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Why Slow Journalism Matters

We value being right above being first

Like the other Slow movements, we take time to do things properly. Instead of desperately trying to beat Twitter to the punch, we return to the values we all want from journalism – context, analysis and expert opinion.

We invest in journalism

Everyone else is sacking journalists, cutting editorial budgets and using generic wire stories to fill in the gaps. We’re going the other way, putting every penny from every subscription to Delayed Gratification back into tracking down and publishing amazing stories from journalists on the ground.

We tell you how stories end

How often have you been bombarded with a story by the media for several days, only to feel dissatisfied when the news agenda moves on and the story is left incomplete? We pick up the pieces after the dust has settled and give you the whole picture.

We don’t have infinite space to fill

Which means we don’t fall into 24/7 news traps: the speculation, conjecture and hot air. We’ve got just 120 pages every three months, so we make every one of them count.

We cut through the white noise

Modern news production is filled to the brim with reprinted press releases, kneejerk punditry, advertorial nonsense and churnalism. Slow Journalism is an antidote to this: intelligent, curated, non-partisan news coverage designed to inspire and inform.

Still not convinced?

Here’s our TEDx case for a Slow Journalism Revolution…

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Slow Journalism Revolution today
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Honed design, relaxed writing and an almanac approach to the passing years”spacer

Jam-packed with information... a counterpoint to the speedy news feeds we've grown accustomed to”spacer

A slower, more reflective type of journalism”spacer

A chic magazine with fine infographics and long stories”spacer

A very cool magazine... It's like if Greenland Sharks made a newspaper”spacer

A fantastic publication that puts current events into perspective”spacer

Quality, intelligence and inspiration: the trilogy that drives the makers of Delayed Gratification”spacer

Refreshing... parries the rush of 24-hour news with 'slow journalism'”spacer

A leisurely (and contrary) look backwards over the previous three months”spacer

Perhaps we could all get used to this Delayed idea...”spacer

Everyone should read this magazine”spacer

Wonderful title and wonderful concept”spacer

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