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Good Riddance to Bryan Lund

August 03rd, 2006 at 3:00pm • Posted in Personal • Tagged resexcellence, ubuntu, bryan lund

All right. In a way, I really don't want to post about this, as the subject of this post is ultimately an undeserving attention whore and I'm shoveling some more attention towards him. But in the end, the man deserves to be exposed for what he is, so I'm going to go ahead with this. If you're not inclined to read rants, I'll summarize it here. Bryan Lund is a hack.

Now, a little background on this man. From what I understand, Bryan switched to the Mac in 2000, and soon began a Mac software company called RadicalBreeze, featuring flagship disc burning application DiscBlaze. RadicalBreeze has made a name for itself by pumping out a ton of half-assed RealBasic apps. Like, a huge amount of them. Literally over a dozen one-trick pony's that are, in general, really ugly ponies with disabilities that smell sort of funny. You can go check these apps out for yourself. (A note, the newest version of DiscBlaze is surprisingly decent, but that's because Bryan paid a friend of mine to write it.)

Anyway, several months ago he took over, a Macintosh customization site that's been around for a while, which has even arguably gained some historical significance within the community for its longevity. Now, Resexcellence has never been the most cool, well-made, professionally run Mac website. But even through several changes of management, the people running it have been in general good natured, enthusiastic, and have kept the site going with daily content for its rather established reader base. I mean, even as the webmaster of a somewhat competing site, MacThemes, I've always been fond of Resex for starting my interest in GUI customization, and in recent years, have looked at it as a sort of clueless friend. You know, the friend that's tolerated but who's nice so you can't hold anything against him.

That's why it sucks that Bryan and his friend managed to gain control of the site. They're not only clueless, but malignant and incompetent. I watched with some amusement from the sidelines as they excused themselves on the lack of updates with promises of a big revamp (Ok, fair enough, MacThemes is in that state right now), then months after, delivered shit (this part we are not going to do). As in, woohoo, we are making the site into a standard wiki with the Resex logo stamped on it shit. Understandably, Resex's many loyal users were rather disappointed. And when they finally added comments to the site, they got, surprise, some rather harsh comments. I was expecting that, but I guess Bryan and Chris were expecting something more in the tune of praise and awe.

So, what do they do? Ooh! I know! Switch to Linux, blame the Mac community, and leave Resex to die.

Here's a choice quote from his post on Resexcellence reasoning his actions (A note, his first post in months. Another note, it's not even his words, but Chris', because "his words cut to the point extremely nicely"):

"You have ruined this for us... One of the new features we were most excited for was the comments system. It was going to enable us to have direct interaction with you, and we were stoked. Finally the chance to interact with the Mac community that really would have an impact... We discovered the dark secret of all those shiny fancy Macs out there. A good portion of the Mac enthusiast that use them are really rude. Really, really rude. We had no idea the kind of mean hurtful things the readers of a free hobby site would say to us"

At which point he lists several of the most venomous, rude, unneeded comments. Like these:

"The content page is sorta tacky, is that how it is going to look?"

"The site leaves a lot to the imagination."

"It's a terribly uninspiring and horrible logo. Just a bunch of Photoshop tricks in a file. No real design."

"Is it me or has this site gone downhill???"

Um, ok. Wow, that sucks Bryan. You led along thousands of Resex readers for months and months on a huge promised update, and you unleashed a comments system and a Wiki-powered GUI archive for them. Not only that, but a Wiki that wasn't even modified to fit in with Resex's looks. For a site all about themeing and customizing things. And ultimately, the feature was all about handing off the work to the community, so you could be hands off.

What exactly did you expect? Applause and three pages of glowing praise? Hugs and kisses? A gold star?

Grow up Bryan, the reason people threw some harsh criticism your way was because you deserved it, and they at least deserved that dubious pleasure. Sure, a webmaster of a free website is doing its readers a favor by pumping out content gratis, but ultimately so are loyal readers who have been visiting said site for like, 8 freaking years. They deserve to feel cheated if they can see with their very eyes their beloved community going down the chutes, with you at the helm.

