Evernote in the Classroom

Posted on 11/11/2010 by William Stites

spacer You can plan, you can train and you can offer all the pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment you want around a cur­ric­u­lar ini­tia­tive, but you never know how well some­thing will truly work until you unleash it into the wild and have the fac­ulty and stu­dents put it through its paces.

After five years of plan­ning we launched our 1:1 Learn­ing Ini­tia­tive and with it Ever­note. There were a lot of dis­cus­sions and deci­sions that needed to hap­pen along the way, but one of the best deci­sions so far was to include an Ever­note pre­mium account on every fac­ulty and stu­dent laptop.

The adop­tion of Ever­note by teach­ers and stu­dents has been amaz­ing. We haven’t seen any­thing like this with any appli­ca­tion or ini­tia­tive to date.  Ever­note has become engrained into the daily lives of fac­ulty and stu­dents to the point that one would think we had been using it for years.  Not even Moo­dle has had this much of an imme­di­ate impact on the lives of our fac­ulty and stu­dents and all of this has hap­pened in only two months.

On a recent tour I gave of our 1:1 ini­tia­tive I had the good for­tune to be able to hear directly from fac­ulty and stu­dents on how the use of Ever­note in their classes is improv­ing teach­ing and learn­ing.  Some of those exam­ples are as follows:

Shar­ing note­books: Stu­dents are able to share their note­books with their teach­ers, giv­ing them the abil­ity to go into their note­books and com­ment on their work.  The teach­ers can com­ment (in dif­fer­ent color type) on what the stu­dents are doing inline with the notes they are tak­ing.  The teacher has access to all of their stu­dents’ notes in one place.  Gone are the days of col­lect­ing note­books or jour­nals; every­thing is made avail­able to them in one place… Ever­note.

Teach­ers are shar­ing their own note­books with their stu­dents. In our per­form­ing arts courses stu­dents are able to work on and add to the notes on pro­duc­tions. They have been able to expand on ideas about sound cues and stag­ing options, often going above and beyond what they would have been able to do in their rehearsal time.

Hand­writ­ten notes: For stu­dents that are still tak­ing notes with pen­cil and paper (the right tool for the right time) they are using the school copiers, scan­ning the pages to PFDs and send­ing them directly into Ever­note (via their Ever­note email addresses). The OCR fea­ture built into Ever­note is then scan­ning the document(s) and mak­ing it com­pletely search­able along with all of their other notes.

iSight Note: In sci­ence, stu­dents are using the iSight Note fea­ture to take a pic­ture of an exper­i­ment, open­ing that image file and anno­tat­ing it within Pre­view (pre­loaded Apple app — not needed for Acro­bat Pro­fes­sional). This is hap­pen­ing in 4th grade classes!

Blackboard/Whiteboard notes: Stu­dent are again using the iSight Note fea­ture, their iPhones, Touches or smart-phones to take pic­tures of the notes on the blackboard/whiteboard. The fact that they have all of these ways to cap­ture the infor­ma­tion that is impor­tant to them is empowering.

Bye-bye “trap­per keeper”: The amount of paper has been great reduced. A par­ent told me a story of how they did their weekly check-in with their child to see how things were going and to take a look at their notes, etc. The child opened her lap­top a launched Ever­note… “There it is dad.” was the response.

[NOTE: For those of you that didn’t grow up in the 80’s a trapper-keeper was a way to keep all of your lose note “orga­nized” in a three-ring binder]

I look for­ward to shar­ing more of these exam­ples of how this con­tinue to grow and develop over the year, and will con­tinue to post new infor­ma­tion for you to read.

Addi­tional Resources:

  • Read more and lis­ten to my inter­view with Arvind Grover (@arvind) and Alex Ragone (@alexragone) on edTechTalk’s 21st Cen­tury Learn­ing pod­cast, about our 1to1 Ini­tia­tive and the launch of Ever­note in my ear­lier blog post, “Talk­ing 1to1 and allth­ings Ever­note”.
  • Keep up with all things Ever­note on their blog, the “Note­worthly Blog” and be sure to check out “The Trunk” to see all of the things Ever­note inte­grates with.

About William Stites

Currently the Director of Technology for Montclair Kimberley Academy, "Blogger in Chief" for edSocialMedia.com, husband and father to two crazy kids who make me smile everyday.
This entry was posted in 1to1, EdTech, Evernote and tagged Evernote, Moodle. Bookmark the permalink.
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  • Ryan B.

    Great post and I am excited to see a technology/software solu­tion being so effec­tively used! Nice work!

    • twitter.com/wstites William Stites

      Thanks… be sure to keep check­ing back as I plan on adding more infor­ma­tion about how we are using Ever­note through­out the year.

  • twitter.com/peterdbaron Peter Baron

    Great post at the right time for me.

    I’ve been strug­gling to under­stand ever­note and, for what­ever rea­son, I haven’t been able to fully grasp how to take advan­tage of and make it a worth­while tool for my day-to-day stuff. This review has opened my eyes to the possibilities.

    Thanks, Bill!

  • twitter.com/dgmorelli Duane Morelli

    Cur­rently out of the class­room, but very excited to read and hear about the use of Ever­note at your acad­emy. Just learn­ing Ever­note myself…

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