Electricians: Partner with PowerWise

PowerWise : Products : Electricians

An Electrician Partnership with PowerWise has many benefits

Electricians have a unique and trusted voice for their customers, especially commercial customers. Leverage that trust to improve your customers' bottom line and your own with energy efficiency products and services: a true win-win, and a great opportunity to grow your income.

Benefits of Partnership:

  • Differentiate yourself in the marketplace by advocating for the eMonitor.
  • Establish or strengthen your reputation as an energy expert.
  • Have a natural reason to stay engaged with existing customers.
  • Receive fee training in the latest technology in energy monitoring/managing solution for both commercial & residential clients.
    • Receive training via webinars and become part of the PowerWise Installer network.
    • Become certified as an eMonitor installer.
  • Certified installers receive a PowerWise finder's fee for each eMonitor sale.
  • PowerWise will give you first right of refusal to be the installer (guaranteed to increase your business) when we sell eMonitor solutions in your area.

 Details on the PowerWise Electrician Partnership below!

Differentiate yourself in the marketplace

Promote the eMonitor and position yourself as the source of the latest technology and the most affordable solution for monitoring homes and small commercial establishments.

For homeowners, the eMonitor can provide long-lasting energy cost reductions and safety features, such as circuit overload alerts, electric stove alerts, and well pump alerts.

For commercial locations, with their higher electricity bills, the eMonitor can bring immediate savings and increased control. Realistic saving of 10% on electricity costs with the eMonitor can make the payback time less than a year. We have seen payback in under six months.

Establish or strengthen your reputation as an energy expert

When you provide products and information that reduce energy costs, you become the energy expert. Your customers may already see you that way; strengthen that view with the training and information you receive as a PowerWise Electrician Partner.

As the number of your installations grows, your experience with the eMonitor will be a valuable resource for your customers new and existing, as well as giving you expert standing in your community.

Have a natural reason to stay in touch with customers

Installing an eMonitor establishes a relationship with customers that will have you coming back for advice, modifications of wiring, and new work.

Check in with customers on how their energy usage is faring, and provide guidance and suggestions for reducing costs; this pro-active help to customers will shine your reputation and increase word-of-mouth referrals.

An eMonitor is an active social tool that creates a great relationship between you and your customers. Your expertise and knowledge will make you the go-to person for information and services you never expected.

Receive Free Training

Receive free training via highly informative and interactive webinars. Get all your questions answered, including followup questions after the webinar. Find out how to market the eMonitor to your customer base, get new customers, and close the sale when a customer is on the fence about energy monitoring.

Become a certified PowerWise Installer, and receive benefits with every eMonitor you install

Certified installers receive a finder's fee for every eMonitor they sell.

PowerWise will also recommend your as the certified installer when we sell eMonitors in your area.

Sign up for this exciting opportunity to become a PowerWise Electrician Partner.

Fill out the form below (or above right) and we will contact you promptly.

Let's sell eMonitors together!

I want to become a PowerWise Partner!

Fields with * are required. If you are self employed, put Self for Company.


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