And you know what's the worst part about this? As you ditch the Resex community, throw blame at the rest of us, and I suppose, screw your RadicalBreeze customers as well (the people who so generously enabled a half-assed developer to quit his day job and do quite well for years), you frame the entire thing in your favor and send out PRESS RELEASES about your Ubuntu switch. Is anyone else just as disgusted reading this self-written PR, submitted by Bryan and Chris to various Linux sites, framing themselves as Macintosh community celebrities making a hard decision to switch to Unbuntu thanks to an unforgiving Mac community that "rained on their parade"? Like, are you serious Bryan?

Well, enjoy your move to the Linux community Bryan. I'm sure they'll all be much nicer in accommodating your ineptitude, though with your history of destroying mac community sites and leaving customers in the dust, I hope people won't fall for it again.

I sincerely hope the community members attempting at the moment to salvage Resexcellence will be able to fix the mess you left for them to clean up, and I thought I would never say this, but you are one Mac to Linux switcher I am glad this community will never again have to deal with.

Oh, and for the record, as a fellow developer and also owner of a Mac community site, let me emphasize that Mac users will be the last to complain for quality products. There's nothing wrong with the Mac community Bryan, just a whole lot wrong with you.

your ad here


Up until this point, there have been 66 responses to “Good Riddance to Bryan Lund”:


August 03rd, 2006 at 3:13pm

moi agrees


August 03rd, 2006 at 3:17pm

Moi aussi!


August 03rd, 2006 at 3:20pm

lame... this was a good blog until it got too personal with posts like this. we don't care about this crap.

robert berencreuz

August 03rd, 2006 at 3:28pm

linux.. accomodating? if he finds elitist osx users annoying.. he's gonna love the regular linux user with a chip on their shoulder.

James Wells

August 03rd, 2006 at 3:33pm

I hope Bryan begins developing software for Linux instead, because, quite frankly, his apps are a scar on the Mac community.


August 03rd, 2006 at 3:39pm

alex: You're perfectly welcome to stop reading if you don't like it, you know. Don't generalize. There are people who care.

phill: I know it was just a public rant, but thanks. After reading ResEx for a few years, I somehow forgot about it a year or two ago. I had no idea what had happened since! ResEx was the one of the first Mac sites I ever read. I'm looking forward to seeing it return as a useful resource for new Mac switchers and veterans alike!

Sebastien Gomez

August 03rd, 2006 at 3:48pm

Maybe a little too personal and harsh but nonetheless informative. Keep it up Phil and continue giving great support to your mac communities.

zach Forrester

August 03rd, 2006 at 3:49pm

"lame… this was a good blog until it got too personal with posts like this. we don’t care about this crap."

Phill's got a right to expressing his opinion. This is his personal blog. If it wasn't personal, it'd be dull.

Rock on, Phill


August 03rd, 2006 at 3:50pm

Wow. What a pussy.

Jesse Wilson

August 03rd, 2006 at 3:56pm

What happened with ResExcellence is sad, but let's be honest, it was never a good site by any standard. And while I don't disagree with what you've said, as 'alex' so ineloquently put it, this is a little too personal an attack (I don't share his other sentiment that this blog is "lame"). I'm just afraid that the tone of this post will only serve to lend credit to Bryan's whining.

Eric Schwarz

August 03rd, 2006 at 4:22pm

While I don't want to get into the "is it too personal or not" argument, I do want to add my own 2¢ to the discussion. I think that what happened with ResExcellence is sad, and even if it might not have been a great site, it certainly was one I visited every day (back in the Cletus/Coyle/Hoesly days) and mostly went for the bit of humor and wackiness that wasn't so in-your-face as some of the other so-called "humor" sites. It provided plenty of tips and had a phenomenal amount of archived information.

