SpringGraph Flex Component

spacer SpringGraph is a Adobe Flex 2.0 component that displays a set of items that are linked to each other. The component calculates the layout for the items using an organic-looking annealing algorithm based on the size and links of each item, and draws lines to represent the links. The component allows the user to drag and/or interact with individual items. Data can be provided in XML or as Actionscript objects. The Roamer component is an extension to SpringGraph for browsing large graphs of 10,000 items.

Here are some sample applications that use SpringGraph.

Thesaurus Roamer lets you explore connections between words and meanings, using thesaurus data from thesaurus.com.

Amazon Roamer uses a SpringGraph and Amazon Web Services to browse the “similar products” links of items from Amazon.com.

SpringGraph Explorer lets you manually create and manipulate a simple data model and view it using a SpringGraph.

Roamer Demo demonstrates using the Roamer component to browse graphs with 10,000+ items.

Molecule Viewer displays schematic layouts of various molecules.

(BTW you can right-click in any of these apps to view the source code.)

Download the latest source code, documentation, and additional samples (version 20061202 200 KB). All components and samples are provided as open source code, with no warranty.

View the documentation for SpringGraph.

Visit my blog to find out more, or to post comments/question/bug reports. Or email me at mark dot shepherd at adobe dot com. I’d love to see the work you create using SpringGraph and Roamer.

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