Fractality in Time:
Defining Co-Incidence

If TIME (like mass), is only defined by Rotation of Charge

Then 'co-incident' coupling of inertia- in time.. perfected is precisely fractal.

Golden Ratio fractality optimizes the constructive rotational to linear inertia wave interference- which allows event histories to exchange charge...

Thus is co-incidence defined.. (Miracles and Synchronicity)

from Dan Winter

The New Fractal Unified Field Physics:
All Centripedal Forces and Self organization (gravity, color, perception, consciousness, bliss/enlightenment)
are caused by 'Golden' fractality
(in waves of rotating charge) in both space and time.

NEW Evidence how fractality in time- is proven: we extended our pioneering derivation of the orbital periods of HYDROGEN just from PLANK TIME CONSTANT times GOLDEN RATIO... now we have directly derived the ORBITAL PERIOD OF THE EARTH YEAR - AND THE VENUS YEAR- as whole number multiples of PLANK TIME times GOLDEN RATIO! - This means- that fractality in time- truly regulates our solar system- and more.

Further then we examine the detailed evidence (with Anton Parks and Gerry Zeitlin) - that Venus IS historically- the planet NIBURU - and its (now proven FRACTAL) orbit - IS the returning plasma body - of "Phoenix Rising" / Osiris / Enki / Sam!

Vincent said: Hi Dan, Venus cycles:
Venus orbits the Sun in 224.701 Earth days, which means that every 2.6 Venus years or 1.6 Earth years the two planets align, or meet, giving the synodic period of 583.92 earth days. - - Because of this relationship, 2.6 to 1.6, these alignments occur 215.6 degrees, roughly seven astrological signs, apart and over 7.997 years form a pentagon/gram within the ecliptic zodiac. Twice within each 243 year Venus transit cycle does one of these pentagonal patterns align with the Transit cycle. We are in one now, June 8th 2004 to June 6th 2012.

Acknowledgements to Vincent Bridges, to Geoff Stray, to Michael Heleus.. and more...

Related- added July 2011: my new equation also shows the same Planck (length vs time- in this case length) times Golden Ratio exponents ACCURATELY PREDICTS THE FREQUENCY/WAVELENGTH OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS!- Proving the photosynthetic basis of life is ALSO PHASE CONJUGATE/FRACTAL!

Phase Conjugation by Golden Ratio DOES Quantify and define the color spectra AND its bioactive peaks!

--first- a couple announcements: - 1. (Cardiff in Oct 3-4. last year- everyone came)

Newest Premiere - Film:spacer

Main Implosion Group FILM LIBRARY, or return to Main Index
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DVD's/Books - "World Tours!">Course Calendar - Films Online - HeartTuner/BlissTuner Latest Newest Compleat 400 Image Implosion Powerpoint! Dan Winter's BOOKS:1.Alphabet of the Heart, 2. EartHeart, 3.Implosions Grand Attractor, 4. Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy&Immortality , - Origin of Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Articles - new master Photo Galleries.
-Getting access to Dan Winter's great new film set: Order Directly the SPECIAL OFFER -Implosion Group -Dan Winter - 25 DVD Education Set 144 Euro+10 Ship- as described at
Secure Direct - PayPal / Visa /MC Purchase- secure order online (below) - or email visa/mc/paypal to danwinter

25 DVD Set Implosion Group

All New- Advanced Film Series- Sept 09: Over 8 hours of brand new flash video with Dan Winter:-recorded in HD, latest flash compression, 2gig of flash!- in 6 new segments:
link 1. Healing the Earth Grid with New Science of Fractality - 90min. - English & French
link 2. Projecting Your Plasma with Your Intention - 60min. - English & Italian
See discussion below: HOW 2012 May be the ATTRACTOR for your PLASMA FIELD- Attention Center!
link 3. How to Project Your Plasma - Applied - 90min. - English & Italian
link 4.Great Dragon! Ancient & Stellar History of DNA- revisited - 120min. - English & Italian
link 5. Stellar History of DNA - Continued - 80min. - English & Italian
link 6. Great Dragons and - The Gold Powder Story - 20min. - English & Italian

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Dan Winter's new equations:- climactic evidence of fractality in time..

---(confirms also - Bruce Cathie- how Grid Dimensions determine nuclear critical mass- should now be refined to include fractality in time..