I hope that someone can save ResEx, as the name itself is worth the most to the Mac Community.

Phill Ryu

August 03rd, 2006 at 4:37pm

About this simply proving his pont that the Mac community can be "verbally abusive," I really don't care about the rather clever anti-flaming retardant he built into his lame press release. What it comes down to is this. Even some of the "harshest" criticisms were nothing more than concerned readers trying to improve the site. But if I've somehow been totally off the mark on this, you can comment here and prove me wrong, I'm sure some of you known Bryan better than I do.


August 03rd, 2006 at 4:39pm

Phill is 100% right. Lund completely dropped the ball and now one of the best Mac resources out there is on life support.

Neil Christie

August 03rd, 2006 at 4:46pm

I'm disappointed that this blog has lowered itself to this level. If you have issues with someone else, then that's between you and them.

Do NOT post like this trying to get people on your side. It won't work and it shows that whatever he's done, you're weak enough to get angered by it.

Grow up and post something worthwhile. Can't think of anything to post? Don't post anything at all.


August 03rd, 2006 at 5:18pm

Neil... is this your blog? I love how you come on here actually shouting out orders to someone like you have some stake in this site. A weblog is a personal outlet where the author may say whatever he/she feels. And Phil certainly hasn\'t \"lowered\" himself to any level. It\'s not like this site has even been around that long. My favorite is that you\'re getting on him for not posting something worthwhile... but how exactly was your comment \"worthwhile?\"

As for ResEx, it\'s sad to see it hit the bottom, but we\'ve known for years that unless the right people got behind the project it wasn\'t going to go anywhere.

Sadly, I see MacThemes doing this as well. Just because it has a prettier design doesn\'t give it an excuse to just sit around and do nothing. There are never any updates on the front page anymore, and all we hear are excuses that there is an update coming... but everyone knows that is the completely wrong way to do an update, just stopping the content. Look at the way that Iconfactory updated their ENTIRE structure, design and programming... they still kept the content coming and they only had a downtime of roughly a week... AND they even met that downtime with some interesting animations that kept interest and let readers know that they were still interested in their viewership.

The entire MacThemes site has become completley focused on the forum... a forum which is in the beginning stages of becoming a cesspool. Genuine people that are not on the forum 24 hours a day ask good questions and are yelled at by the entire community for asking \"old\" questions.. so then they try to do right and go search the forum and then they are yelled at for \"bumping\" threads. All the while a flame war opens up on at least every page of the desktop (read: most popular) thread. The entire community has gone away from the \"sharing\" mentality and into the \"let\'s see who is the coolest by who can have the most \'exclusive\' GUI items on his desktop.\" Add a couple young (and really old) moderators into the mix who are more interested in a power trip than really contributing to the community and you can begin to see how many users feel like the site is on a down hill slump.

MacThemes used to be the exclusive place to get great news and reviews on what was happening around the Mac GUI scene but that since has fallen off. I\'d love to see it pick back up and once again regain the title it once held. It\'s got the design and the talent already in place, now it just needs some good people who are willing to write good content.

Even if MacThemes just shut down the rest of it\'s site, and was only a forum and then all the news and reviews were done on this blog here, that would be great. As long as the content returns somewhere.

I appreciate Phil\'s honesty about the entire ResEx project... but let\'s just hope that everyone sees it as a good example of what NOT to do and that other sites out there will learn from it.


August 03rd, 2006 at 5:43pm

I loves me some drama!


August 03rd, 2006 at 6:16pm

I agree, So far, I have rebuilt the forums, and I think they are doing well.


August 03rd, 2006 at 6:19pm

"I’m disappointed that this blog has lowered itself to this level. If you have issues with someone else, then that’s between you and them.

Do NOT post like this trying to get people on your side. It won’t work and it shows that whatever he’s done, you’re weak enough to get angered by it.

Grow up and post something worthwhile. Can’t think of anything to post? Don’t post anything at all."

