The Campaign

What do we want?

TIAA-CREF is one of the largest financial services in the United States, considered to be one of  the largest retirement systems in the world. We want TIAA-CREF to stop investing in companies that profit from the Israeli occupation.

Who are we?

We are TIAA-CREF investors from universities, non-profits, public schools, hospitals, and the arts who do not want to  fund our retirements with the profits from Palestinian suffering and death. We are university students who want to stand up against injustice. We are local activists who want to educate our communities about the companies making money off the occupation. We are  Israelis and Palestinians struggling for a just peace. We are Jews, Muslims, Christians, and other people of conscience, who uphold our  deepest values and proudest traditions by standing in solidarity with Palestinians and Israelis who are engaged in nonviolent resistance to the occupation in the form of Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions. We invite you to join us in this historic campaign.

Why divestment?

The tactics of boycott, divestment, and sanctions are a nonviolent expression of resistance, which everyday folks across the world can take up.  History from Montgomery to South Africa has proved it to have  enormous economic power as a force for change. We view the global movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions as the most promising avenue toward a just peace in Israel and Palestine.


1. TIAA-CREF is big, one of the biggest fund of its kind in the world.  If we help them change their policies, this will have a substantial impact on the Israeli Occupation.

2. TIAA-CREF is near you. With 60 offices in the US and 15,000 client institutions in the academic, research, medical, cultural and nonprofit fields, chances are that wherever you may be in the US, you will find a network of TIAA-CREF participants close to you.

3. TIAA-CREF cares about socially responsible investment.  In 2009, TIAA-CREF divested from companies involved in Darfur. However, it continues to invest in companies that reap profits  from the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and violations of  Palestinian rights.  Until it divests,  TIAA-CREF violates its own ethical principles and is complicit in Israel’s breaches of international law and violations of human rights. Join us in giving TIAA-CREF the opportunity to live up to its motto: TIAA-CREF, Financial Services for the Greater Good.

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