Cathie did it with multiples of speed of light - but did not understand the role of Golden Ratio Fractality)

Hydrogen Frequency- Plank time x Golden Ratiospacer

Solar year = Plank time x Golden Ratio ^241.01 ( 1.35125 x 10^-43) x (1.618 ^ 241.01) = 31538925.97 Secs= 1 yr

Venus Year = Plank time x Golden Ratio ^240 ( 224.701 Earth days / Solar Year 365.242 = .6152 (~ Golden Ratio)
> See Venus Pent Retrograde Orbit below..

Venus = Niburu= Return of Phoenix (Osiris . Enki)- Below...

'Timestar' animation - spacer focus particularly on the embedding which allows you to zoom within (compress well).

spacer This image was inspired by the remarkable work of John Martineau, in "A Little Book of Coincidence". Five tiled spiral galactic (NGC300) planes form the background. The perigee and apogee relationship between Earth and Venus is described by a nested pentagram pair. The orbit of Venus is represented by the larger sphere (with the Sun in its center), and smaller sphere has the Earth at its center. The five inner spheres just fit inside the outer circle to touch the inner sphere. The radius ratio of outer circle to smaller circle is phi ** 4. Spheres are used to represent the circles for artistic effect, and the outermost five spheres are decorative only. More info: I think John Martineau's name will (some day, hopefully soon!) be heralded among Kepler, Galileo, Newton and Einstein for the astronomical discoveries he's made. Here's a link to John's book if you haven't seen it (HIGHLY recommended): (Created with POV-Ray created by BruceRawles spacer spacer

Seeing the fractal implosive self organizing elegance of the Venus orbit.. let us consider- Anton Parks - evidence that Venus is the returning plasma body - Phoenix rising- of Osiris / Sam / Enki..

not to mention - the solution to the Missing.. Neb Heru (Niburu)! (see bottom reprint here..)


--- next: 3 images from




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start: exerpt from Dan Winter- publishes his new mathematic 'golden' proof: June 14, 09
- How Golden Ratio (Phase Conjugate / Fractality) Causes Gravity -

(Credits- site index- see bottom here-- this is - where else would you expect to read the new proof THAT GOLDEN MEAN- causes gravity.. )

Accompanying film link below( )

What other explanation could there be?...>

(Dan's new mathematics reveals) - The THREE known GOLDEN RATIO radii of HYDROGEN - actually are a PERFECT MULTIPLE of GOLDEN RATIO times the PLANCK LENGTH (to within about 1/1000 accuracy).

There could be no other explanation than it is this GOLDEN RATIO - that holds these waves of charge together!
- Producing the electrical centripedal force - called GRAVITY!
The ULTIMATE form of global scaling:

(you might click -save -on this page - because the frequency recipes may be the most important and powerful that have ever been published on this planet- .This is proof- that only fractal fields- actually make gravity AND life- AND implementing this is the ONLY hope our civilization has of survival in the VERY near future.)

Gravity Exists Because.. the amount of rotational inertia at each wave node in the vortex must perfectly balance the amount of centripedal inertia toward center. The golden ratio as perfected translation of vorticitiy- allows this multiple branching of wave directions. Just as it allows the adding and multiplying of both wave lengths and wave velocities.

Successful wave interference- because of Golden Ratio- IS - successful CONSTRUCTIVE compression. Because the phase velocities interfere CONstructively (add & multiply by phi / branch perfectly): - that PRODUCES acceleration- which (simply ) IS GRAVITY!

Behind E8's symmetry map to the Unified Field- Golden Ratio is the secret glue- to centripedal force creation - GRAVITY MAKING.

Original Physics Equations from Dan Winter: June 14, 09 - as Published - all other physics journals will need to credit this as first source.

Dan Winter- is well known for being the first to announce Golden Ratio Fractality as the Electric Cause of Gravity- in his Budapest 2006 Paper, Presented & Published with the proceedings- International Unified Field Conference: .- a view now supported by the mathematics of El Naschie. Here are Winter's new-elegantly simple equations. He also has widely published his prediction: Atoms MAKE Gravity to the Extent that their nucleus is FRACTAL TO - SELF SIMILAR TO- EMBEDDED (by Golden Ratio) - in & to their electrons:

Acknowledgement for support from Salvatore Giandinoto PhD for help with the mathematics and for his help making the biological measurements! - Abstract and Links- to Sal's 2 important papers on Golden Ratio- in Shrodinger Wave Function, and Golden Ratio in Faster than Light Wormhole Propagation - below.