– Neil

Neil, the Mac community is unique among large technology-oriented online communities (whether they relate to hardware, software, electronics, or gaming) in the sense that it doesn’t merely troubleshoot or provide commentary. The Mac community DRIVES the innovation of the products it enjoys.

The Mac community has become a veritable cottage industry, enriching the OS X experience by releasing new applications and advancing cutting-edge aesthetic theory. Mac users are the true creative force behind Apple’s ever-revolutionizing product line.

The reason that the Mac community has matured in this way is because the community has always been predicated upon two things: collaboration and trust.

What Phill’s blog has "lowered itself to" is rightfully calling out a charlatan who not only ran a popular Mac site into the ground, but also screwed over advertisers. The people who incurred real financial losses weren't some faceless corporate entities, but rather individual Mac users who trusted Lund with their wallets to properly maintain Resex.

Through his negligence, Lund quashed a vibrant collaborative outlet for Mac users while betraying the trust (and money) of upstart Mac developers.

I would argue that this post has been Phill's MOST "worthwhile" because he is sending a strong message to would-be defrauders that there is no place for Lund’s harmful practices in this community.


August 03rd, 2006 at 6:32pm

Almost any forum I've seen has come to the same issue of curmudgeonly members skewering new members for asking an "old question" or not using the forum's (typically horrible) search functions. It's not a reflection of the Mac community, but more a reflection of people in general. I've seen it from Mac people, Windows people, Linux people, and every other kind of person out there. It's not just computer-related forums.

When it comes to stuff like this, I'm always reminded of a quote:
"Not everyone's as smart as you."


August 03rd, 2006 at 6:53pm

First off, Phill is free to post whatever he wants. That's the glory of having your own blog. Don't like it? Well you were told it was a rant in the first paragraph.

As for ResExcellence, I was wondering what was up. It seemed headed in the right direction with Wordpress but the themes area wiki is just horrible. Who's taking over now? We can rebuild people!!

Joel Mueller

August 03rd, 2006 at 8:55pm

I appreciate the open blutness Phill is posting here to his personal blog. Although it is a bit rough, I was unaware of any of this happening. ResExcellence used to be a great site _because_ of the community. When the new owners took over, it seemed they didn't keep the community part of things going. They could have moved to an more "open" site where outsiders could post things if they didn't want to make time to update their own content. Just look at the success of -- it's a GREAT site, and a lot of people post to it.

-joel -


August 03rd, 2006 at 9:09pm

PHIL: I don't know if ya know this, but your blog doesn't render correctly in IE. (I say this b/c I'm surfing on a pc laptop. I'm a mac person though spacer ) If ya need any help with that gimmie and email. I know how to get png's to work correctly and such.

I think I remember the old website... do ya have an old screen shot mb?

Running a website and creating fresh content is hard. Creating a great cms helps though. Its hard to devote time to redoing a website and add content. BTW why would you want to redesign the sucker. Its great!!! Under the hood changes? KEEP IT GOING PHIL. YOUR BLOG's got JUICE!


August 03rd, 2006 at 9:24pm

Hey man good personal post, It is good to see some emotion in a post that gets your blood boiling. I dont see how people can say you lowered yourself for speaking your mind on a personal web blog. Now if this was your other site you run then yeah I can see why they would give some negative comments.

Other than that love the site was one of the first ones I have started reading since getting my 15" mbp.

I have have used windows, linux, and now os x and can say all have there place in life for specific jobs. It is a sad day with a parasite moves from one platform to another just to put mud in the pool and turn the other items to garbage.

Maybe the guys should quit being part of the problem and start becoming part of the solution.

A site is only as good as its maintainer and how the content is presented.....

Juan Alvarez

August 03rd, 2006 at 9:40pm

As a developer I too hate to see those people who just don't care or don't understand the importance of community.

The biggest reason why the Mac is what it is today is because of it's users. It's not about market share, not about compatibilty but about passion. It's about giving the right tools to the right users.

