
Who are you?

My name is Rob and I’m a ludofecal expert.

What do you do?

Primarily, I swear. Sometimes I don’t swear. When I’m not swearing I look after a wife and a small child who thinks videogames are the best thing evarrr but inbetween that, sometimes I make games for a laugh or help other people make games or shout about accessibility or something. I don’t know, I just sort of sit here in my pants and magic happens. I like magic. And pants.

I also wear a bemused face a lot of the time. I’ve been practicing it since I was 16 and it got stuck, I think. This blog is primarily centered around videogames, things about videogames, things other people made that are videogames, things other people wrote about videogames and all with a side serving of videogames. Probably because I don’t get out much. Because I like videogames.

Edge Magazine once called me “defiantly indie”. I still think they were taking the piss, I don’t even like Harrison Ford.

You can contact me, if you so desire, at oddbob@merseyremakes.co.uk for a chat.

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