Note- added June 20, 09: NEW! FLASH Film for with THIS article entitled: "Gravity Explained!- From Little Black Holes to Big Black Holes" - with - great feedback from scientists from this article- all at:

Exerpt: Explaining Gravity: The HOLY GRAIL Of Science.. to play this letter WITH film in flash>>>

Another Preview- for - the upcoming Science and the Holy Grail- conference. with Dan Winter

Follow up & great feedback to the dramatic release: Implosion due to Charge Fractality is the ONLY Cause of Life, of Gravity,and ONLY Cause of ANY System to Emerge from Chaos! - The Proof ! < The CLIMAX of our Researc

Gravity Exists Because.. the amount of rotational inertia at each wave node in the vortex must perfectly balance the amount of centripedal inertia toward center. The golden ratio as perfected translation of vorticitiy- allows this multiple branching of wave directions. Just as it allows the adding and multiplying of both wave lengths and wave velocities.

Successful wave interference- because of Golden Ratio- IS - successful CONSTRUCTIVE compression. Because the phase velocities interfere CONstructively (add & multiply by phi / branch perfectly): - that PRODUCES acceleration- which (simply ) IS GRAVITY!

We had many requests and much encouragement to continue explaining the CAUSE OF GRAVITY- in this powerfully testable, practically useable, yet simply elegant- way.. SO- here is a little visual review... in FLASH (click to play FLASH FILM HERE - if you are seeing this in your email)

Cause of Gravity Explained.. the gentle intro - personal film from Dan - in flash..(Click below-to play the new FLASH FILM..

A week ago- we released:
New mathematic 'golden' proof: - How Golden Ratio (Phase Conjugate / Fractality) Causes Gravity
GOLDEN RATIO radii of HYDROGEN - actually are a PERFECT MULTIPLE of GOLDEN RATIO times the PLANCK LENGTH. There could be no other explanation than it is this GOLDEN RATIO - that holds these waves of charge together! (ultimate global scaling)
- Producing the electrical centripedal force - called GRAVITY!

Feedback has been MOST encouraging..- here is a sample:

From: Douglass White -from Observer Physics another - TM Physics PhD: <> Date: Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: Winter's new equation:PROOF-Golden Ratio Fractality-Causes Gravity!
Hello Dan, Thanks for sending this and other updates on your Golden Ratio Fractality research. This is an excellent update that pulls together a lot of your work and that of many colleagues around the world. It also has vital practical implications in many directions. This material confirms and elaborates on many key insights I have been pointing at in my Observer Physics articles. It is great to see more and more scientists from various disciplines -- physics, math, astronomy, chemistry, biology, and so on, all converging on this emerging paradigm that will help us to integrate the physical, mental, and spiritual worlds and create a new civilization that is in tune with how things really work in a holistic manner rather than simply pushing agendas that exploit in a highly biased manner.
.. Keep me posted on your work and that of all the other brilliant minds. Elegant theories achieve fulfillment when they reap elegant solutions and applications. As always, I love your great computer graphics. You are one of the great scions of the amazing Bucky
Regards to all, Douglass White

from Sal Giandinoto, PhD (Towards a Frand Unified Field Theory based on Phi Ratio & Quantum Gravity) .: Dan, This is really great work. This is truly an amazing triumph for Phi. Especially (Dan's) calculation of the Kanzius frequency of 13.56 MHz using the Planck time and the 171 power of Phi!!! It just doesn't get better than this!! Case closed for the validity of the Kanzius work. Your idea when put through the rigorous mathematical test holds water for the Kanzius results too!! What a gold mine! Thanks a million for the acknowledgement. Best, Sal.

