles, videos and podcasts feature NSF-funded research.

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Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Science360 is an up-to-date view of breaking science news from around the world.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I submit content to Science360 News?
We love to hear from you about the latest research news, particularly if it's related to NSF-funded research. Please send a link to the press release online along with the text of the story and contact information to editor@science360.gov. If your release is embargoed, then please send a link to where the release will be posted when the embargo lifts. In addition, if your story has good images, please send those along with the proper credit and caption information.

What type of content does Science360 use?
Science360 News focuses on the latest developments in scientific research funded by NSF. Sections such as "Picture of the Day," "New in the Journals & Magazines" and "What the Blogs Are Saying Today" may reference scientific research supported by other funding sources, including government agencies, not-for-profit organizations and private industry. We do not publish stories about grant awards or meeting announcements. We do our best to provide news about a variety of science research areas on a daily basis.

Who selects content for the site?
Science360 News has an editor who selects content daily. The selections are then reviewed by NSF employees.

How can I subscribe to receive daily emails about the latest science news?
Signing up is easy! On this page in the left navigation box you can enter in your email address and click "subscribe." You will find another subscription section on news.science360.gov/syndication/. If you prefer, you can send your email address to editor@science360.gov and we will add you to the subscription list.

Where can I find the Science of Speed videos?
This popular video series as well as all of the videos we feature on Science360 News can be found under the "Videos" tab on the top menu of the website. There you will find a list of all videos we have featured, as well as a video series selection. To search for a specific video, such as Science of NFL Football, use the "Search" box in the upper right hand corner of the page.

Why don't you link directly to full news stories from the e-mail I receive?
The email that is sent out does not include all of the content that is on the Science360 News website. If we bypassed the website, readers would miss out on these additional stories. In addition, there are many readers who do not receive the daily email and prefer to go directly to our site for content. It serves as a landing page for people to see what's new and interesting in science without having to comb through various sites on their own.

How can I add content from your site on my website?
Science360 has RSS feed capability. To subscribe to a feed, go to news.science360.gov/syndication/. Terms of use and attribution information, including logos, can be found at this URL as well. We ask that you send an email to editor@science360.gov with a link to the pages where the Science360 News Service content is published.

How can I find previous stories I saw featured on the web site?
The menu bars located at the top of the page allow you to view all top stories, all news videos or all pictures of the day in a list format by date. To search for other content, use the "Search" box located in the upper right-hand corner of the website.