How To Flirt With A Girl

July 18, 2011 By admin

If you’re ready to learn the magical ways on how to flirt with a girl and make her fall in love with you deeply, then you will be amazed at what you are going to read next.

Not many guys are aware of this, but the simplest (but surest) way to get a girl to fall in love with you quickly is to flirt with her. Read on to discover the killer ways on how to flirt and get consistent results everywhere you go…

How To Flirt With A Girl – Three Killer Techniques To Make Her Swoon Into Your Arms

spacer Technique #1: “The Art of the Tease”. When you are flirting with a girl, you have got to be as smooth as possible. This means that you must never come across as awkward. As such, relying on pickup lines is a disaster waiting to happen.

The trick here is to be as natural as possible. One easy way to come across as a natural flirt is to TEASE her. If you want to know exactly how to attract a girl by flirting, then you have got to warm up to the art of the tease.

When you are teasing her, always keep things light. Make fun of her, but don’t go overboard. For example, teasing a girl on her weight is a huge no-no.

Once you have teased her a little and she is laughing and playing along, then use the next technique to “heat” things up…

Technique #2: “Get Sexual”. Now once you have got her warmed up to you via some banter and light teasing, it’s then time to bring things up a notch. Amp everything up by treading into the “sexual” zone.

The easiest way to get sexual is to use the word “sexy” when you are talking to her. For example, say, “Women’s thighs are remarkably sexy.” The trick here is to say that innocently, and not come across like a pervert.

Of course, you have got to do this subtly, or you will risk getting rejected – or worse, slapped across the face. If you know what she’s really thinking then half of the battle is won. Discover an easy way to hack into her mind using the following technique…

Technique #3: “Hack Into Her Mind”. Imagine how much easier things would be if you know EXACTLY what she thinks at any given time. The truth is it is entirely possible to “hack” into a woman’s mind and then know what she thinks (of you!).

Using this new discovery known as the “female loophole“, master seducers have been using a certain set of techniques to dig deep into women’s brain. In fact, there is a set of three questions which any man can ask a woman to make her fall deeply in love with him.

Due to the controversial nature of these techniques, I am unable to share with you openly. However, I can send you (by email) a video on how the “female loophole” works, as well as a download of a digital report on how to use a simple (but highly covert) trick to make a woman feel addicted to you emotionally.

The “female loophole” technique is NOT to everybody. But if you want to find out how it can help you seduce women easily AND you promise not to misuse it (to hurt women), then enter your email below and I will get it sent to you. It’s all free.
Watch the video, and use it – it will change your life.

How To Flirt With A Girl Over Text

Girls are driven by their emotions. So, if you can reach them on an emotional level, then you won’t have any trouble at all getting them hooked onto you. This is actually quite easy to do over text messages. However, if you are having trouble learning how to flirt with a girl over text, then just read on…

Text Flirting Pitfalls

  • Tip #1 – Do not send her pictures through text. If you want to learn how to flirt with a girl over text and actually succeed, then you need to remember that girls aren’t as visual as guys. In other words, don’t’ send out any pictures to them.
  • Tip #2 – Do not call her sexy. If the girl that you like is really hot, then chances are, guys call her sexy all the time. So, be the complete opposite and steer clear of compliments like that when you text her.
  • Tip #3 – Do not send boring texts. If all you have to say in your text is that you had a boring day, then don’t bother. That doesn’t count as flirting. Asking her about her day doesn’t count as flirting, either. That is merely boring conversation. If you really want to flirt with her over text, forget those types of conversations altogether and avoid all day long texts, too, while you’re at it.

In a nutshell, if you want to learn how to flirt with a girl over text and succeed at winning her over, all you really have to do is be cocky and playful and tease her a little bit.

Do not turn your texts into extremely naughty ones, though, or you will merely turn her off. Remember: girls don’t work the same way as guys, so what might attract you to a girl will not work the other way around.

Seduction is indeed tricky, but if you have got some high-powered tricks under your belt then you shouldn’t have much problems at all. And one of these tricks, Fractionation, is known to be able to make women fall in love in as quickly as 13 minutes. It’s that powerful. Check out the infamous video on fractionation here:-

Fractionation Video – How To Use Covert Psychology To Flirt With Women

Click this link above ^^

Warning: If you are not able to handle the idea of using covert persuasion to flirt with women then do not click on the link above.