INCORPORATION OF THE GOLDEN RATIO PHI INTO THE SCHRÖDINGER WAVE FUNCTION USING THE PHI RECURSIVE HETERODYNING SET , by Salvatore Giandinoto*, Ph.D. *Advanced Laser Quantum Dynamics Research Institute Abstract. The Golden Ratio Phi - is an extraordinary and ubiquitous irrational number having a value of 1.618033… Phi’s presence may be seen in both the biological and astronomical realms and recently in the quantum mechanical and physical realms. In the biological realm, the number Phi can be seen in both Phyllotaxis and DNA. In the astronomical realm, its presence is found in the spiral structures of galaxies. In physics, Phi can now be related to the g-factors of the electron, proton and neutron. This paper will show and prove that Phi is also intimately related to the quantum realm by virtue of its presence in the quantum mechanical wave function -(x, y, z, t). The basis for the compact incorporation of Phi into the wavefunction will be derived from solving the Schrödinger Wave Equation and the use of the Phi recursive heterodyning set of wavelengths ?n. Solutions to the Schrödinger Wave Equation based on these recursive wavelengths and ? will be derived in both Cartesian and Polar coordinates.
SUPERLUMINAL TRANSPORTATION OF HIGH ENERGY PARTICLES THROUGH WORMHOLES USING THE PHI-BASED SOLUTION TO THE SCHRÖDINGER WAVE EQUATION, THE THEOREM OF RESIDUES AND THE CAUCHY INTEGRAL FORMULA by Salvatore Giandinoto, Ph.D. - Abstract. This paper will demonstrate that the transportation of high energy subatomic particles through wormholes occurs at superluminal speeds through an ‘elastic’ wormhole entity which adjusts its diameter based upon the kinetic energy of the subatomic particle. Additionally, it is shown that the diameters of such wormholes are of sub-Planckian lengths for energetic subatomic particles. This is demonstrated by the use of the Phi-based solution to the Schrödinger wave equation, the theorem of residues and the Cauchy integral formula of complex analysis.

Alex Hankey- and Istvan Dienes- the 2 other PhD. international physicists famous with TM- involved: Alex Hankey- writes- yesterday 6:26 PM: Dan great to hear from you. I have a proposition for you. I have a scientific plan mapped out to demonstrate your (BlissTuner- Golden Ratio EEG biofeedback invention) device at all the best universities. I am getting Stern's proof of the golden ratio from his book out of Cambridge university library. - Dino (Istvan Dienes- co-sponsor of Budapest 08 - Unified Physics conferences) and I can both demonstrate Golden Ratio in front of an audience. With a bona fide equation, and a public demonstration- it will be a cinch - ... All my best to Valerie, Alex Hankey

Michael Heleus -writes.. 6/15/09, Re: Fw: Got it!!!! Hydrogen radii ratio to Planck length is equal to even power of golden mean- To: "Sal Gino", Cc: dan, " .... and you'll be delighted to note that if you put in .28, .46, and their sum, .74, successively, you get a series of phi powers, 116.98, 117.013, and 118.000+, so there is a both odd and even sequence of phi powers involved. Looks like anions are even, cations odd. Maybe that last will make a design difference when heeded? .. Michael

Mikal- moderator at Quest for a Theory of Everything wrote: 06-15-2009, 04:08, Re: Winter's new equation:PROOF-Golden Ratio Fractality-Causes Gravity!- Hi Dan...have just taken a peek here but fantastic stuff!! Congrats big time.
I actually began to follow the concept of The Electrical Universe about a year ago and find that I really resonate with all this
. .... I will return and have more than a peek
... Mikal
Another response at Quest for Theory of Everything:-----06-16-2009, Hi Dan, I was aware of Dan Winter's gravity concept last year through "Thunderbolts Forum". I believe that gravity is an isotropic effect of electrical centripetal force generated in the vortical motion of a rotating aetheric medium.
Have briefly went through your link and find that the fucntions with GOLDEN RATIO and its inverse factor are intriguing, will follow up on this thread as it develops

John Fanuzzi of wrote- Mon, 15 June- Absolutely Incredible - -Bravo PHIne Work, Jøhn

-end exerpt - that was the feedback and film link ... now back to the original article as published....

So - our international-research team- on the- Frequency Keys- to Hydrolysis & Hydrogen- just came up with HOW - the famous KANSIUS ('Can Water Fuel the World!) - got his frequency key to split hydrogen. He took the known sputtering frequency of Palladium (phase conjugate/ PGM!) - 13.56 Mhz. He found out that this radically reduced the power needed to split hydrogen from water. Even the noble Rustum Roy - quickly realized this was the end of Earth's energy crisis. (Check the films and links- water IS power- when you can directly ring out the hydrogen).

I decided to apply the mathematics I had originally discovered to produce the key frequencies I use to make phase conjugate dielectrics. With these frequency recipes- in Phase Conjugate dielectric- materials - I have been able to produce 50% growth increase- measured - in bioactive fields. ( The key is to know that the GOLDEN MEAN- and PLANCK TIME CONSTANT (and PLANK LENGTH) define the sacred- and the bioactive - and phase conjugation (and gravity)! I had multiplied the Plank time constant times PHI powers- to get my magic frequency for EVERYTHING. (Take a lesson - you folks who talk about 528 hz - Len Horowitz- and 8 hz etc. being sacred- we KNOW what sacred frequencies are!).

