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Local Government & Land Use


The Cerrell Associates' Land Use & Planning team navigates tough political, community and public relations issues to turn blueprints into reality.


Insight. Influence. Integrity...Results. Successful government affairs and advocacy is about understanding decision makers and the underlying political climate that affects their decisions.

Cerrell Associates has the tools and the experience necessary to develop and implement winning public affairs strategies for our clients. Using a well-established network of contacts and an unmatched knowledge of governmental processes and procedures, we create effective programs that produce results.

Our local government practice area works regularly with elected officials and staff, heads of government agencies, opinion leaders and community groups throughout California. Year after year, our firm is consistently ranked among the most active lobbying presences in the City and County of Los Angeles.
We have helped clients seeking relief from existing and proposed regulations; have assisted our clients in navigating complex entitlement issues affecting large and small scale development projects; and have helped design winning proposals that make a difference in a heated competitive bid process.

Cerrell’s land use practice combines our long-standing relationships with an in-depth knowledge of planning issues and a deep understanding of the procedural issues facing development projects both large and small in our region.  Getting the green light to break ground in Southern California is one of the most difficult and time-consuming endeavors facing a developer. Even the most well-planned projects face opposition from neighborhood associations, elected officials, environmental organizations, organized labor and rival corporations. Having the right partner to lead an effective community and political outreach strategy is key to a project’s success.  The Cerrell team will guide you through the maze of regulation and approval processes, and turn your blueprints into a life-sized reality.

Cerrell Associates provides its clients with a wealth of resources not found elsewhere. Our company philosophy is built around a team approach that is individually tailored to meet each client’s specific needs. Drawing upon the substantial public policy and political experience individual team members possess, we assemble a talented group of in-house advocates, community relations experts and communications specialists.

In short, our strategic capabilities, a capacity to create winning programs for lobbying and development projects of any size, and a proven track record are the keys to our – and your – success.

Find out how Cerrell Associates can help you achieve your goals. 

For Local Government, contact John Howland, Vice President - (323) 466-3445 or

For Land Use, contact Alisa Karlan, Associate Vice President - (323) 466-3445 or

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