ascii snowflake

Submitted by Erin on

look! i made my own ascii art snowflake!!

  O    o    O
   \   |   /
    O  +  o 
--o-+- x -+-o--
    o  +  o
   /   |   \
  0    0    o
       .    emr

I've been admiring other people's snowflakes for years. :-) it's nice to have one of my own.

I have Great Clients!

Submitted by Erin on

Please visit their web sites, and find out more about what they do.

Featured Clients

Retro and Micro Beer Cycling Apparel Retail Store
Wholesale Catalog for Retro and Micro Beer Jerseys

Beautifully designed jerseys from great people

Conversation Marketing

Submitted by Erin on

Conversation Marketing isn't yet a real marketing term, I was reading a faulty analysis of Social Media tools, and somehow conversion marketing became Conversation Marketing in my head. Conversation marketing, is a neat idea. The idea that you pull together people who are naturally interested in similar ideas,working in similar areas or with other points of shared communication, and they talk to each other about what they are doing.

Managing your Online Reputation

Submitted by Erin on

Some tips:

- Pick a username/online name that you can love, and stick to it. :-) then, just be yourself. There is no hiding your authentic personality, and no reason to hide it. Just relax and be yourself and your passions and interests will authentically com through.

First we Build...

Submitted by Erin on

first we build the elements ... then we style the elements... then we say oh $%$#% that doesn't work and re-build and re-style a few times... then we say a f$#$!!! and finish the build ;-)


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