So I took my same original equation- and applied it to Kansius's Palladium / Hydrogen frequency - guess what - I got a perfect multiple of GOLDEN RATIO - to many places of accuracy:


So now I knew how to derive most any 'sacred' and bioactive - and hydrogen ringing frequency.

Note here: if you have commercial resources to participate- in our Hydrolysis & The FREQUENCY Solution- project- we have films of results (hydrogen overflowing)- we are ready for your serious partnership:

SO- I decided to go deeper. I had been so thrilled to find the work - of Heyrovska (below) - showing GOLDEN RATIO - accurately in the radii of hydrogen and many related ions. I devised a test. If I was right- that:

Gravity is an electric field coupled by Golden Ratio (perfect charge collapse) at (universal ) quantum distances:
(Perfect Charge Collapse- IS Golden Ratio Phase Conjugation - / Fractality)

Then - the exciting new listings of the Golden Ratio radii in hydrogen ( from Heyrovska- below)
- I hypothesized SHOULD be whole number multiples of GOLDEN RATIO - times the PLANK LENGTH...

I did the calculations (thanks Sal for your moral support).. and guess what-


Planck Length (1.616252 x 10^-35 meter) x Golden Ratio (1.618033989) ^ 116 power = .282537 Angstrom -The First Radii of Hydrogen (below)

Planck Length (1.616252 x 10^-35 meter) x Golden Ratio (1.618033989) ^ 117 power = .457154 Angstrom -The Second Radii of Hydrogen

Planck Length (1.616252 x 10^-35 meter) x Golden Ratio (1.618033989) ^ 118 power = .739691 Angstrom -The Third Radii of Hydrogen

Compare the calculation from Winter above - with Hydrogen experimental base below- (Heyrovska) .28 Angstrom, .46 Angstrom, .74 Angstrom. (1 Angstrom = 10 ^-10 meter)
(Equations above from WINTER) - This next section BELOW is exerpt fromDr. Rajalakshmi Heyrovska (Raji Heyrovska, Ph. D.)Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic.
"...the energy of atomic hydrogen is actually equivalent to the energy of the simplest atomic condenser with the Golden mean capacity"

Nassim has evidence protons are entangled making a black hole- into the nucleus. Dan's work (golden ratio times plank length= hydrogen radii) shows HOW their are entangled! - namely by the (Golden Ratio) Phase Conjugate FRACTALITY which CAUSES gravity.. and the black hole! Dan Winter's Phase Conjugate/Fractality Powerpoint ANIMATED

== End exerpt from

Begin Exerpt from

Why TIME must be FRACTAL to emerge from chaos, create synchronicity and support SELF AWARENESS

The essence:

Time in physics is simply a name for rate of ROTATION. Rotation rates HAVE to eventually self organize in to fractality - because only that ability to compress perfectly the (charge) inertia of rotation- allows energy systems to emerge from chaos into the efficient energy distribution that fractality allows!

ORIGIN OF SPIN: The inertia stored by electric charge in rotation - being the ONLY definition physics has for BOTH mass AND time.

Perfect and fractal compression (among rotating systems called mass and time) are the essential prerequisite for the perfect charge radiance called life, mind, and self organization.

This has dramatic implications: it means -that to create synchronicity - it is necessary to restore the fractality in time (example- the book SPIRAL CALENDAR below - showing key events in TIME will nest in a golden mean spiral in temporal perdiodicity).

It means that to create mind, and emerge from chaos - that the fractal and self-aware fabric of time must be maintained. This is a deep spiritual truth - sometimes called - the TEMPLAR agenda of the repair of the fabric of time.

Deep ancient wars were fought among the dracos about the timelines and time travel- (Montauk) - which have fractionated and bled the fractality in time. Repairing this is akin to surgery to fix a living body.(electric rotation=time-requiring the fractality which is bodymaking)

Essentially - it is self evident that only fractality MAKES living bodies (electrically) - in BOTH space and time.

Dan Winter - return to main index

"failure to embed (ground /get in phase synchrony .. etc.) - is the cause of depletion, because it is lack of fractality that causes wave coherence to bleed. Even as re-arranging events in historical time so that they embed better on a Golden Spiral temporally (book:"Spiral Calendar" /Carolan) - is what makes time itself inhabitable and stops 'Angels' (timelord / Solarian) from bleeding."

