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Light and Darkness, life and death, right and left, are brothers of one another. They are inseparable. Because of this neither are the good good, nor evil evil, nor is life life, nor death death. For this reason each one will dissolve into its earliest origin. But those who are exalted above the world are indissoluble, eternal.

- The Gospel of Philip

Frequently Asked Questions

Statement of Principles

Johannite Spirituality

How do I find out if the AJC is right for me?


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Apostolic Johannite Church?
We are an esoteric, gnostic, Christian communion with valid Apostolic Succession.

What does Johannite mean?
It refers to a spiritual tradition carried in part through the initiatory tradition of John the Baptist, exemplified in the relationship between Christ and the Apostle John, brought to fruition in the community addressed by the Gospel of John, the Gospel embraced by early Gnostics, and which produced the Revelation to John the Theologian. We strive to embody this tradition today.

Is the Apostolic Johannite Church a Christian Church?
We are part of the "catholic" (the word means “universal”) Tradition as it was understood by the early Christian churches, and we use Christian symbolism, form, and sacraments in our worship. While many of our members do consider themselves Christian, we welcome members from a wide variety of faith traditions including Wiccans, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, and Hermeticists.  Respect for the Christian Tradition, and all traditions of faith, is central to the Apostolic Johannite identity.

Do you believe in the Bible?
Both the Old Testament and the New Testament are sources of our inspiration, as are other works including the Corpus Hermeticum and the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Scriptures. We understand these texts from a multi-layered, allegorical and mystical view, rather than a literal one.

What do you believe in?
We invite you to read our Statement of Principles...
"We affirm that there is one Great, Unknowable, and Ineffable Godhead that made manifest the Universe through Emanation and that while the Universe is contained within this Divine Godhead, the Godhead transcends it.
We affirm that every Being contains the 'Sacred Flame,' a Spark of the Divine and that Awareness of the Sacred Flame within constitutes the highest level of Self-Knowledge and the Experience of God simultaneously. This act of Awareness, which is held to be liberating, transcendent and experiential, is called Gnosis."
(clickhere for more...)

What do you mean by Gnostic?
Gnostic relates to “Gnosis” – 'transcendent, liberating and experiential knowledge of spiritual truth' and that salvation is obtained via its apprehension. Gnosis exists both within the current of mainstream religious belief and systems and beyond its confines, expressing itself primarily in myth and symbol rather than doctrine and dogma. Gnostics stress mysticism, personal responsibility and practical philosophy.

Do you practice the Sacraments?
We do honour the seven Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Matrimony, Penance, Holy Orders, Eucharist, and Extreme Unction as part of our Apostolic Tradition.

Are your Sacraments valid?
In brief, yes. In more detail, the idea of “valid” sacraments comes from Roman Catholic sacramental theology. We don't define ourselves in terms of Roman practise, our sacraments are typical in style and effective by the standards and norms of the primitive (pre-Nicene) church.

But in the sense meant by Roman Catholics, also yes. As an Apostolic Church our clergy and Sacraments would be considered valid by The Vatican, in keeping with the declaration of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith entitled “Dominus Iesus,” which states, in part, “The Churches which, while not existing in perfect communion with the Catholic Church, remain united to her by means of the closest bonds, that is, by apostolic succession and a valid Eucharist, are true particular Churches. Therefore, the Church of Christ is present and operative also in these Churches, even though they lack full communion with the Catholic Church, since they do not accept the Catholic doctrine of the Primacy.”

Do you believe in the Trinity?
We affirm the Trinity of the Divine as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We also use the language of Pleroma (fullness), Logos (word), and Hagia Sophia (holy wisdom) and other forms.

Are you those guys in the Da Vinci Code?
The book is a work of fiction, and takes its themes to extremes for the purposes of entertainment. However, it did make many people aware of the esoteric tradition that has been part of Western religion for millennia. We are a part of that tradition.

Do you believe Mary Magdalene married Jesus?
While this idea is central to the “Da Vinci Code”, it’s not particularly important for us. But not literally, no. This is best thought of in archetypal terms, as the illustration of the joining of different complementary ideas: Christianity "wedded to" older traditions of the Divine Feminine, whom we identify as both Mary and Sophia.

Is there a Parish in my area?
We currently have Parishes across Canada, the United States, Australia and Madrid, Spain. Please check here for your closest Parish, Mission, or Narthex (study group).

If there isn’t a group in your area, you might consider starting one. For that to happen, someone needs to volunteer as a leader and be approved by the church. Check out our vocations page for more information and email the Formation Director if you’re interested.

How many clergy do you have?
Worldwide we currently have three Bishops (including our Patriarch), eight Priests, four Deacons and one Subdeacon.

Do you ordain women?
Yes. As in our Statement of Principles...
"We recognize the Sacred Flame to be present in all Beings and therefore our Offices are open to all humanity without discrimination on the basis of gender, race, social status or sexual orientation."
What about gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people? 
As you can see in our Statement of Principles, we welcome gay, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people as full members of our church and we do not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation in the administration of any of the sacraments of the church, including ordination to the offices of deacon, priest and bishop (and in fact we have serving GLBT clergy). We are delighted to offer the sacrament of matrimony to any two people in a genuine, loving relationship regardless of gender.
So you’re Protestants, right?
No.  “Protestant” characterises churches that emerge from earlier Churches in opposition to them (Catholicism, mostly).  We share a number of ideas with various Protestant denominations, such as the ordination of women and the idea of a personal and unique experience of the divine.  However, we do not define ourselves in opposition to Rome or any other church:  we are the continuation of a tradition that shares its roots with all Christian Churches.

