
Please ask for access to the testbed using the following address: matthias.hofmann@tu-dortmund.de or Ilya.Saverchenko@lrz.de

Below lists the different services that are currently offered within the testbed, and whether they are internal or publicly available.

If additional information for the service is required to be listed here, please add a sub-page to this page and describe the service there.

Software/Services Access information Status Last update
TUDO: Matthias Hofmann (setup, maintenance and administration). Please contact also Ilya Saverchenko for VOMS issues.
VOMS / VOMSRSVOMS Admin 2.0.15-1,VOMS Client 1.8.8-2p1,VOMS Server 1.8.8-2p1VOMRS 1.3.4a vomrs01.grid.tu-dortmund.de
IP: entry point to the VOMS server is:
Click here Our VO is available for registration at:
Click here Registration to ige-project.eu VO and VOMRS Center:
Click here
Running 10.06.2013 (vomrs)
BESGRAM udo-besgram01.grid.tu-dortmund.de: To get access to this service, please contact the site administrator. Running 13.06.2013
PSNC: Adrian Stelmaszyk (setup and maintenance)
LRZ: Daniel Waldmann (setup and maintenance)
RT – Request Tracker rt.ige-project.eu Running 18.01.2011
PSNC: Adrian Stelmaszyk (setup and maintenance)
UU: Mattias Ellert (administration)
IGE GT repository (DEB) repo-deb.ige.psnc.pl/ Running 24.01.2011
IGE GT repository (RPM) repo-rpm.ige.psnc.pl/ Running 24.01.2011
PSNC: Marcin Pospieszny (setup, maintenance and administration)
GT 5.2.1 Hostname: gt01.ige.psnc.pl Running 30.07.2012
gridftp Port: 2811 Running 30.07.2012
GSIOpenSSH Port: 2222 Running 30.07.2012
GRAM5/gatekeeper Port: 2119 Running 30.07.2012
LRZ: Daniel Waldmann (setup, maintenance and administration)
IGE GT repository ige-rep.drg.lrz.de Running 27.01.2011
DNS RR repo-deb.ige-project.eu
Running 27.01.2011
LRZ: Daniel Waldmann (setup, maintenance and administration)
GT 5.2.0 Hostname: gt5-ige.drg.lrz.de
Running 01.03.2012
GRAM5 Port: 2119 Running 24.02.2011
MyProxy Server Port: 7512 Running 08.11.2012
gsissh Port: 2222 Running 24.02.2011
Cluster for MPI jobs Cluster Info:
All machines in the cluster are VMs running SLES11.2
Shared filesystem: 30G
SGE Cluster:
– One SGE Master:
2 x IntelXeon 2.66Ghz
512 MB RAM
- Two SGE Execution Nodes each with:
2 x IntelXeon 2.66Ghz
Details on running MPI jobs:
Instructions for Running MPI jobs @ LRZ
Running 18.10.2012
SOTON: Tim Parkinson (setup, maintenance and administration)
RUPI / GridSafe Hostname gridsafe.omii.ac.uk
Contact J.S.Robinson@soton.ac.uk to arrange to submit URs
Running 10.05.2011
RLS (Replica Location Service) Hostname melkbeker.nikhef.nl Running 21.11.2012
GridSAM Hostname melkrobot.nikhef.nl
For usage info
Running 21.11.2012
UTCN: Ionel Muntean, Adrian Colesa
(setup, maintenance and administration)
IGE 2.2 IP:
Hostname: gt-ige.utcluj.ro
Running 21.08.2012
GRAM5/gatekeeper port 2119, with jobmanager-fork and jobmanager-pbs
(default, as jobmanager)
Running 21.08.2012
GridFTP port 2811 Running 21.08.2012
GSI-OpenSSH port 2222 Running 21.08.2012
MyProxy port 7512 Running 21.08.2012
GridWay A GridWay server is running on gt-ige,utcluj.ro and client tools are accessible locally on that host. To be used a gsissh connection could be firstly established on gt-ige.utcluj.ro. Running 21.08.2012
European Globus Statistics Collector (EGSC) Hostname: statistics.ige-project.eu
Port: 4810Name points to igeservices.utcluj.ro:4810, where the EGSC is actually running, Data Sources of IGE Globus Statistics Colector (GSC)
Running 21.08.2012
Nikhef: Dennis van Dok (setup, maintenance and administration)
GT 5.2 (EPEL rpms) Hostname: ve.nikhef.nl
access control based on VOMS:
members of ige-project.eu should be able to connect.
Running 10.10.2012
Gatekeeper 9.11-1 Port: 2119 Running 10.10.2012
GridFTP Server 6.10-2 Port: 2811 Running 16.02.2011
EPCC: Charaka Palansuriya (setup, maintenance and administration)
IGE v2.0 Hostname: ige-gt1.epcc.ed.ac.uk
Running 13.03.2012
GRAM5 Port: 2119 Running 13.03.2012
GridFTP Server Port: 2811 Running 13.03.2012
Mirror of Globus Web site globus.org.eu/toolkit/ Running 11.05.2011
OGSA-DAI Hostname: ige-gt1.epcc.ed.ac.uk Running 8.11.2012
UCM: Ismael Marín (setup, maintenance and administration)
GT 5.2.2 (IGE 3.0) Hostname: gridway.fdi.ucm.es
Running 10.10.2012
GridWay 5.12.0 Hostname: gridway.fdi.ucm.es
Monitoring interface for GridWay: gridway.fdi.ucm.es:8080/gwmap
Running 01.10.2012
BES Interface for GridWay 1.2.0 (connector for GridSAM) URL: https://gridway.fdi.ucm.es:8443/gridsam/services/bes?wsdl Running 01.10.2012
GSI-OpenSSH Port: 2222 Running 22.02.2012
GridFTP Server 6.14 Port: 2811 Running 10.10.2012
UU: Suijian Zhou (setup, maintenance and administration)
GT 5.2 Hostname: globus.grid.tsl.uu.se Running 10.10.2012
GRAM 5 Hostname: globus.grid.tsl.uu.se
Port: 2119
Running 10.10.2012
gsissh Hostname: globus.grid.tsl.uu.se
Port: 2222
Running 07.12.2011
GridFTP 3.33 Hostname: globus.grid.tsl.uu.se
Port: 2811
Running 07.12.2011
GWT: Sebastian Czechowski (setup, maintenance and administration)
Hostname: adhoc2.reef.man.poznan.pl Running 12.10.2012
AdHoc:adhoc-resource-agent-1.0.1-1 Hostname: adhoc1.reef.man.poznan.pl Running 12.10.2012
GRAM 5 Hostname: adhoc1.reef.man.poznan.pl
Port: 2119
Running 12.10.2012
GridFTP Hostname: adhoc1.reef.man.poznan.pl
Port: 2811
Running 12.10.2012

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