432 / at frame

spacer _

last friday i played a spur of the moment event called FRAME at a vacant storefront in a building on east burnside in portland.

This set was centered around lapharp and non-computer-based signal processing which was fed into a 25 foot long tape loop strung from floor to celling in the event space. In addition to the tape being a recording and looping medium, it was also part of a feedback and delay system which was controlled from the mixer.

i recorded the performance and have posted it to bandcamp for download.ย the track is posted free of charge but i have listed it as a pay-what-you-want download if you’d like to donate a little money to go towards replacing my field recorder which was taken from my car last week.

thanks so much.

more information here: marcus-fischer.bandcamp.com






TAGS: at frame, bandcamp, drones, lapharp, live recording, tape loop
  • April 8th, 2012
  • audio, music, photos, visual, year 4
  • 1 comment
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