Welcome to our Library Catalog

Welcome to IUCAT, Indiana University's online library catalog, which provides access to millions of items held by the IU Libraries statewide.

Access IUCAT Classic: our legacy catalog | Access Class Reserves

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Search tips

  • Use quotation marks to search as a phrase.
  • Use "+" before a term to make it required. (Otherwise results matching only some of your terms may be included).
  • Use "-" before a word or phrase to exclude.
  • Use "OR", "AND", and "NOT" to create complex boolean logic.
  • Truncation and wildcards are not supported - word-stemming is done automatically.
  • Access more help at the KB

Welcome to our enhanced Library Catalog

IUCATplus pulls together nearly all of the IU Libraries' content, allowing you to find materials across the breadth of our holdings by searching IUCAT and OneSearch@IU separately or simultaneously. Find books, media, periodicals, archival & special collections, scholarly journal articles, news items, popular publications, maps, case studies and more with a single search.

Please let us know what you think using our feedback form .

Return to IUCAT (all campuses) | Access IUCAT Classic: our legacy catalog | Access Class Reserves

Search the Catalog

Search IUCAT, the Indiana University's online catalog, which provides access to millions of items held by the Bloomington campus libraries as well as other IU Libraries statewide. More about this.

OneSearch@IU Results

Search simultaneously across hundreds of scholarly article databases, news and popular publications to retrieve a wide range of materials across subject areas. More about this.

Search the Catalog

Search IUCAT, the Indiana University's online catalog, which provides access to millions of items held by the Bloomington campus libraries as well as other IU Libraries statewide.

What is IUCAT, and which version should I use?

Please let us know what you think using our feedback form .

Return to IUCAT (all campuses) | Access IUCAT Classic: our legacy catalog | Access Class Reserves

Search tips

  • Use quotation marks to search as a phrase.
  • Use "+" before a term to make it required.
  • Use "-" before a word or phrase to exclude.
  • Use "OR", "AND", and "NOT" to create complex boolean logic.
  • Access more help at the KB.

OneSearch@IU Results

Search simultaneously across hundreds of scholarly article databases, news and popular publications to retrieve a wide range of materials across subject areas.

What is IUCAT, and which version should I use?

Please let us know what you think using our feedback form .

Return to IUCAT (all campuses) | Access OneSearch@IU directly

Search tips

  • Use quotation marks to search as a phrase.
  • Use "OR", "AND", and "NOT" to create complex boolean logic.
  • Access more help.