Thanks Phil for being open to your opinion. Don't let anyone tell you other wise. Our voice is what gives us power.


August 03rd, 2006 at 9:49pm

Okay, I'm not going to make it a habbit of posting here. And I'm not likely to return to check any replies, but I wanted to make sure things were clear about this post and many of the follow up comments.

At first I was actually somewhat amused by this post. But then read a few of the comments and realized that a few people took Phill's comments seriously.

1) Phill selected the few comments that back up his particular stance from a large collection. If anyone took the time to read the other comments on the site (which is easy, as many were called out) then it would be immediately obvious that Phill is working to mislead.

2) This type of direct and personal attack is vicious. It is exactly the type of thing I do not care fore and seek to avoid. I am sure Phill is an okay guy. I've spoken with him a few times online and he's typically been nice enough to me. Where this raw, burning hatred of me comes from... I do not know. But it does nothing to help show that the Mac community is nice/helpful/etc.

3) It is, again, worth noting that ResExcellence was going to be SHUT DOWN completely. The previous owner was going to turn off the server. Gone. Completely. End of ResExcellence. Chris and I stepped in, moved it to a dedicated server and set to work on it. The -ONLY- reason it exists at all at this point is because of us. You may not like what we've done for it, but that's another thing entirely.

4) People keep talking about the ResEx community prior to us taking over. People talk about how we took the community aspects away. Community implies that people communicate. Which didn't really exist (outside of a VERY small handful of people in the old forum) before we took over. We ADDED the ability to communicate on the site. We gave the "community" a way to be a "community". And, that, was part of the problem.

5) I've seen suggestions that we should have moved ResEx to a more "open" sort of website where users could submit and modify content themselves. Well... that is EXACTLY what we were doing. But people HATED it.

Ya know. I shouldn't even be replying here I suppose. In all reality I am just frustrated as and disheartened that so many would attack me as a person.

I guess I should, if nothing else, feel satisfied that I am making the right decision. Shrug.


August 03rd, 2006 at 9:52pm

Oh man this was needed! Has this story been dugg? Becuase I would digg it!

I don't know about anyone else but I often listen to that linux action show thing that bryan guy puts on and LAUGH AND LAUGH... and I love linux! I use it all day long as my preferred server OS (osx for everything else, of course) but man this guy is a tool!

Nicely done phil! You earned your spot in my rss reader today that's for sure! :p


August 03rd, 2006 at 10:55pm

Thanks for clearing this up; I had read one of their "press releases" a while back and was left quite puzzled. Their reasons for switching to Ewbuntu are just absurd.


August 03rd, 2006 at 10:59pm

1) About selecting comments, let me remind you that you initially selected those yourself as some of the worst examples (out of 100+ comments). Please don't try to call Phill out on that.

2) From my experience, Phill IS a nice guy. He just got flared up by having to watch one of his favorite sites fall to sh*t because of your negligence. And believe it or not, in my opinion, in a case where you are actually blaming the victims (Resex visitors) for what has been going wrong, I think Phill is doing a service for the community by calling attention to your wrongdoing. Without your bullshit spin on it. (Your press release is a joke.)

3) That's duly noted, but I have a feeling the community could've afforded a dedicated host. Don't try to tell me the many ads on Resex can't even pay for hosting.

4) The problem wasn't that you allowed the community to speak out. It was that you gave them a pretty negative thing to talk about. Namely, screwing the site up with the wiki theme archive and stuff like that. It's not the community's fault they had more concerns than praise.

5) That could've been good, but you didn't pull it off well. Again, please don't blame your readers for being disappointed by a spare wiki with the default theme on, a website deidicated to customization.

Oh and one more thing. You may claim that you are "not likely to return to check any replies," but we all know you are sitting there on your computer hitting refresh every other second.


August 03rd, 2006 at 11:46pm

Hah! Bryan your #5
5) I’ve seen suggestions that we should have moved ResEx to a more “open” sort of website where users could submit and modify content themselves. Well… that is EXACTLY what we were doing. But people HATED it.

