Rankings & Key Findings

The IBP’s Open Budget Survey is the only independent, comparative, regular measure of budget transparency and accountability around the world. The Survey is produced by civil society budget experts who are independent of government and political parties and uses documented evidence and objective criteria to evaluate the extent to which national or central governments provide the public with timely and comprehensive access to eight key budget documents required by international good practices. The Survey also examines ability of legislatures and supreme audit institutions to provide effective oversight of government budgets and the opportunities for the public to participate in the budget process.

Key Findings from the Open Budget Surveys >>

The Open Budget Index assigns countries covered by the Survey a transparency score on a 100-point scale using 109 questions from the Survey — these questions focus specifically on whether the government provides the public with timely access to comprehensive information contained in eight key budget documents. The Open Budget Index measures the overall commitment of countries to transparency and allows for comparisons among countries.

Open Budget Index Rankings >>