What is it about certain exhibitors?
You know the ones ... their booth is constantly busy, even when show floor traffic is light.

Want to know what these smart exhibitors know?
Good news! Trade show marketing expert and author, Marlys Arnold, created a series of teleclasses for exhibitors of all types and sizes, which is now available in a training kit!

It doesn't matter if you're headed to your first trade show or your 51st -- there are steps you might be missing that can make you more successful! That's why Marlys set out over a decade ago to help exhibitors make the most of every exhibiting experience. The ExhibitorEd Training Kit is a compilation of these tips and tools to make you more successful.

As an exhibitor, do you ever feel:
  • Clueless; not sure how to even begin to put together a trade show marketing program
  • Overwhelmed; don't know how to get it all done
  • Underprepared; not able to handle the traffic at the show

Reasons why exhibitors fail:
  • Setting unrealistic goals
  • Assuming people will magically show up in their booth
  • Sending a staff that hasn't been properly trained
  • Judging people by their looks or their name badge
  • Over-pitching instead of listening

Instead, imagine how you'll feel when:
  • You set realistic goals for exhibiting ... and achieve them!
  • Your pre-show marketing draws eager people to your booth.
  • Your exhibit stands out from all the others at the show and creates a buzz.
  • Your staff knows exactly how to behave in the booth and properly engage visitors.
  • Your leads are followed up efficiently and successfully within days of the show.

Learn what smart exhibitors know!

This series has been developed with all types of exhibitors in mind. Whether you're an exhibiting novice or old pro, you'll find topics that suit your needs. Just think how much you'll save by avoiding mistakes like these over the coming months!

Your ExhibitorEd Training Kit includes six audio CDs with accompanying workbooks, each designed to enhance the return on your exhibiting experience. These practical step-by-step tips and expert insights will provide real-world examples that you can replicate in your own programs. You'll also be invited to join a private Facebook group where you can interact with ExhibitorEd trainer Marlys Arnold as well as other exhibitors participating in the class. You'll even find a Second Opinion Certificate tucked inside the workbook, which entitles you to a basic critique of either your booth design or promotions.

Schedule of Topics:
(Click on a session title to read details.)

While trade shows have existed since the days of the Medieval fairs in Europe or the traveling caravans in Arabia, today's shows are far more complex. It's no longer about simply showing your wares and closing a sale on the spot with a slick sales pitch. Today the focus has shifted to using your exhibit as a three-dimensional marketing tool to create and define your unique brand -- a living personality for your company.

At the same time, attention spans are shorter and people are looking for instant gratification. You must create an experience that is cutting-edge and fun, as well as educational. Yet you can't rely on technology to do the selling for you. Business is still built on relationships, and what better way to foster relationships than at a trade show?

Don't spend any more time trying to figure it all out by yourself! Marlys has put together the ExhibitorEd Training Kit to provide you with the tools you need to make your next trade show experience the best one yet.

So ... how can you take advantage of this series?

Simply click on the button below and you'll be directed to an order page.
This entire series is only $247, which means that for less than the price of the average plane ticket, you can gain priceless tips for your exhibit program! And the best part is you don't have any travel expense or time away to take this class.


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