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These people belong to me.


Craig is my current husband.  I like him mostly.  He is all man and all mine.  Stand back ladies.


This beautiful face belongs to my oldest daughter Sophie.  It’s hard to get used to shadow on her lids and mascara on her lashes, but she is officially a teenager now.  When she is not saying things like “whatever” and “you know, right?”, she’s totally my favorite.  Even if she looks just like Rat Bastard.

Maren weighs less than her brother who is almost 3 years younger.  She could also probably kick your ass.  This is not trick photography.  She is holding herself up in this door frame and can do so for hours.  Ok, minutes, but she is a strong little sucker and I don’t advise messing with her.

This is Hank, my youngest, who does shit like this all the time.


  • Welcome


    I'm Poppy and this is really a good picture of me. Usually I look more like this. Despite being covered in a layer of dirt, snot, and children, I find something to laugh about everyday. At the expense of myself and my family, I generally share it here. Contact me anytime.

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