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My Voice

Weymouth Roadshow


Cathy Brett on drawing her characters

There's one thing that hasn't changed since I became a published YA author. I still draw every day. In fact (as you may have noticed) my books are stuffed full of hundreds of illustrations and most of my stories actually start with a sketch or two - a character drawn from life, or a key scene or location.


Author Andrew Hammond on Weymouth Roadshow and the art of writing

I was delighted to accept an invitation from the good people at MyVoice to run a workshop at the Weymouth festival. And what a day it was. I pitched up late the night before at a hotel on the seafront....


Going for a world record!

Fresh from and inspired by CRYPT author Andrew Hammond's ghost writing workshop at the MyVoice Roadshow Weymouth, we made an attempt on the world record for the longest group scream. Our scream needed to last longer than 60 seconds -...


Cartoons and Characters with Cathy Brett

Take an entertaining peek inside Cathy's studio (author of Ember Fury) where her characters are created at the MyVoice Roadshow Weymouth on Wednesday 27 July. Find out how she develops all her ideas and plots, how she takes drawings...


Gabrielle Aplin at MyVoice Roadshow in Weymouth

Head down to Weymouth library to see Gabrielle Aplin performing from 8pm on Wednesday 27 July, along with local bands and poets. Check out the programme for more creative workshops and performances.Gig night: 8pm - 10pm...


Make yourself scream with Andrew Hammond

Andrew Hammond, author of Crypt, is going to be thrilling audiences at the MyVoice Roadshow Weymouth on Wednesday 27th July. How is it a few words on a page can set your heart racing, your palms sweating and your eyes glancing over your shoulder in anticipation? Join Andrew Hammond as he shares some of the secrets of how to write a gripping, haunting, terrifying ghost story.


Digital workshops with sounddelivery

Want to learn how to create exciting videos and podcasts? Join in these workshops and get the digital and social media skills you need to get your work noticed. You could also be a MyVoice reporter for the day!


Nearly time for the MyVoice Weymouth Roadshow!

Make sure you're at Weymouth Library from 10am this Wednesday so you don't miss out on a day packed with performances, workshops and a gig night. The MyVoice young people's team have programmed a stunning line-up just for you with...

Weymouth Roadshow Archive is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.