Your are now switch to Linux right? Using ubuntu? have your ever visit or gnome look ??

There are very nice example how the system work where users can submit there own stuff.

You used Wiki for ResEX..horrible choice you made.


August 03rd, 2006 at 11:53pm

Bryan, as someone who you quoted in one of your posts as an example of how mean were to you in the comments section, I feel I have a special connection to what you did at ResEx now. Just kidding, kind of...

Turning ResEx into a boring Wordpress page and a Wiki is not opening up the website. It crapified it. Funny that your intention of making content easier to submit generated only one or two actual content posts. I think that's what bugged your readers, me included, the most. Besides your promises over months of new content coming.


August 04th, 2006 at 12:15am

Word. What those guys have done to ResEx is as close to blasphemy as you can get. ResEx launched a million tinkerers to mess with their System suitcase resource forks, and held the hands of a million others who just wanted to get neato icons. It was the church of GUI hacking in the Mac community for years, and to see the old gal desecrated now just makes me furious. I hope Bryan Lund trips and falls into an idling woodchipper.

Jack Jenkins

August 04th, 2006 at 2:39am

For the record...

True, Phil's post is indeed quite personal, and often downright harsh - there is even some name-calling in there (which, to some extent, sort of proves Bryan's point...).

That said, this is a blog. It's supposed to be Phil's personal opinion. Unsurprisingly, Phil's opinion - just like everyone else's - can ocassionally be *gasp!* negative!

And with that, I tip my hat to you, Mr. Ryu, for not being afraid to use your OWN webspace as you see fit.

much love - haere e hoki,
Jack Jenkins


August 04th, 2006 at 4:00am

Yes Jack, I totally agree with you.
People get so "shoked" when they see something hurtfull.
Get over it, it's part of life.

For my part, I'm glad to have read this as I was also there reading ResEx 8 years ago everyday and then lost interested a while back. Now I know why.

As for MacThemes, I thought it was only a forum !!! (just kidding)(but almost not). Na but one has to say that it's a boring site.

You know how human nature works. We all get borred with something and have to create something new to get exited once again. Well Phil I guess this blog has you exited again and MacThemes is becoming part of the past. In some strange way it's doing a ResEx on you.

C'est la vie !!!


August 04th, 2006 at 4:02am

oh yeah and someone should digg this... spacer


August 04th, 2006 at 9:11am

This was a good blog until this post +lame.
Unbookmarked for me...


August 04th, 2006 at 12:28pm

You know I was complaining about the lack of updates... then this.

Man you know how to deliver!

I've been a fan of ResEx since the day it opened it's doors. As soon as the original owner fell off the radar my visits have gone downhill as well. This is just the icing on the cake for me unless someone is able to restore ResEx to it's previous glory, I'm out.

Geoff Taylor

August 04th, 2006 at 1:12pm

I love this site and while I agree with you I don't think this post belongs here. Maybe on another personal blog of yours-- anywhere else but here.

Seth Chandler

August 04th, 2006 at 1:49pm

@Phil: Right on. I certainly think the Mac community can be harsh, and of course we have our niche of fanboys, but the Linux community is just as ridiculous (if not moreso). Best of luck to BL in his quest to destroy a different community.

@Geoff: Please note the title (or URL for that matter) of the blog. It's a personal blog, albeit an awesome one. Certainly Phil has been putting up kick-ass content, but he's not marketing this is a blog solely for interface work/mac stuff.


August 04th, 2006 at 5:35pm

another group like this would be magical macintosh utilities []


August 05th, 2006 at 12:53am

I hope you keep future posts drama free. I came here for one thing, pretty mac apps. it's your blog tho. so whatever.


August 05th, 2006 at 7:05am

Last I checked, the title of the blog was, not or

Let the man run HIS blog the way HE feels fit, because its, all together now kids, HIS BLOG.

