February 10, 2012

Inspire, or die trying.

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[Ori­gi­nally sent out in today’s news­let­ter etc. Buy the print here etc etc.]

Like I said on Twit­ter ear­lier today, the peo­ple who REALLY taught me “How To” do anything worthwhile, didn’t write a big ol’ list of ins­truc­tions, didn’t hold my hand, they just led by example.

The great Bri­tish adver­ti­sing man, Dave Trott once did that for me, back in the day…

THIS is what REAL lea­dership means. THIS is what REAL ins­pi­ra­tion means.

And you’d bet­ter get used to it. Because in the world we now live in, there are no more jobs. There are no more bos­ses. There are only clients and cus­to­mers from now on.

The emplo­yees who don’t get that, are dead in the water. And so are the “bos­ses” who still like to be trea­ted as “bos­ses”. Good rid­dance to them all.

So… go read Dave Trott’s stuff. Find out who he is. Go learn from a MASTER. Do it. Rock on.

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »February 10th, 2012

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February 9, 2012

Why “Only connect” is my favorite marketing strategy.




Thanks to Chris for sen­ding me this photo, via Twit­ter.

The gaping­void Valen­tine print he orde­red, just as he was ope­ning the box. A deligh­ted cus­to­mer, so it seems. Hurrah!

I love get­ting stuff like this from peo­ple, and not just because “Social Proof is the new mar­ke­ting” yada, yada, yada.

As artists and/or mar­ke­ters and/or busi­ness peo­ple, it’s not enough to just think about the money and the ROI. We need to know that we “con­nec­ted”, somehow. Deeply so, sometimes.

Or else we just become very dull, making very dull stuff for very dull peo­ple, living very dull lives.

Which except for the occa­sio­nal face­less cor­po­ra­tion, is not much of a sus­tai­na­ble busi­ness model.

E.M. Forster’s very famous advice to aspi­ring authors had a mere two words: “Only connect.”

Exactly. In both art and business.

Only con­nect.

Think about it.

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments »February 9th, 2012

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February 9, 2012

Greeting Cards… Now Unavailable At gapingvoid!




I love this. A gaping­void gree­ting card, newly prin­ted, the finest inks on on the finest card stock yada, yada, yada.

No, we’re not selling them any­time soon. We sent them out to every­body who orde­red one of our “Love Prints” in time for Valentine’s Day etc etc.

How do you make something ubi­qui­tous seem valua­ble to peo­ple? A nice gree­ting card, for exam­ple? Something that you nor­mally can find in any shop­ping mall for the price of a cup of coffee?

By making it scarce. Exactly. Spe­cial. Exactly. By making it NOT avai­la­ble in any shop­ping mall, by making it NOT for sale, at any price (within rea­son). Exactly.

Early on, Jason (my busi­ness part­ner these last eight years) and I figu­red out that gaping­void would pro­bably NEVER BE big and mains­tream, a-la Dil­bert or Doonesbury.

So there was NO POINT doing the same mar­ke­ting as Dil­bert or Doo­nes­bury. Or any­body else, for that matter.

Like ol’ Steve said, think different.


Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments »February 9th, 2012

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February 8, 2012

My next book… and some personal thoughts on the future of the economy.




[The paper­back galley copies. It’ll actually be coming out in hard­back and Kindle only etc.]

I already broke the news on Twit­ter a while back, but yeah, gaping­void Book Num­ber Three comes out in April [Ama­zon pre-order link here].

Like I said earlier:

Think of it a wee love let­ter to the blog. As everything and every­body gets swa­llo­wed up by Face­book, Goo­gle+ and other “Death Stars”, remem­ber the impor­tance of having one’s own piece of real estate to call one’s own…

It’s also very, very short. I was in Bre­vity Mode at the time. And I made sure to put lots of new car­toons in there, just like last time.

I also didn’t write it for the “social media pun­dit” yak­kin’ crowd. I wrote it for your Cou­sin Al, something just to plant a seed in his head. Hope­fully one day it’ll sprout something.

What’s really inte­res­ting to me about the book is the timing. In a year where you can’t turn on the news without some pun­dit asking, “Where are all the new jobs are going to come from”, this might hint at a good ans­wer, of sorts.

Because the way the eco­nomy is evol­ving, the new jobs are going to come from peo­ple who are pre­dis­po­sed to blog­ging in their under­wear, any­way. The peo­ple who quit their dead-end, pen-pushing jobs, got a second mort­gage, tur­ned their spare bedroom into an office and basi­cally ris­ked everything to pur­sue their dream. And star­ted a blog to help get the word out.

The peo­ple who don’t have to wear an tie and go to end­less boring mee­tings seven hours a day for a living.

The peo­ple who actually MAKE stuff. The peo­ple who actually create real, thri­ving busi­nes­ses from scratch. Up and at ‘em by six a.m. Before they’ve had their first cup of cof­fee. In their under­wear. Exactly.

And thanks to blog­ging social media, begin­ning that adven­ture is far less lonely and daun­ting a pro­cess than it used to be, THANK GOD.

Clo­sely rela­ted, my regu­lar Twit­ter buddy, Umair has a WONDERFUL little post over on the Har­vard Busi­ness Review, “Create A Mea­nig­ful Life Through Mea­ning­ful Work” where he laments about how most “suc­cess­ful” peo­ple he meets seem to make a living these days. As usual, he pulls no punches– he sug­gests that maybe, just maybe our current depres­sion is not an eco­no­mic one, but a spi­ri­tual and psycho­lo­gi­cal one.

I’ve been in Manhat­tan for the last few weeks. Han­ging out in all the wrong pla­ces (read: pain­fully hip power hotels), I’ve had the ques­tio­na­ble pri­vi­lege of overhea­ring more than my fair share of Very Serious Con­ver­sa­tions from the movers and sha­kers of the world.

And boy, have they been tedious: mostly, about eking out slightly shar­per terms for deals for more yawn-inducing stuff (whether flicks, finan­cial ins­tru­ments, or kicks) that’s des­ti­ned not to mat­ter. So here’s a tiny hypothe­sis: maybe the real depres­sion we’ve got to con­tend with isn’t merely one of how much eco­no­mic out­put we’re gene­ra­ting — but what we’re put­ting out there, and why. Call it a depres­sion of human poten­tial, a tale of human sig­ni­fi­cance being will­fully squan­de­red (on, for exam­ple, stuff like this).

Bravo, Umair! My thoughts exactly. Like the bri­lliant Guy Kawa­saki once famously said, “Make Mea­ning”. That is where the action is, that is where the eco­nomy AND the future is going. For all of us, rich and poor.

Make of that what you will…

Posted in Uncategorized | 8 Comments »February 8th, 2012

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February 7, 2012

You chose money

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Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »February 7th, 2012

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February 7, 2012

Story of my life:

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