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    EMERGE Ministries, Inc. welcomes you to the Center for Pastoral Counseling e-Learning site: A program dedicated to “helping you help others”. The Core Curriculum of CPC has received positive feedback from both enrolled students and those who have completed the program.

    You can expect a quality education and a remarkable learning experience once you make CPC a part of your continuing education journey. For a reasonable price of $395 you can enroll into this exciting 12-lesson program. To enroll click on the Core Curriculum Module link below, this will direct you to PayPal where you can use your account or a major credit card to pay for the course. Once this is completed you can begin the course.

    What is the Center for Pastoral Counseling (CPC) e-Learning site?

    spacer The Center for Pastoral Counseling (CPC) is a dedicated pastoral counseling training organization created by Emerge Ministries to meet the needs of busy pastors, counselors, lay counselors, and home group leaders who want to learn effective counseling skills online. This site contains all of the resources to enroll, engage and learn the 21st century models and skills for biblically-based and clinically-sound counseling skills. The CPC online courses utilize all of the latest Web 2.0 learning tools: exciting streaming video lessons, engaging online exercises, and valuable resources to allow you to complete ALL of the course work on your time schedule.

    Who should take these CPC courses?

    This program is not just designed for pastors, but laypersons as well. The courses are designed for anyone who desires to learn sound counseling skills and sharpen existing skills to be relevant to our 21st century world, yet sensitive to the hurting needs of all age groups from children to seniors as well as singles and married couples.

    How are the courses organized and how much time is required for each course?

    The Core Curriculum Module has twelve lessons and each lesson will take about 1.5 - 2 hours each to complete for a total of about 18-24 hours. Optional reading materials are given that will allow for a more in depth learning experience. The Core Curriculum Module includes the following lessons:

    Lesson 1- Introduction to Pastoral Counseling

    Lesson 2- Integrating a Christian Biblical Worldview and Mental Health

    Lesson 3- Scriptural Qualifications for Pastoral Counselors

    Lesson 4- Boundaries

    Lesson 5- Self Care

    Lesson 6- Basic Counseling Skills, Part 1

    Lesson 7- Basic Counseling Skills, Part 2

    Lesson 8- Biblically Based Counseling

    Lesson 9- Seeing Ourselves As God Sees Us: Biblical Self-Esteem

    Lesson 10- Through a Glass Darkly: Cultivating Healthy Images of God

    Lesson 11- Navigating Counselor Pitfalls

    Lesson 12- Transformational Counseling

    What can I do with this training?

    Once you complete all 12 lessons, you will be awarded a certificate of completion. This program does not provide a license to counsel, so please be aware of your state laws when working with those you serve. You will be given tools to improve your skills in your unique lay counseling ministry.

    Can I start a course at any time?

    Yes! You can begin and end at any time. You set your specific learning hours and how much time you spend on each topic. Listen to the lectures as many times as you like. Review the videos as often as you like. You are in charge of your learning! The administrator will be available to you to support you through your learning experience.

    What are the technical requirements?

    Any computer (PC or MAC) connected to the Internet at any connections speed from 56KB dial-up to wireless, satellite, or high speed DSL or Cable Modem will work. A high speed Internet connection (>250kBs), however, is highly recommended to minimize time delays. The course lectures are delivered in two exciting formats: (1) Online streaming flash videos, and (2) mobile-sized videos that can be viewed on iPhones, iPods or other mobile players.

    What are the course costs?

    The Core Curriculum Module: $395 (less any promotional discounts).

    Discounts are available for groups of four or more. We also provide a payment plan for $99/month for 4 months. For more information, or to sign up for these options contact the Education Department at 1-800-621-5207 or

    How do I get started?


    1. Create a user account by clicking on: Creating a New Account. You will be sent a confirmation email (Please look for it in your spam folder if it does not come to your regular account).

    2. Confirm your account through the email.

    3. Click on the Core Curriculum Module to be directed to PayPal.

    4. If you have a PayPal account you can pay from that account and will be automatically enrolled in the Module. If you do not have a PayPal account you will be prompted to create one. If you want more information about PayPal and creating an account you can go to

    5. Once you pay for the course you do not need an enrollment code because you will automatically be enrolled and able to access the Module.

    6. E-mail any questions to the site administrator at:

  • spacer CPC Demo Video Resource

Course categories

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 Learning Moodle Coursespacer spacer spacer
 Instructional Design with Moodlespacer spacer spacer
 Exploring Moodle Modulesspacer spacer spacer
spacer Pastoral Counseling Modules 
 Core Curriculum Modulespacer spacer spacer
spacer Specific Counseling Modules-Not available at this time 

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