Keep up the good work, Phill.

don perreault

August 05th, 2006 at 7:46am

I agree, it is Phill's blog let him speak his mind. If he writes what you don't want to read then go read a blog that pleases you.

I am a new reader of this blog and thus far love it.

Keep up the great work, Phill.


August 05th, 2006 at 8:52am

He should have fun in the Linux world, they're much more forgiving about half arsed design and frankly terrible design.

Good riddance to both him and the "OH NO I DON'T OWN MY FILES" moron let them sit together in the ridiculous pseudo desktop environment that is Linux, it doesn't even have proper applications with icons for god sake (I mean like a .app or a .exe that you can say "This is the application file with an icon and everything")


August 07th, 2006 at 12:41pm

for the record, and something bryan seems to want to plug his ears about whenever it's brought up, is that his "you ruined this for us" MADE the whole thing friggin personal... to the whole mac community. truthfully, if bryan had just handed it off to the new crew, like it is now, WITHOUT that warning shot of disdain, almost all of us would have been "well, thanks for at least saving the site from having the lights turned off." but no, he didn't do that. HE decided to bring this out under the spotlight for all to see. heck, even if this WASN'T a blog, bryan deserves to have his name dragged out there right along with the fight HE started. and i think we cut far too much slack for people such as this, falling on the side of "you'll only give them more publicity" and such. yet it seems like we need to start calling these folks out AT THE VERY LEAST when they do the smack-talk FIRST, and they did it to a reader-base that CUT ITS TEETH on being insulted like this for YEARS during the classic days. we really don't need to hear someone come in and lambast (sp?) us like it's 1997 all over again. so lay off Phil, and Bryan, you're pathetic if you jump into the fray HERE, after turning off any way for people to have a public commentary on YOUR press releases anywhere else, and then say you won't even check for replies. That's cowardice to a new level, and reminds me of a runt standing behind a big bruising friend while hurling verbal invectives, knowing, hey, there's nothing you can do about it.

for what it's worth, the encouraging thing is that the crew that has signed up for the task off refurbishing the site (and maybe reign in the mess that was started) have done more in a few weeks than bryan and chris did in their entire tenure, and i am very excited to see where it is all going. thank you blonde, and the rest, for picking up the pace.


August 07th, 2006 at 5:12pm

"He should have fun in the Linux world, they’re much more forgiving about half arsed design and frankly terrible design."

I'm just laughing... well they will soon discover the truth

linux community is packed with a lot LOT of good websites and applications and will don't care at all to bad stuff. they simply will forget.

Woody Sabran

August 10th, 2006 at 3:17pm

Phill... you are da man. Once upon a time I used to visit ResEx everyday, it was great! It was so good in fact, that you wanted to submit your own contributions to see what ResEx would say about it and because it made you feel warm inside knowing that you had done your bit. Since the days of Coyle, I really can't remember ONE interesting thing on ResEx AT ALL. Now I'm sure there must have still been some people contributing, even in the last few weeks. What happened to all those submissions? To not even acknowledge them, IMO, is absolutely heartless. It basically confirms exactly what you've stated above. RIP ResEx, we wont forget you...


August 19th, 2006 at 3:42pm

Teenagers, even really smart, successful computer programming teenagers, are still teenagers. The tone of this whole issue screams of youth (which is by definition immature). Kind of amusing but not really worth giving a shit about.

Peter Maurer

August 22nd, 2006 at 2:44pm

An interesting read, indeed.

The reasons for Bryan's switch strike me as mildly odd, to be honest. I guess I'm in a position that's somewhat similar to his -- I'm giving away some applications for free (OK, they're actually donationware), and I'm making enough money to make a living with others.

Here's the difference: On average, user feedback has always been overwhelmingly positive. But then, I never did RealBasic. spacer

Seriously though, even when I sold Textpander, there was much less flaming than I had originally expected. In fact, even the ones who who had criticized my decision most vocally (TUAW comes to mind) were still willing to discuss things. I've learned quite a few things from those discussions. And I'd like to think that there was something for the critics to learn, too.