Filed Under: Dating Advice, Tips Tagged With: flirting techniques, flirting tips, how to flirt with a girl, how to flirt with a woman

How To Flirt With A Girl Over Text

September 3, 2011 By admin

How To Flirt With A Girl Over Text – Three Rules You Have to Follow

It’s no secret that girls are crazy about texting. It may not seem like much, but having the ability to text a girl is all you need to get through to her and win her over. You know girls love texting, so take any opportunity you get when a girl offers her phone number to send her a text. You’ll have a higher chance of actually standing out and winning a place in her heart when you follow these three simple rules.

  • RULE ONE -  Texting is NOT for long conversations.

Use texting to send her something short that will make her laugh and want to think of you. If she keeps texting back, feel free to tell her you’re a little busy for texting.


With The Right Flirting Techniques, You Will Be Able To Attract Any Girl You Like

After this happens a couple of times, it becomes easier and easier to make a seamless transition to asking for a date. You can tell her that since she always seems to catch you at a bad time, you’d love to just meet up with her somewhere and chat for awhile. If you need more tips and techniques, read the article on how to text a girl here in this blog.

  • RULE TWO – Make her smile. She’ll flirt when she’s happy.

Be natural and relax – this part is generally simple. The easiest way to flirt with her and make her smile is to ask her a silly question. Incorporate a little bit of personality in it to make her smile.

Try something like this: “Quick, what’s your all-time favorite flavor of ice-cream? Respond in 5 minutes or I’ll delete you from my phone book forever!” or “Name something blue in the room you’re in right now or this cinnamon roll gets it!” Making her smile will instantly set you apart from the other guys who just text her asking “What’s Up.”

Again, more tricks and tips about flirting can be found in this article on how to flirt with a girl. When you master the art of knowing how to flirt with a girl over text like a pro, then the sky’s the limit when it comes to dating and seducing women.

  • RULE THREE – Know when to work a good compliment in.

Once you’ve established that you can make her smile and she seems happy to receive your texts, think about what really attracted you to this girl in the first place.

If it’s anything about her body, text her something like, “I bet you have no idea how beautiful you look right now reading this message.” If it’s her awesome interests or cool personality, tell her about it. Try to sum it up in one sentence that she can easily reply to with something positive, like a thank you.

If you’re just after flirting, feel free to repeat these basic tactic over and over. Keep it short, make her laugh, then compliment her – the three rules you need for successful flirty conversation.spacer

You can also use that formula to encourage her to take it off the texts and come to dinner with you – just ask her where her favorite restaurant is in the city and offer to take her there.

Learning how to flirt with a girl over text is definitely worthwhile – it’s a skill that will set you apart from other men. Go for it!

External Resources:

  • (highly recommended)
  • How To Pickup Girls
Filed Under: Flirt Over Text, How To Flirt With A Girl Tagged With: how to flirt with a girl, how to flirt with a girl over text, how to flirt with girls, how to flirt with girls online, how to text a girl

How To Pick Up Girls

February 7, 2012 By admin

How To Pick Up Girls – Using Forbidden Techniques That Are Kept Hidden From You

Whenever a man meets a beautiful woman, he usually finds it hard to stay in control and to keep the power in the relationship. Instead, he ends up showering her with attention, running after her, and putting his priorities on hold in order to fit her schedule in and reducing the time that he spends with his friends and family members. Have you ever done this? Well, if you want to turn the tables around and learn how to get a woman addicted to you for a change, then read on.

Here’s the thing: if you want to learn how to get a woman addicted to you, you have to try out several psychological techniques that will help you build a stronger emotional connection with women. In other words, instead of sticking to superficial methods alone, you have to really make an effort to connect with a woman on an emotional and psychological way. Here’s how.

  • A Mindset Change

spacer First of all, you have to realize that giving everything up for a woman will make every other woman in the world see you as nothing but a loser. Women love men with a purpose and a passion, and men who work towards certain goals. In the female mind, these are the things that define a man. In fact, if you have all of these things, then you won’t have any trouble learning how to get a woman addicted to you – remember that.

Second of all, you can’t learn how to get a woman addicted to you unless you have high social status. Men who are generally respected by society and can make hard decisions on their own are the ones that women usually fall in love with in no time.

Another important thing to keep in mind while learning how to pick a girl up is to be wary of the things that you ask her. If you ask her generic things like “What do you want to do today?” or “Can I see you this weekend?”, she will instantly steal the power away from you in the relationship. So, be a real leader instead and make the decisions beforehand. Then, say things like “I’ll be shopping this weekend, so come keep me company.”

(You can also use a covert persuasion and seduction technique such as Fractionation to seduce women – more on that later in this article.)

