
Directions to Country Store (Camden-Wyoming, DE)

FROM SOUTHERN DELAWARE: Take Route 13 North to Intersection
of Rt 13 and Rt 10. Turn left at Dairy Queen and Eckerd’s onto
Camden-Wyoming Ave. Follow to RR tracks (approximately 1.3 miles to reach
RR tracks from Rt. 13), cross, take right and then, immediate left onto
Grant St. We’re 1/2 mile out in the country on the right.

FROM NORTHERN DELAWARE: Take Route 13 South to intersection of Rt 13
and Rt 10. Turn right at Dairy Queen and Eckerd’s onto Camden-Wyoming
Ave. Follow to RR tracks (approximately 1.3 miles to reach RR tracks
from Rt. 13), cross, take right and then, immediate left onto Grant St.
We’re 1/2 mile out in the country on the right.

Directions to Local-Fresh Market Store (Dewey Beach, DE)

FROM SOUTHERN DELAWARE: Rt 1 North to Cullen Street in Dewey

FROM NORTHERN DELAWARE: Rt 1 South to Cullen Street in Dewey


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