Now, those sample comments regarding ResExcellence's recent development didn't really sound too harsh to me. So that's what put you off, Bryan? Are you telling me that -- being a software developer -- you aren't used to that conservative don't-change-the-feature-I'm-used-to kind of comment? Aren't you used to turning these into fruitful discussions?

And don't get me started on that Watson/LiteSwitch/Konfabulator whining. You really should read what John Gruber wrote about this at the time: .

Anyway, I can't believe that this was all it took to make Bryan switch to Ubuntu, leaving a platform he had developed for for quite some time and -- most importantly -- leaving an installed user base.


August 27th, 2006 at 1:50pm

According to a source close to the deal, the secrecy surrounding ResExcellence and the domain's re-direction to is all part of an attempt by Scott Chitwood to sell ResExcellence. From what little can be gathered, after "Bryan and Chris" allowed ResExcellence to fall through, the experimental group of 5 administrators hasn't worked out as well as some would have hoped. Apparently, a number of individuals and companies have stepped forward, willing to put time, effort, and money into the revitalization of ResExcellence, but refuse to pay for it up-front since it is currently a financial liability; too much bad press. The hypothesis suggests that anyone willing to pay for ResExcellence will attempt to turn it into something more than just a self-sustaining website.


November 02nd, 2006 at 1:17am

I gotta agree with everything said in the entry. Yes, I know this comment is way after the fact; however, finally has something on the front page besides "We'll be back" and it links to this page.

You rock, Phil. Good luck on rebuilding the site.

Bobby T.

November 02nd, 2006 at 2:20pm

I always thought the MacThemes website sucked... Go figure...


November 02nd, 2006 at 6:08pm

Your site is very very cool !! I love it spacer Respect !


November 02nd, 2006 at 6:10pm

nice project with good design and wishes...;-))


November 02nd, 2006 at 7:28pm

It's true!
after visiting Resex for years, literal, years, to see it all go down the tubes was a shame. Sure, i did my best to make my voice be heard. I left comments, i offered ideas, i voted for different designs, but it seemed at every turn like Bryan was there to try and foul me up, try and foul up our whole project.

WIth his switch to the wiki, he lost everything i had on Resex. I submitted a few items, and of course, he couldn't back hem up? For the love of fat chicks, that's just rediculous.

I say good riddance to the little keniving prick. Hopefully someday he'll just quit with computers in total. I wouldn't want him anywhere near my mac or my pc (multi -platform).



November 03rd, 2006 at 12:13am


Excellent blog!!!

I can't belive people have the balls to tell you (the owner of your blog) what you can and can not say. im sure they wouldnt like someone in their home bitchin about they way they do things.

Im glad this information got out. I for one visited the site for a very long time (shit, i think System 7 days...) and i was very happy with it. i loved seeing the icons, learning how to use resedit, seeing different splash screens (which i should still have on an old syquest 135ez drive) and everything else the site offered. Great people helping eachother out with a platform they loved.

As time went by i fell more and more in love with resexcellence. then the updates slowed down, and just about stopped.

Along comes bryan and chris. For months they kept talking about how bad ass the site was gonna be, doing it in 3 phases. once i saw it was wiki i shit myself. it was a bitch finding information, it was a bitch trying to download stuff without going in circles, and when he asked for feedback, he got feedback.

i for one agree with you 100% that he asked for it. We (the users) told him what we wanted, and he got pissed and said we were attacking him. then he says he is going to linux because the mac community are a bunch of assholes. we the users are assholes?? how many months went by with no word on the site, and no updates?? (oh, we got some updates like wedding announcments, and other bullshit not even related to computers just his personal BLOG) and all we got after months of waiting was a half ass logo, and wiki. when we asked where the material was he said there was none because people were not sending in anything (even though people were and it was nev is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.