  • Using Advanced Techniques To Pick Up Girls

Advanced conversational techniques are also very important while learning how to pick up a girl and get her addicted to you. The best conversationalists out there use both body language and words to express how they feel, so you can put your voice timber and hand gestures to use for this. If you want, you can also throw in some jokes during some of your more serious conversations. This is especially important when you are approaching the girl you like for the first time.spacer

Regardless of what you think makes you really stand out during conversations with a girl, use it when you are trying to get a girl to like you. If you want, you can punctuate some of your words with actions, as well. Try saying hello while holding her hand in your hand instead of just saying hello itself, for example. Believe it or not, this can do wonders when done while learning how to pick up women.

Another trick you can do while learning how captivate a woman is to keep her guessing. See, once a woman feels like she understands you completely, she will lose interest in you – just like that. Think about it. The reason why women love soap operas so much is because the episodes always end with a cliffhanger. This makes them hang on to the show every single day. If you are smart, you can use this knowledge in the dating world by keeping women on their toes and having them guess what your intentions are on a regular basis. (Note that this technique also works well if you want to flirt with a girl over text).

Now, this doesn’t mean that you should mess with every woman’s mind. It merely means that you should try and keep her interested by having a soap opera state of mind that will make her long for you more and more. In fact, if you use a technique such as Fractionation, always keep in mind that you have powers to “mess” around with a woman emotionally, and you are responsible NOT to use the technique maliciously.

  • Alpha Male Attitude In Picking Up Women

Of course, it would also help to have an alpha male attitude. Basically, this means that you have to make her see and feel that you are much more superior compared to her. To do this, you have to work on your body language a lot, especially when she’s around. Studies actually show that most successful communication out there is completely nonverbal, so you shall focus more on your body language than your words.

One great way to get a woman addicted to you, though, would be to send out mixed signals through your body language, words and tone of voice. This is also exactly how to flirt with a girl to seduce her. Also, show her that you are nothing like the rest of the men out there. That’s right. As long as you stand out in certain ways, the woman that you like is sure to take notice and fall for you in no time.


How would your dating be if you know how to pick up girls as beautiful as this?

  • How To Pick Up Girls Using Fractionation

Another way to make a woman invest more emotions into you is by using hypnosis techniques like fractionation. This particular technique can actually make a woman feel more attached to you. The key here would be to simply get her to connect with you with nothing but your words and make her think that you can’t live without her. The best part about this technique is that it can be done in only 15 minutes, yet you will still get good and quick results out of it.

spacer Fractionation consists of two basic steps that any guy can use successfully, regardless of what his dating and seduction experience is like. Incredibly powerful, this technique uses top-notch anchoring techniques and value elicitation to make women feel emotionally invested in any man that uses it.

However, you do have to be careful when using it, though, since fractionation is know to be the most explosive kind of seduction technology to date. As easy as it is to use this technique, it will give you seduction superpowers and turn you into every woman’s dream guy. So, if you would like to learn how to pick up girls and get them addicted to you in only fifteen minutes, then this is definitely the technique for you.

To continue, watch this video on Fractionation. (Link comes up in a new window)

Filed Under: Dating Advice, How To Pick Up Girls, Techniques and Tricks, Tips Tagged With: flirting techniques, how to flirt with girls, how to pick up girls, how to text a girl

How To Get A Girlfriend

January 20, 2012 By admin

Guys don’t usually plan out learning how to get a girlfriend and actually getting one; it simply happens. Some guys might be happy just playing the field and meeting different girls, as well. They might start out going on casual dates without any strings attached as they do this, for example. In fact, some guys don’t even want to learn how to get a girlfriend at all until much later.

If you want to learn how to get a girlfriend, though, then here are seven tips on how to get a lover with ease and ensure that your dream girl will be interested in getting into a serious relationship with you, too:-

How to Get a Girlfriend – Seven Tips to Get a Lover

  • Tip Number One: Always act and look presentable around her.

Whether you want to learn how to get a girlfriend or not, you should always look presentable in the presence of girls. Also, make sure you showcase a positive attitude and a unique personality at the same time. Remember: girls want guys who actually act like guys and are exciting at the same time, so how you act and look can actually make a huge difference on whether you will get a second date with a girl or not. spacer

Although looks might not always matter when it comes to girls, but the way you act and dress will definitely matter. Besides, if a girl gets a bad impression of you from the beginning, then she won’t be interested in ever seeing you in a romantic light in the future – remember that.