Can I attend Mass and take Communion even if I'm not a member?
Yes. We welcome all who come respectfully and openly.

Can I get a copy of your rituals to read at home?
No. Our liturgies are neither pieces of literature nor historical documents that can be examined in a vacuum: they must be understood within the context of a living community and a living tradition. For more information on this policy see here.

I thought Gnostics were heretics, why do you look so conventional?
For centuries, gnostic ideas flourished in the catholic and orthodox churches. Countless catholic and orthodox Bishops died peacefully in their sleep after lifetimes of preaching and practicing gnosticism. These people contributed, debated, and crafted much of what we see of liturgical culture today. The Cathars and Bogomils had bishops. The Valentinians and Nestorians celebrated the Eucharist. And of course the Gnostic Revival of the nineteenth century also embraced the structure and liturgy of Catholicism, with a deep, mystical understanding.

How can I learn more about Gnosticism?
There are some excellent sources available online:
The Gnostic Society
Gnosticism 101
We also recommend Bishop +Stephan Hoeller's "Gnosticism" and Elaine Pagel's "Beyond Belief" and "The Gnostic Gospels" and “The Gnostics” by Andrew Philip Smith.
What does “esoteric” mean? 
Ideas preserved by a small group or those specially initiated; from the Greekesoterikos, a compound of eso “within” thus the more inward and mystically oriented. Esoteric is distinguished from exoteric, which refers to that which can be understood by all.  Many faiths and schools have both an exoteric (outer) and an esoteric (inner) form. In our context, it means that we ascribe an experiential reality to the church and its sacraments beyond the ceremonial and symbolic.
Are children welcome at AJC liturgies? 
We are happy to welcome children who can be respectful of the liturgy and other members of the congregation.  If you have any concerns, it is best to contact the rector of the parish you wish to attend.
What about pets?  
Policies on pets and other animals are left to the discretion of individual parishes.  Service animals are of course always welcome.
What does your church do to protect children?
Convicted sex offenders are explicitly barred from holding leadership positions within the Apostolic Johannite Church, and we screen seminarians and clergy through local, national and international background checks, including criminal record checks and sex offender listings.  

In addition to this, the AJC also maintains very strict policies ensuring, where possible, that no individuals are placed at risk through the participation of laity that are known to the community to have committed sexual or violent offenses. Should the latter seek the ministry of our Church or clergy, this is done in an environment apart from those at risk.

Are you connected with the Ecclesia Gnostica?
We have the highest regard for Bishop +Hoeller's work and the EG, but at this time we have no formal association.

Are you connected with Freemasonry?
We welcome Freemasons in our Church, and there is a longstanding connection between Masonic and Gnostic Traditions. However we are not formally associated with any Masonic Lodge or organization. Although in the past we've required initiation into an esoteric fraternity in order to be considered for priesthood, that is no longer the case. Initiation is no longer a requirement for ordination.
Are you a Templar church? What is your relationship to the Knights Templar?One of the predecessor organisations of the AJC, from whom we derive a great deal of inspiration, was the 'Église Johannites des Chretiens Primitif, founded by Bernard-Raymond Fabré-Palaprat.  Fabré-Palaprat also refounded a version of the Order of the Temple (Knights Templar), and this is part of our history.  At this time there is no Templar group specifically associated with the AJC.
Do you have links to Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)? We don’t regulate the memberships of members of the church, so some church members may also be members of organisations like OTO. The AJC has no organisational links with OTO.
I read somewhere your Church was  founded by a Satanist. Is that true?  
Some time prior to establishing the Church, our founder had examined the "Left Hand Path" as a part of his spiritual journey and practice. Feeling that this path seemed to provide more opportunity for personality conflicts than genuine spiritual growth and drawn by a growing interest in Gnostic Christianity, he made a firm break with that period of his life. He had no involvement with that path by the time he founded the church.


For more information on this and other attacks please see the letter from the Patriarch

What’s The Friary, what relationship does it have to the AJC?
The Friary is an hermetic, initiatory order founded at the same time as the AJC. The two organisations are distinct and membership in one does not require membership in the other, however some of our clergy are also Friars, and the leadership of the Friary is always invested in a Bishop of the AJC. At this time, membership in the Friary is by special permission only.
What is the NACGB, and what does it do?
The North American College of Gnostic Bishops serves as a collaborative council of representatives from the Apostolic Gnostic movement.

Through dialogue, statements of principle and the sharing of resources, the NACGB works to provide a unified voice for Ecclesastical Gnosticism in the United States of America and Canada

Throughout each year the NACGB convenes to determine important agenda items, positions and provide mutual assistance. Through the cooperation of delegates from each jurisdiction, policies are set for the College's work in the years ahead, in the light of the contemporary situation in church and world.

What do you think about original sin?
This is not a concept that plays a significant role in the theology of the AJC.  Many Gnostics (and for that matter, many orthodox Christian mystics) believe that human beings exist in a state of fallenness – separation from the divine – and believe that our work on Earth is to restore ourselves to a state of original union with God.

You don’t seem to take a lot of positions.  Are you hiding something?  
The clergy and laity of the Apostolic Johannite Church represent a cross section of people from many walks of life and nationalities. We count ourselves fortunate and blessed to have differing opinions on politics, social and personal issues, and of course, religion and spirituality.

The AJC has preferred an organic unity to a constructed, legislated or enforced uniformity whenever possible. The Church should, we feel, serve as a sanctuary and a place to connect and learn from each other, laity and clergy alike. In order to do this, the Church does not seek to create dividing lines between it is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.