Who We Are

This campaign was initiated by Jewish Voice for Peace – the largest US-based grassroots organization dedicated to promoting full equality, democracy, and self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians- and is endorsed by the Palestinian BDS National Campaign as well as over 30 other organizations worldwide.

The petition began with 280 signatures and is currently signed by over 21,000 people.

We are TIAA-CREF investors from universities, non-profits, public schools, hospitals, and the arts who do not want to  fund our retirements with the profits from Palestinian suffering and death.

We are university students who want to stand up against injustice.

We are local activists who want to educate our communities about the companies making money off the occupation.

We are  Israelis and Palestinians struggling for a just peace.

We are Jews, Muslims, Christians, and other people of conscience, who uphold our  deepest values and proudest traditions by standing in solidarity with Palestinians and Israelis who are engaged in nonviolent resistance to the occupation in the form of Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions.

We invite you to join us in this historic campaign.

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