  • Tip Number Two: Qualify her.

You must have noticed by now that girls tend to qualify guys in some way. Basically, they don’t just date every guy who shows interest in them. Instead, they wait to find somebody who actually qualifies. Well, you have to do the same thing. Qualify girls and show them that you have standards that need to be met. This will intrigue them and help you on your quest on learning how to get a girlfriend.

One of the best ways to use pre-qualification to attract women is to use this technique called Fractionation. Known as one of the best (and quickest) ways to seduce women, it’s also one of the more controversial seduction techniques ever invented by man. To find out more, click here.

  • Tip Number Three: Be an alpha male.

Believe it or not, girls aren’t only interested in guys who are handsome, tall or rich. On the contrary, the only kinds of guys they are interested in are the alpha males. In a nutshell, alpha males refer to dominant guys who can walk into a room and instantly exude a wide aura of confidence.

On that note, alpha males are also sure of what they ant and who they are, so they won’t be shy to approach a girl that they find interesting. They won’t have trouble starting up a conversation, either. However, this doesn’t mean that you should aggressively pursue every girl that you meet. Show them that you are interested, yes; but do not show them that you desperate for their attention or acceptance – at least not until you are absolutely sure you want to be in a relationship with one of them. This is one of the best ways on how to get a girl to like you quickly.

  • Tip Number Four: Show her that you are interested in her.

When talking to a girl, make sure you only have eyes and ears for her. Maintain eye contact on every date that you go on and do not let your eyes wander. Also, make sure your cell phone is on silent when on a date and if it vibrates, ignore it if you want to make sure the date keeps going well. Knowing how to flirt with a girl expertly also helps greatly.

Also, while talking, you will have to ensure that the conversation keeps flowing to keep her interested. If things get boring and you see her eyes wander, you might to make some quick changes to prevent yourself from losing her interest.

Once you have successfully gone on several dates with a girl, you should also make sure that you send her a text message a couple of times a day. This will make her smile and show her that you really are interested in being with her.

Remember: showing interest in a girl is an ongoing thing. If you succeed at showing her that you like her, then chances are she will show interest in you, as well.

  • Tip Number Five: Know how to open a conversation with a girl.

spacer In order to succeed at being an alpha male and learning how to get a girlfriend, you need to have the right attitude, too, and this could take some work. Fortunately, any guy can become irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex if he puts his mind to it.

Basically, all you really have to do is exhibit both interest and detachment all at once. In other words, you have to show her that you are interested by approaching her and starting up a conversation with her. However, once you are already talking to her, you have to be detached and show her that you don’t care whether she likes you or not because there are lots of other girls out there anyway. You’ll get the hang of it eventually – don’t worry.

  • Tip Number Six: Perfect “The Gaze”.

This tip is very important when learning how to get a girlfriend. Basically, while you talk to her, look into her eyes very deeply and smile as much as possible. This will show her what your intentions are and draw her to you like a moth to a flame.

  • Tip Number Seven: Make sure she keeps longing for more.

Girls love getting showered with attention, so if you shower her with a lot of attention, she will keep coming back to you for more. Girls are also very passionate and they love both physical and emotional contact with the opposite sex.

To give her more attention, always maintain eye contact as you talk. This would be of the utmost importance as it will show her that you care and that you are genuinely interested in her. Remember: girls can tell how interested guys are in them, so make sure you follow this tip. Putting your arm on her shoulder or holding her hand would be other ways to show your appreciation. Plus, it will make her closer to you and more comfortable around you at the same time.

Yes, learning how to get a girlfriend is as simple as following the seven tips mentioned above. But if you need something more powerful, check out this technique called Fractionation.


Fractionation is a dark art tactic which is deadly effective when used to seduce women. It works in 15 minutes or even less - amazingly powerful indeed.

Master seducers in the “underground” have been known to use this technique to seduce women quickly by exploiting a little-known loophole inside a woman’s brain. Adopting the cutting edge technology of covert persuasion, it is known to be one of the most powerful seduction technique ever invented.

Click here to watch a short video on how to use the technique -


Watch The Fractionation Video


  • Warning: as nobody knows the long-term effect that this technique has on women, we cannot be held responsible for the actions that you choose to take from watching the video. If you don’t agree to this condition, do NOT click on the link above. Thank you for understanding.
Filed Under: How To Get A Girlfriend, Techniques and Tricks Tagged With: flirting techniques, how to flirt with a girl, how to flirt with girls, how to get a girlfriend, how to get a girlfriend online
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