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DIGdat - Digital Irish Genealogy Data

DIGdat Paid Subscriptions

You can use the appropriate link below to open a new paid subscription account at the regular or premium level, to be billed monthly or by the year.

Impportant! By subscribing you agree to abide by our TERMS OF USE for the DIGdat subscriber service. Be aware that DIGdat does not work like other subscription services you may have used, so be sure to read those Terms of Use prior to subscribing.

Subscribe now and gain access to over 21,000 pages of scarce genealogical data!
Note that over 7,000 of those pages are scanned images: at any one time, subscribers may only order a maximum of 1/3 of their available pages from the scanned images.

Regular Monthly Subscription

With a regular monthly subscription you will be able to access 15 pages or files per week (about 60 per month -- less than 14 cents each) -- one third of those may be scanned page images. You will also get five DIGdat Points per month, good toward distribution studies, text searches, and other services. $7.95 per month.

Regular Annual Subscription

With a regular annual subscription you will be able to access 15 pages or files per week (about 780 per year -- less than 11 cents each) -- one third of those may be scanned page images. You will also get 60 DIGdat Points per year, good toward distribution studies, text searches, and other services. $79 per year.

Premium Monthly Subscription

With a premium monthly subscription you will be able to access 30 pages or files per week (about 120 per month -- less than 11 cents each) -- one third of those may be scanned page images. You will also get ten DIGdat Points per month, good toward distribution studies, text searches, and other services. $12.95 per month.

Premium Annual Subscription

With a premium annual subscription you will be able to access 30 pages or files per week (about 1560 per year -- less than 8 cents each) -- one third of those may be scanned page images. You will also get 120 DIGdat Points per year, good toward distribution studies, text searches, and other services. $129.00 per year.

To Cancel Your Subscription

Unlike some subscription services (which shall remain nameless here, but you know who they are!) we make it easy for you to terminate your subscription whenever you want to. You can use the cancel button below, or a similar button that appears on your control panel, or you can log in to PayPal and unsubscribe from there, or you can simply email us with your request and we will handle it for you. If you have time remaining on a current subscription, you will be able to continue accessing data until the time already paid for expires.


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