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    • audrey: LOL!Polyamorists is for single people who don't want to attach themselves to family, How can you be one when you have kids?How can you share your precious freetime between new interests and wife? After all someone as to take care of kids!Imagine the resentment:You are longing to HUG your passionate but it is your wife turn... Unless of course you are loaded and can afford nannies. When they decide to come home, if ever, will the other half ready?If ever? This is good for gays and couples who don't have kids, or they are grown up, and their passion has vanished. I prefer my man desire a woman for the shag, NOT for love!!!!!
    • Lawrence: Great honest post. Its good to know even master pickup artists fall short sometimes. and yes, what you wrote was relevant to me
    • Nick: Good luck Tynan. You serve as a good example for people who want to improve their social skills without taking up drinking.Also like Peter asked,How do you make a custom jacket?
    • snackies: and I thought you kinda of looked like a dweeb in that elementary school picture...I think the name on the back of the jacket takes the cake. You should get a cape and mask too!Sorry, I'm a fan and enjoy reading the posts but couldn't hold back...hang in there and keep em coming!
    • Peter Park: Pickup is probably one of the hardest skills to develop and also the least understood including its own supporters. Keep it going Tynan, look forward to the future posts.And you didn't answer the most important question. Where did you get that jacket?


  • Why I Won’t Quit, And Other Responses to Last Week’s Comments
  • Letting Myself Quit
  • Being a Mutant

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  • Climbing a Construction Crane
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  • How I Became a Famous Pickup Artist : Part 1

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“It’s too humid for lightning,” Todd said with considerable authority. He walked back in from his balcony.

“Is that really part of the equation?” I asked.

“I don’t really know.”

“Look, there’s more lightning,” said Anderson.

“We can’t even hear the thunder. It’s way off,” I pointed out.

“Are you really doing this?” Anderson asked Todd.

“Of course.”

And so everyone was onboard. Anderson wasn’t really concerned about the weather. He was stalling because one of his three fears was heights and we were about to hop the fence at a construction site and climb a 160 foot crane. And, if possible, walk to the very end of the boom.

The activity falls neatly into my favorite quadrant of life experiences. Morally sound but illegal. It’s not that I particularly enjoy breaking the law, although there is some thrill to it, but it’s more that they make fun things illegal.

Things that are dangerous enough that someone could get sued, but safe enough that someone with common sense would never get hurt.

The crane hovered over a demolished RV park which yielded to a new condo development that had just broken ground. Every time Todd or I would pass it we’d look up at the crane. It had to be climbed.

Cameras in tow, we walked to the fence. A quick look for witnesses or police in either direction passed, we hopped over the fence, and slid into the shadows of the construction site.

So far, so good. As far as I know, police don’t look at cranes to see if anyone is climbing them, so our most likely time to be caught was over.

The actual climbing is boring. Cranes are sectional and each twenty foot section has a ladder that leads to the next section. The view became more magnificent with each section.

I’ve been up a couple cranes in my day. At the top there are two payoffs. One, sometimes the control cabin is unlocked and you can sit in the chair. It has windows 180 degrees in each direction and tons of controls, so when you sit in the chair you feel like you’re piloting a spaceship.

Hey, no one’s ever accused me of being too mature.

The second payoff is that sometimes the boom of the crane, the horizontal part at the top, has a walkway inside it so that you can walk to the end.

We hit the jackpot. There was a walkway and the door was unlocked.

We started down the walkway. The first obstacle was a giant reel of steel cable that blocked the passage about halfway through.

Either I could slither under it, or I could move to the outside of the crane and shuffle across the side beam. I chose the latter, mainly because it was scary and seemed more fun. It was both of those things, ten or so steps of watching my feet slide across a four inch beam with the backdrop of the RV park 160 feet below.

My stomach got that roller coaster feeling. This is what life is about, I thought. Let go with my hands and I’m dead. You feel alive by contrast.

After I got past the reel I swung back onto the path in the middle of the boom and kept walking. Any fear of that type of section was totally demolished by climbing on the outside.

Near the end, the path changed again. To cross the last thirty feet, it would be necessary to go back on the outside. This was a lot scarier because we were now so far out that every move sent shockwaves of movement through the whole beam, and because it was at least four times longer than the previous outside section.

Deep breath.

I ducked under the railing and went on the outside. Not so bad. I looked down, as if to reinforce that what I was doing was scary. Christmas lights flickered under trees in the RV park. I was high up. I focused on making sure that three appendages were touching the crane at all times.

Could our 450 pounds or so cause the crane to tilt forward? Probably not, but if so, I planned my course of action. I would straddle a vertical beam and hold on for dear life. Further thought made me realize that this crane probably doesn’t even have that axis.

Finally we made it out to the end and sat with our feet dangling off the edge. It’s the most perfect view of Austin you can have, not impeded on any side.

After half on hour of singing songs, joking around, watching bats fly a few feet away, and taking pictures, we headed back. No one was afraid anymore as we gingerly hopped across the outside.

Anderson recited a good quote:

“There’s a difference between living and actually being alive.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Here are some photos. They’re mostly poor quality because it was just moonlight and I have no flash.

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There are 16 Comments.

Hum. Very impressive. Big balls for a man no? WOW! How old are you? But the fearless come in all shapes, sizes, appearances, sexes and ages don’t they?
“There’s a difference between living and being alive.” Your friend hit it home to what I have been thinking about lately.
What’s the point of fearing, obsessing over the little phobias, when doing something exciting, being fearless (or stupid) depending on your view makes you feel alive?
I remember once for the fun of it I walked outside in my PJS and walked down the road from my house near an store and an park, I felt so… silly yes, but the feeling you get when you are doing something out of the oridinary just because you want to do it and denying any bit of fear in you. Doesn’t it feel so excellent? It makes you think, I think.
thank you for this post, I wonder when you wrote it, probably ages ago. Very inspiring. Very inspiring.
You know I also walked in the woods at three OClock in the morning once, all alone, walked miles in the winter without a coat with only my imagination and the sun to warm me and when I tell my mother these things sometimes she just raises an eyebrow. I wonder why I haven’t done anything amusing to myself in a few months, I did shave my head though. Whenever someone of the opposite sex looks at me or even of the same sex it’s usually admiration of jealousy of my balls! Even though I don’t have any. I prefer men to women. Especially fearless men like you of course unless you are not a man and pretending to be a man with a very cool internet intendity. But then that would be just parania. Anyway very inspiring. Good post. Very thought provocking. And awesome.

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