Do You Have a Willingness To Learn New Things?

spacer Only you can answer the above question.  As soon as we do not like something-we turn off the learning mode.  Do you turn off the learning mode without even realizing it?   If you do-,then you will always have a hard time going to the next level in your life. If you want to change and [...] Get the full story here

Work On Training The Champion In You!

spacer Many people that I have met throughout my travels have a very low opinion of themselves.   They will cut themselves down or call themselves names. Growing up in life was not easy for many people that I have met.  I have met bitter and very negative people because they are constantly thinking about the wrong [...] Get the full story here

Do You Have A Willingness To Change?

spacer Willingness to Change Change is a dirty word to most people today.  However, without change, you will never increase in your life in any area. Any life change will affect you.  Nevertheless, it should add to your life and increase you. Let me ask you a question. “Have you ever been around people that do [...] Get the full story here