
J.D. Eveland, Alan Arey, Jim Trosper and Peter Clark play­ing Empire in 1963. Image cour­tesy Reed College archives.

Empire is a turn-​​based eco­nomic and polit­i­cal (and very occa­sion­ally mil­i­tary) strat­egy board game, with roots going back to 1938, mostly devel­oped in the 1960s and 70s by Reed College stu­dents in Portland, Oregon. It is com­plex and addic­tive, reward­ing care­ful long-​​range plan­ning, but at the same time it allows for free-​​form cre­ativ­ity (with the con­sen­sus of other players).

Since February 2011, this web site has been ded­i­cated to com­pil­ing and preserving:

  • History of Empire, both in sum­mary and detail, includ­ing his­tor­i­cal game mate­ri­als, ephemera, pho­tos, oral his­to­ries, inter­views and rem­i­nis­cences of those involved
  • Game resources, whether for his­tor­i­cal value, nos­tal­gia for peo­ple who played long ago, or so that peo­ple can print/​assemble and play their own copy of Empire, either with phys­i­cal pieces or vir­tu­ally by email, etc. Maps and rules are ready, pieces are in the works.
  • Community of peo­ple who have played Empire over the years, and those who are play­ing it today

For site news and update info, see the blog.

Except where spec­i­fied oth­er­wise, down­load­able files from this site are under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 3.0 (CC-​​BY-​​NC-​​SA 3.0) license.


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