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This Directory list articles on Apologetics for our Age

The futility and fatality of Atheism

The New Priests of Atheism- A revitalized movement, aggressive atheists are coming for your children- beware

Being good for goodness sake- The outreach of Humanists

The Lesson of the Rich Young Ruler -He was rich, young and a ruler, what else can one need?

The Bible delivered to us today- Can we be confident of the Scriptures accuracy throughout history?

The Bibles beginnings- How we got our Bible, and the enormous historical and manuscript evidence for its accuracy.

Bearing Witness to the Testimony- The Bible witnesses to the fact of the resurrection.

The Jesus Seminar- Peter Jennings "Search for Jesus" and interviews of his hand picked bible scholars.

Choosing My Religion- Why Jesus is different than other religious teachers

What of those who never heard?-What happens to the people who have not heard the Gospel?

Christmas- A Jewish holiday the world should celebrate in.

A Witness to The Gospel-Discovering what took place at Golgotha 2,000 years ago that can affect you today.

The choice of Absolutes or Relativism- Which is more conducive to our reality we live in?

Things God cannot do- Can God do just anything or is he unable to do some things?

Speculations to the beginning- What are the views of how the universe and life began

Evil- How can we explain evil when there is a loving God.

The Jesus seminar

Choosing My Religion

The Eternality of God- a glimpse in understanding some of the nature of God

There are Too many Hypocrites in church-Ever hear this excuse?

Biblical evidences for science- Does science agree or disagree with the bible?

There are no Atheists -Is there really a true atheist or are they making this up?

Religion or Relationship ?- The difference between Christ and the worlds religions.

Christ's Miracles -the miracles and prophecies proved who Jesus was.

In Response to all the religions-  An answer of why we believe and practice what we do.

Ism's- the world is filled with Ism's that describe our position in philosophy and religion.




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