The thank-you project

Posted on by Howard

About three years ago, I designed some letterpress cards bearing this haiku:

all heroism
is a matter of sharing
what we’ve been given

I sold a few of them, but I also started writing thank-you notes of my own on them.

Life’s been busy the past couple years, and many good things have come along: I got married, I found a new job I really like and life has been about as good as I ever expected it to be.

While I’m always trying to make things even better, I’m incredibly grateful for all the blessings that have come my way. As good as life has been, I’ve slacked off a little bit with my thank-you notes, so I figure it’s about time to get back into the habit.

That’s why I’m making a concerted effort to let people in my life know how much I appreciate their contributions. I recently started writing out a slew of new thank-you cards, with the intent to distribute a minimum of two each week. Some will be for folks I’ve known and loved for years. Others will be for people who may not even be aware that my life is better because of them.

My eventual goal is to thank as many people as I possibly can. It will take years.  If I were to thank every single contributor to my life, the task would certainly never end. And however woefully short I fall, I hope all the overlooked (yet deserving) folks will understand.

That said, if you receive one of these thank-you notes, I hope it helps you to see how much even the smallest gesture or sliver of  kindness has the potential to inspire and improve someone’s life. And in case there are things you’ve forgotten to express gratitude for, maybe it will remind you to pass the same sentiment along to someone else.

Thank you for reading this message.

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