
Join NCNR in Non-Violent Civil Resistance at the NSA on Sunday Oct. 9,2011

If you are concerned and want to stop the shredding of the Bill of Rights, consider protesting the work of the National Security Agency, located at Fort Meade, Maryland. The National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance as part of october2011.org/ is organizing a protest at Fort Meade on Sunday, October 9 at noon. For details, contact Max at 410-366-1637 or mobuszewski at verizon.net


spacer Stop the Machine! Create a New World!

The time has come. We must stand together in nonviolent resistance to war, corporate greed, government corruption, violence and injustice. We must follow our brave brothers and sisters of the Arab Spring and developing European Summer into an Autumn of an American awakening. With our bodies united in resistance and our voices coalesced into one sustained cry for justice, we can and must Stop the Machine and Create a New World!


Broken Promises, Broken Laws, and Broken Lives Continue Indefinitely for the Men in Guantanamo

NCNR activists joined with Witness Against Torture www.witnesstorture.org to call for the end of torture and the closure of Guantanamo in the House Gallery on June 23, 2011. Fourteen activists were arrested.

spacer Liz McAlister Gives Speech at Oct. 5th Rally

Phil Berrigan would be 86 today. He disliked celebrations of his birthday. To give him a birthday gift meant using his birthday as the excuse
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