Here we resume the present- Sept 09 article:


Above- is an early attempt in the literature- to put Golden Spiral directly on a timeline ("Spiral Calendar" book by Carolan).

Indeed linking that then to the stock market did imply Golden Spiral as a mechanism of self-organization out of chaos in general, however clearly the author was not ready to generalize to physics pure principle.

Then below - we have Geoff Stray - who has been working diligently to put some mathematics to the Mayan Calendar story. And while I have not been able to pin the serious physics of Planck Length times Phi- to this series- it still represents an interesting and useful attempt to see the self organization in time (rotation) which results from Golden Ratio. Geoff points out for example - how one of the key dates in this sequence 18 July 1945, is very close to the first nuclear detonation. He also suggested the possibility that ancient records may link an ice age to the start of this calendar. The point being the need to further pin meaningful physics and event turning points of massive significance to this kind of sequencing. Still - the idea is in my view a useful exercise. Feel free to share with us your comments. Geoff is reachable at his web site- next link.

here a direct exerpt from Geoff


Dan's comments: Now> for the part all our friends studying the 2012 predictions - have been asking about: How does Fractal Field theory- diagnose the 2012 predictions:

Here is the way I would measure the predictions- as electric field theory. What I have learned from Phase Conjugate Dielectrics- is that simple field effect alignment when it is phase conjugating - or 'fractal' creates an plasma distribution VECTOR which pulls biologic plasma (your ATTENTION- Castenada's so called- Place of Power) in the direction of the fractal- quite literally.

I suggest here you view the part of the new film series being announced today - here (The one: PROJECTING YOUR PLASMA). We took a "Star Mother Kit" - which is a profound 3D Fractal nest- stellated dodec-icos- model of perfect PHASE CONJUGATION.


starmother animation here/ pic

Then we placed in it - 2 of our most perfect Phase Conjugate Dielectric GOLD COATED - Eggs.

Then we all sat in roughly a circle around - and did an exercise - in which as we meditated we PROJECTED THE CENTER OF OUR ATTENTION - WHICH WE NOW KNOW IS THE PHASE CONJUGATE CENTER OF OUR BIOLOGIC PLASMA- into the center of the Nest (Star Mother with phase conjugate eggs). The effect - as you can see in the video - is quite profound. Most everyone present felt such a strong sense of having their AURA PULLED into that center - to the point where if you closed your eyes - it felt as if you could begin TO SEE THE LIGHT INSIDE- as if your EYEBALL WAS THE CENTER OF THE MODEL. Several people - including myself - saw flashes of light and glowing presence form INSIDE our field of vision- in patterns like INSIDE THE MODEL.

This beautifully confirms our theory that PHASE CONJUGATION in fields- is the cause of perception ( , , ). We measure that using power spectra looking for Golden Ratio phase conjugation - in brainwaves for example- to measure for bliss / enlightenment. We noted how other neuroscientists - Steve Lehar - for example - have published articles- hypothesizing PHASE CONJUGATION as the mechanism of perception / vision.

We also point out that the majority of people can FEEL directly the phase conjugate field above a gold egg (tingling etc.). Now if we place our proprietary PHASE CONJUGATE DIELECTRIC resin crystals - inside the cup - like we did when we repeatedly created/ measured a roughly 50% increase in fermentation rate effect- THEN the feeling becomes almost painfully intense.

SO- what I conclude is that the biologic plasma of your aura- naturally travels IN THE DIRECTION of where fields are fractal and in phase conjugation (see WHERE your plasma bubble / ghost goes measureably at the moment of death: - and note that DREAMING TRACK's are specifically phase conjugate-pics: ). Not only does your bio- aura plasma - go where it is fractal - it is SUCKED there!!


Plasma (the stuff which when centripedal inside biology - is called "Mind?") is 99.99 percent of the universe:

(remember: focused human attention measureably compresses Electric Charge / plasma {Tiller}- also remind yourself- focused human attention - like phase conjugate dielectrics / 'Ark of the Covenant'- will measureably reduce radioactivity {Geller}... it restores FRACTALITY / phase conjugation).


This then gives us a whole new way to look at the PLASMA UNIVERSE!

Phase conjugate FIELDS- top down views of DNA for example:

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When biologic plasma storms line up in geometrically fractal or phase conjugating array - THEN - our individual and collective bio-plasma bubble (our ' is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.